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When I wake up it's six and the sun is going down. Mason is concentrating on the road.

"Mason." I yawn. He turns to me.

"Hi baby. I was thinking that around eight or nine we could stop at a hotel?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah." I look back at Glacier. He's also sleeping. "Can I drive until we stop?" I ask.

"Sure. Let me stop at this next exit." He pulls over at the next exit and stops at a gas station. We switch. "I'm going to sleep if you need anything wake me ok baby." Mason says kissing my hand before leaning his head back and immediately falling asleep. I giggle and begin driving.

A few hours later I pull into a hotel parking lot and call Aria. "Hello?" She answers.

"Hey we stopped at a hotel. We will drive the other five hours in the morning." I tell her.

"Ok we will probably do the same. Love you see ya tomorrow. I'll send you the address again tomorrow so you have it." She says.

"Thanks love ya." I hang up and turn to Mason. "Mason." I shake him. He doesn't move. "Mason get up." I say louder. Again doesn't move. I swear this boy is the worst to wake up. "Mason wake up or I'm leaving you in the car." I yell. He smirks. I roll my eyes. "You're lucky I love you." I say before getting out and grabbing the suitcase for Glacier. Glacier hops in and I roll the suitcase into the lobby. Mason comes in with our suitcases. He immediately glares at the man at the desk.

"Hi how can I help you?" The man asks.

"Just a room with a queen bed please." I answer. Mason slides over his card.

"Thank you.." The man says taking the card and swiping. "Ok here's your room card and your card back. Have a great stay." He says nicely. All while Mason glares at the poor man. I smile pulling Mason with me to the elevator.

"Stop being so mean." I say pushing floor four.

"I was not being mean." He says squinting his eyes.

"Mmhmm." We get off the elevator and head to our room. I open my suitcase and let glacier out. He immediately plops on the ground and falls asleep. I laugh at him. "Guess he was tired." I turn around and mason is looking around a sliding door which leads to another room. A bedroom.

"Looks good." He says. "Come on we can watch some tv before we go to sleep." He says pulling me into the room and shutting the door. I follow him. I look around and notice a door. I open it and gasp.

"Mason look we got our own bathroom." He walks behind me.

"Maybe we can both use it to shower tomorrow, together." He whispers causing me to blush a deep red. I than smirk.

"Maybe if your good." I smile. Turning around and kissing his cheek. His eyes widen looking down at me.

"Really?" He asks excitedly. I smile.

"Mm maybe." I answer smirking. He smiles before leaning down and capturing his lips in mine. He cups the side of my face and tilts his head to deepen the kiss. His other hand travels down my back to my butt. He squeezes causing me to gasp. He takes that opportunity to slip his tongue into my mouth. I run my hand through his hair causing him to groan.

Eventually we pull away. "I could never get tired of kissing you." Mason says kissing my forehead before really pulling away. "Also I saw your glasses in your room." He says raising a brow.

"Yeah?" I ask slightly confused.

"Can I see them on you?" He asks smirking.

"Sure. I only wear them when I'm reading though." I grab them out of my bag and slide them on. "What do ya think?" I ask looking at myself in the mirror in the bathroom.

"Beautiful, sexy, gorgeous, mostly sexy and absolutely adorable." He says wrapping his arms around me from behind. I laugh.

"Sure." I say patting his hand. Suddenly he lifts me up making me giggle as I'm lifted a foot off the ground. He buries his head in my neck.

"What did you say?" He asks his breath tickling my neck. I laugh pulling my legs up.

"Mason put me down." I laugh.

"Not until you say how beautiful you look." He says against my skin.

"Mason!" I laugh as he nibbles on a ticklish spot on my neck.

"Is my baby ticklish?" Mason asks finally sitting me down. But he doesn't let go. Instead he pushes me to the bed than picks me up throwing me on it. He jumps on top of me than starts tickling me everywhere he can reach.

I'm laughing so hard I don't realize his hands slowly made their way up my thighs. My laughing stops when his hands stop just before my underwear. He looks up at me. My breathing becomes labored as I look into his blue eyes. He slides his hand up but doesn't stop at my waistband. Instead they continue until they stop at my face. He cups my cheeks before smashing his lips onto mine. His tongue immediately invades my mouth. After a few minutes he pulls away resting his forehead on mine.

"I love you baby." Mason says pecking my lips once more before pulling away and getting off. He pulls me up off the bed. "Come on you have to change for bed." He says pushing me to my suitcase. "Go on." He says. "I'll change in the bathroom." He says grabbing his clothes and heading to the bathroom. He closes the door. I grab my pjs and quickly throw them on. My pjs are leggings and a loose grey shirt. Mason comes back out holding my glasses.

"Did I leave those?" I ask. I didn't know I took the off.

"I took them off when you were laughing. Which was sexy by the way." He says winking. I blush before jumping on the bed sighing.

"It's so comfy and I'm so tired." I say tired.

"You just slept pretty much the whole day." Mason says chuckling.

"Yeah but that was car sleep. It doesn't count." I say curling up in a ball closing my eyes. The lights turn off and mason climbs in behind me but leans against the headboard.

"Come here baby." Mason says pulling me onto his lap still curled up. He rubs my back turning on the tv. He kisses my head. "Go to sleep baby. I'll turn the volume down." Mason says pulling me tight into him.

"Good night Sin. Love you." I say drifting off to sleep.

"Goodnight baby. Love you too." I hear mason say before darkness over takes me.

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