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Mason's POV

I sat in a chair in the bedroom Karter and I shared. I had one arm resting on the arm rest and the other holding my head up as I studied Karter. She and Matthew have been asleep for almost two days. We haven't left the island yet. We figured we should explain some things to Matthew when he woke up first. And make sure Karter was ok.

Karter groaned in her sleep. Sweat dripped down her forehead. She was having a nightmare. She has been having them since she left the dark guild cellar.

I got up from my chair to stand next to the bed. I placed my hand on her cheek and caressed her cheekbone lightly. I sent peaceful energy through me to her. It was a gift the royal family luckily had.

Karter sighed happily in her sleep. I hope she wakes up soon. We've given both Matthew and Karter medicine but none have woke them up. Chris had hooked them up to food IVs so they are still getting nutrients.

"Mason?" Aria asked as she came into the room.

"Yeah?" I turned around to look at her.

"Matthew woke up. And Drake said you need to get something to eat." She said.

"I'm not hungry." I shook my head. I sat down on the bed next to Karter.

"You haven't eaten since we got Karter back! Even Karter wouldn't go this long without food!" Aria pointed her finger at me. "And I know you are in pain. You fought a lot of guards on your own and it shows. You have scratches all over your body." She gestured to the scrapes on my arms.

"I'll eat when I want. And I'm not hurt severely." I lied. I was hit hard in the ribs and I'm pretty sure I at least bruised a few.

"I don't believe you." A raspy voice said from beside me. Both Aria and I looked to see Karter with her eyes open. She was smiling slightly.

"You're awake!" Aria shouted happily. Karter groaned and covered her ears. "Sorry. I'll go tell the others." She happily left the room. I turned back to Karter after the door clicked closed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked her. I helped her sit up.

"Like I've been in a basement hanging from the ceiling." She giggled.

"That isn't funny." I shook my head.

"Can I have some water?" She asked. I nodded and grabbed a bottle from the side table. Drake has been bringing them in case I wanted to drink them.

"Here, baby." I handed her the bottle. She thanked me and slowly started drinking it. When she was done, she handed it back to me. She put her hands back into her lap and stared at them. She seemed weary.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I caressed her cheek gently. She leaned into my touch, content.

"I'm just thinking." She sighed and grabbed my hand to play with the rings. "I'm glad you got there when you did. I was afraid I would be stuck there forever. I couldn't even contact Glacier. Every time I tried a shock went through my chains." She sniffled.

"It's over now." I reassured her. "And now Matthew is here." I lifted her head up to look at me. She looked at me with a blank face. She showed no emotion and it scared me. "Fuck Babygirl, I'm sorry." I pulled her head to my chest. As soon as she buried her face in my shirt she started to cry.

"I- I was so scared." She sobbed. Her hands clenched my shirt as she let her tears fall.

"I know, I know." I rubbed her back trying to calm her down.

She finally lifted her head to look at me. "C- can I have a kiss?" She pouted. I chuckled but pulled her in. My lips captured hers as she sighed in content. I messaged her bottom lip between my teeth telling her that it's ok and I'm here.

When we pulled away, she wasn't crying anymore. She was blushing brightly.

"I love you." I told her. I pushed her hair out of her face.

"I love you too." She smiled.

"Karter!" A voice shouted from the doorway. Jackson was standing there with everyone but Matthew. He was hopefully still resting.

"Hi." Karter greeted them.

"Thank gods you're awake." Chris said. He walked next to her and hugged her. "How are you feeling?" He asked. He put his hand on her forehead.

"Better." Karter nodded.

"Let's not tell your mother about this." He said. Karter nodded laughing.

"Yeah I'm not sure she would enjoy this story much." She smiled. She suddenly sat up straight. "Where is Arabella?" Karter asked.

"Who?" Aria asked. We all wondered who she meant.

"The baby?" Jack stood forward with a small bundle in his arms. It was wrapped in a sweatshirt.

"Yeah." Karter reached her arms out for the baby. Jack brought the baby over to us and set her carefully into Karter's arms.

"Who is she?" Drake asked. Karter sighed and caressed the baby's little hands.

"She's Killian's." She hugged the baby close.

"How? He doesn't have a wife? Or anyone for that matter." Chris pushed his hair back.

"Kristina. She was there. She has been there." A tear slid down Karter's cheek. I quickly wiped it away.

"S- she..." Chris fell down into the chair I was sitting in earlier. "She left us for... my brother." He leaned over and put his head in his hands.

"Yeah. So this is my sister, and cousin?" Karter shrugged.

"Wait... who's Kristina?" Jackson asked confused.

"Son." Jack shook his head. Jackson looked at me confused. I only shrugged.

"She's our birth mother." A new voice said. We all looked to the doorway. Matthew stood there leaning against the wall.

We all sat in silence after Matthew told us about Kristina. He told us the whole story about how she left them because there wasn't enough love for her and her kids to share.

"Wait so Mari isn't your actual mother?" Jackson asked surprised. Apparently he was left in the dark too.

"No. Kristina left after Karter turned two and I was six. Our dad met Mari two years later. She is more of a mother than Kristina could ever be." Matthew grunted as he held his side.

"You need to sit down." Jackson said. He helped him to the chair Chris was in. Chris got up and helped Matthew sit.

"Now that I'm awake, tell me which one of you is Mason."

Matthew Halston 22

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Matthew Halston

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