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After me and Karter make it back we stop to take in the scene. Adam is laying on the beach watching Allia play with some animal. Aria is sitting in a chair on our bungalow deck. Drake is talking with Kai and Ally is in a tree.

"Why is Ally in a tree?" Karter asks Aria. Aria shrugs.

"She's running from Allia. She keeps chasing her with that crab." I look back at Allia and sure enough she has a blue crab and trying to get it up to Ally who is screaming. Kai looks back and his shoulders slump before walking over and telling Allia to stop. Allia huffs but walks away and putting the crab back. She sits down next to Adam.

"What are we having for dinner?" Karter asks. Aria thinks for a moment.

"I don't know. We should ask the other group. They probably have food plans." Karter nods and walks over to Ally. Damn her ass looks good in those leggings. Aria laughs. "Stop checking out my best friend and go change." I turn towards her glaring before heading inside to change.

I grab my swim shorts, because we are on a beach so why not. I put on a white tank top than head down stairs. As soon as I'm outside I feel a certain person's presence behind me.

"Karter? What are you doing?" I hear a huff before she jumps on my back.

"How'd you know it was me?" She asks wrapping her legs around my waist tighter and her arms around my neck.

"Your breathing." She sighs.

"Maybe next time I should just not breathe." I chuckle shaking my head.

"You have to breathe. Your also not very quiet." She huffs resting her chin on my head.

"Ok well I'm on your back so walk." I chuckle before carrying her to everyone else. I set Karter down before sitting in a beach chair and pulling her to lay between my legs since they are reclining. Everyone is making brats and hot dogs. I have no idea where they came from. Either they had them or the store had them.

Karter takes one and shoves it in her mouth without even cutting it. Not that we have any plates to cut it on.

"So what's the plan now?" Ally asks across from us. Karter shrugs.

"I was hoping to take down these bungalow and make a caretaker house. But it will have to wait seeing as we have to go find my uncle and ex." Allia perks up.

"We could stay and watch over it!" She gestures to all of her friends. They all look at her funny.

"Allia we have to go home." Allia shakes her head.

"No we don't. We are eighteen now. We can do whatever we want. And if that involves watching over a construction than I'm fine with that. As long as I get to stay here every once in a while?" She turns towards Karter. Karter thinks about it for a moment.

"Ok but I need to get the designs first." Aria shakes her head.

"I'll get my mom to do it." Karter claps her hand practically jumping. I grab her hips to stop her. She looks at me curiously. I give her a look and she blushed turning back around. She lays back down.

"Yeah Aria get your mom to do it. She is good with that stuff." Karter says trying to get comfortable. I think she is doing it on purpose though because she is biting her lip trying not to laugh. Everyone starts talking about what is going to happen when we split up. I sit the chair up a bit so we are sitting up but still back a little. I pull Karter's back so it is against my chest and whisper in her ear.

"Keep doing that and I'll throw you over my shoulder, carry you into that bungalow, and make sure you won't be able to walk for the next mission." She shivers and I smile in satisfaction. She stopped moving after that.

"When do you guys want to leave?" Drake asks. Drake is sitting next to Aria on a bench. He has his arm around her shoulders. They are actually a good couple. If you asked Karter though I'm sure she would tell you they are super cute.

"We should just lay low for a bit and wait for the construction to start. That we can leave. I just need to make sure everything is fine before I leave." Aria agrees.

"Yeah I have to somehow get a message to my mom." Ally sits up.

"Can't we just message her. Does she know Morse code?" Aria nods.

"Yeah. Hey I have a better idea. Why don't we just get a plane and I can head back to tell her, you guys can stay here than I'll come back with a crew." Everyone seems to agree.

"Ok I'll go to the airport and send a message to the nearest airport." We nod. She leaves and the rest of us wait in silence for her to come back. Across from Karter and I is Adam and Allia. They are pretty much in the same position as Karter and I are but Allia is turned to the side. After a while Aria comes back.

"They were cutting out but they got the message. They said they will be here in a few days." She yawns. "I'm heading back." Drake stands up.

"Me too." They head back to the bungalow. Karter smirks watching the two disappear.

"They know it only like seven?" Karter says. I chuckle.

"Anyone want to swim?" Everyone looks at each other.

"I don't mind. I have to change though." Ally days getting up.

"Yeah me too." Karter says getting up. Everyone gets up agreeing to get changed and coming back. Me and Karter start walking to the bungalow.

"I'd expect you to be done with the water." Karter shrugs.

"I have to get used to it if I want to be caretaker of Atlantis. Also I want to enjoy this time to have fun while I still can." She looks down sad.

"Hey.." I stop and lift her chin up. "After this is over the house should be up and we can have fun decorating." She grins big.

"Yes! I love decorating and organizing." I scrunch my nose.

"You like organizing?" She nods.

"Yeah. Especially when you listen to music. You can organize things in alphabetical order, color coded, by brand, by style-" she keeps rambling so I cut her off with a quick kiss. She looks at me surprised before pulling me down for another kiss. After a few minutes I pull away.

"Ok we have to go get changed." She nods running to the bungalow and changing.

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