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Aria's POV

It's been ten hours and I'm in the back. Karter's asleep in the passenger seat and Drake driving. Sage is laying across my lap sleeping. She has gotten the size of a hawk now. She will get as big as a large eagle maybe bigger when she's grown. She will also renew her self every two years. That will also happen when she gets killed. Renewing for a Phoenix is where they turn to ashes than form a new bird stronger than before. It's still the same bird, just... brighter?

"Hey dummy." Drake teases looking back at me through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah." I look up at him smiling. You might think it's mean or whatever but that's how our relationship is. The best friend relationship. Mason and Karter have that... strong love, power couple, mushy kind of love. Even though Karter hates affection.

"I'm stopping here for food that ok?" He asks pointing at a Wendy's.

"That's fine." I answer. I pet Sages feathers trying to wake her up. When she doesn't I decide on just letting her sleep. I move her to the seat next to me making sure she's comfortable.

Drake pulls into the Wendy's parking lot picking the spot closest to the door. After he parks I jump out almost forgetting that Karter is sleeping. I open the passenger door. Although she looks sad. Her eyebrows scrunched eyes squeezed and mouth frowned. I also notice her making little noises.

"Karter." I shake her trying to wake her from her dream. "Karter wake up." I say squeezing her arm. She pulls her arm close to her curling into herself. "Drake! She's having a nightmare. I don't know what to do." I panic. He rushes to me.

"Does she have them often?" He asks.

"She's a quiet sleeper so I don't know." I answer.

"Well try waking her up but don't do it so she's shocked." He explains. I give a confused face. He rolls his eyes pushing me aside slightly. He holds her hand closing his eyes. I try to figure out what's happening as her face eases into a smile.

"Uh what just happened?" I ask a little confused.

"Um a trick I learned from someone?" He says more of a question. I shake my head before really waking up Karter.

"Karter get up or else your not getting food for the rest of the trip!" I yell causing her to jump.

"I was sleeping!" She says pouting. "Now I'm going to be mean and you will have to deal with it." She says glaring.

"I can deal with that." I say smirking. She raises an eyebrow. "Ugh just get of the car." I say rolling my eyes. She refuses, glaring harder. "I'll give this back so you can call Mason." I sing waving her phone. I took it away from her because she kept taking stupid pictures of me and kept playing a game that made annoying sounds so I had to confiscate it. Usually she's the adult in this friendship but sometimes... not so much.

"Fine. But you have to give me my phone back. Not just to call Mason." She demands. I shrug handing her, her phone. She thanks me before heading off to the front entrance.
Chris's POV (Karter's dad)

"Jack look." I point to Mason's truck. "Pull here they must be stopping for a rest." I say. Liam is asleep in the back.

"Yeah it was probably Jackson who mentioned it." Jack mumbles pulling in next to Mason. I notice a blue head in the back seat and recognize it as Glacier.

"Dad?" I hear Jackson's voice from behind us. We whip around seeing the boys.

"Hey boys." Jack greets. "You can let Glacier out you know." He suggests.

"We tried. He's missing Karter to much it's affecting him hard." Mason explains. He opens the back door allowing Glacier to leave if he wanted. Instead he just lays there yawning.

"Maybe you should try calling Karter, let him hear her voice." I suggest.

"According to Aria she's asleep." Mason says looking a little upset.

"She answered me when I called, but that was three hours ago." I say shrugging. I narrow my eyes at him. "How long have you been trying to call her?" I ask eyeing him.

"Eh since Glacier started crying." He says pressing his lips together.

"Mmhmm." I hum. I turn away looking back at the other two. "So me and Jack are just taking a rest break. You two keep going, try to be there before My daughter please." I say adding a demanding tone to my voice.

"Yes sir." They both say hopping back in Mason's truck.
Mason's POV

Just as Drake and I get back on the road Karter calls. I immediately answer.

"Hey baby girl." I say into the phone. Jackson smiled from his seat.

"Hi Sin!" I hear her sexy voice answer me back. "How far away are you guys? We are... about ten hours away." She says chewing. Must of just gotten food.

"About the same. Hey I'm going to put you on speaker so Glacier can hear you." I say pressing the speaker button.

"Ok." As soon as Karter says that Glacier perks up staring at the phone. Glacier makes a weird whining noise. "Hi Glacier! How is my boy." She says causing me to chuckle and Glacier to snort.

"He's been crying since you left him." Jackson says laughing.

"I didn't leave him." She says making a 'hmph' sound.

"Tell him that." Jackson says.

"Glacier I didn't leave you. I'll see you soon." She says. Glacier opens his mouth before closing it again making another whining noise. "It's ok buddy. Maybe if you sleep it will go by faster." She says. Glacier nods as if she can see him.

"He nodded." I say.

"Ok. Well bye Glacier!" She yells before I pull her off speaker.

"Where are you right now baby?" I ask her.

"We are somewhere in Alabama." She says adding that weird accent everyone does when they say Alabama. "I can't believe I said that with an accent." She laughs at herself.

"Mmm still not better than Spanish." I say thinking back to when I taught her some Spanish.

"Tal vez es hora de aprender." She says causing me to internally grown. (Maybe It's time to learn.)

"I'll be your teacher." I say laughing at myself being a teacher. I'd never make it. Unless of course I was just teaching Karter. But if I was just teaching Karter it would turn into more than just learning Spanish.

"Maybe." She says. "Um I had another dream about you leaving and you said something again." She says making me wince at her having another nightmare about me.

"What did I say baby?" I ask her nervous for the answer.

"You said you already have a real queen, but you couldn't of because that would mean that you have someone else. You don't, right?" She asks uncertainty in her voice. I take a deep breath thinking about how could she know about an arranged marriage that my parents set up when I was a baby. Of course they are against now but if it was a few years earlier it would have been a problem.

"I don't baby, I promise." It's technically true. I don't have to marry her I am higher than her father so I'm not lying to Karter.

"Ok but I trust you on this. This is not a thing you need to be lying about." She says. I hear the 'adult' tone in her voice.

"Yes I know baby." I answer. I'll tell her when this is over. She doesn't need to be stressing about this.

"Ok see you in ten hours." She says. I can practically hear her pout.

"Yes. I'll probably be there before you guys but if I'm not don't go away from Drake." I say with a pointed tone.

"Ok! Bye sin love you." She says making me melt at her soft voice telling me she loves me.

"I love you too baby." I answer her. "Bye baby." I say finally hanging up with her.

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