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After dinner me and Mason head out back to talk about the game plan. We sit down on a bench that's inside the yard. The creatures that can harm us can't get into the yard.

"So your dad and Aria's dad is coming?" Mason asks.

"Yeah. I bet we could get Jackson to come but that would leave the preserve untended to." I say.

"Not necessarily." Mason says.

"What?" I raise a brow.

"Well. I can get anyone to watch it and they can't do anything to it. Like a charm. Also I can get another friend of mine to do it." He says scratching the back of his neck.

"A charm? But you don't have charm. Only certain high power creatures do." I say confused.

"Yeah um I am high power..." He says nervously.

"What? H- how. Mason what are you saying?" I ask kind of hurt. Why didn't he tell me this before.

"I'm kind of Masinik Blackwell." He says looking away. My jaw drops.

"L- like the royal Blackwell?" I ask to make sure. Mason nods. Why didn't he tell me this.

The Blackwells are the ruler of all the magical, mythical whatever creatures. They rule over all the preserves. They make sure everything is in check and the magical world is in balance. They basically control everything including the outside world, with out the regular humans knowing of course.

"Baby please say something." Mason pleads. "I didn't think you'd look at me the same if I told you from the start. I wanted you to love me as me not the prince. I knew that when I first saw you. I was going to tell you. I just.. couldn't." I can hear all the words he's saying but they are not as loud as the ones in my head. 'Masinik Blackwell'. I mean how did I not see it. No ones ever even seen the prince so I couldn't have recognized him, but his name I should have got. What is wrong with me. "Baby. Please." He pleads again.

"I- I don't know what to say. Mason this is big." I say turning to him.

"I know. I'm sorry. Please don't hate me." He says now kneeling in front of me with the saddest expression I've ever seen.

"Mason I cant ever hate you. It's just a lot to take in. Does Drake know?" I ask. He nods. "Mason why didn't you just tell me from the beginning? It wouldn't of changed anything." I say cupping his face.

"I didn't want you to fall for my power. I wanted you to fall for me. I already fell for you the second I laid eyes on you. I was scared you would never truly love me." He says. I almost cry when a single tear falls down Mason's face.

"I could never do that. I would still love you as much as I love you now." I tell him. He looks up at me. His eyes staring into mine.

"I love you so much Karter." He says leaning forward, because even on his knees he's almost taller than me sitting, and kisses my lips. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. He swipes his tongue over my lips asking for entrance. I part my lips and his tongue shoots in my mouth tasting every inch. We pull apart and rest our foreheads together.

"I love you too Mason." I say. He smiles pulling me off the bench.

"Can we keep this from your parents. I don't know how they'd take it." He asks.

"Yes. But promise me no secrets." I say putting my pinkie finger out. He chuckles before wrapping his finger around mine.

"Promise. No secrets. Unless of course I'm buying you a ring. I can't have you knowing about that." He says making me blush. He smiles before pecking my lips. "No secrets."

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