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I wake up in a bed. The room is clean and light blue. I look in front of me and Mason is standing at the foot of the bed looking at me with hatred.

"Sin?" I ask. Why does he look so disgusted with me.

"Don't call me that. My name is Mason." He says emotionless. Not his usual soft voice he has with me.

"What happened? Did I mess something up?" I ask worried.

"No. I'm leaving." He says before moving to a suitcase and zipping it up. I quickly jump out of the bed.

"What! You mean you going to Jackson's preserve right?" I ask scared.

"No. I'm leaving you. I don't want to be near you anymore." He says walking out the door. I quickly follow him out.

"What? Y- you don't want me anymore?" I say refusing to let the tears fall from my eyes.

"No. Stop following me. Tell Drake he knows where I am if he wonders where I went." He says opening the door to the house we are in.

"Mason! Please, don't leave." I yell starting to cry. He turns around glaring a hard glare.

"Shut up. I don't want to see you anymore. Your to ugly and to fat for me. Who wants a girl with stretch marks down her thighs. You also have to much baggage. I'm tired of dealing with your crying ass." He practically spits.

"B- but I don't cry." I say. By now I probably look like a hot mess.

"Get out of my face. I don't want to ever see you again." He says getting close to my face. I watch as he walks up to the plane. I sink to my knees and start crying.

"Mason..." I say before everything goes dark.

"Karter! Baby wake up!" I hear a voice before I shoot up aware of my surroundings. I'm still in my car and Mason is still here. He's standing with my door open looking worried. I jump up and hug him.

"Mason!" I say squeezing him into a tight hug.

"Karter? What happened? What's wrong?" He ask looking into my eyes.

"Y- you left. You told me I was.. I was not good enough for you." I say sniffing.

"Baby you know that isn't true. I love you so much. It's the other way around. I'm not good enough for you. Your a goddess." He says burying his face into my neck.

"You said you never wanted to see me again." I tell Mason. "You hated me. You told me I cry to much. Y- you said I was fat." I say finally letting tears falls.

"Shh. I can't live a day without you. Even though I just met you, I already love you more than life. Crying is good for you. I love that you come to me to cry and you aren't fat. Your gorgeous. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen." He says reassuring me.

"I was scared." I say sniffing.

"It's ok baby. I love you. I'd never be able to even think about any of that." He tells me kissing my neck. Suddenly a cold nose bumps my leg. "He was worried about you too so I let him out." Mason says. I giggle reaching down to pet Glacier. "Baby you just giggled again." Mason says looking down at me. The way he looks at me I know he could never mean the things he said in my dream.

"I did?" I ask scrunching my nose. Mason chuckles.

"Yes and it was very cute. Now everyone in the car so we can go we only have thirty more minutes." Mason says picking me up and opening the back door for Glacier. "Ok get in." He says gesturing to the car. I get in buckling in. "You okay baby?" Mason asks holding his hand out to hold mine. I place my hand in his intertwining our fingers.

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