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I wake up the next morning with a heavy feeling around my stomach. I look down to notice a muscular arm wrapped around my waist. I turn around only to meet with Mason's sleeping face. He must of came in after I fell asleep.

I wonder why he is here. Did he want to sleep next to me? Well obviously he did if he is here. I sigh and try to get out of his grip. I really have to pee. After a few more tries I finally escape and make my way to the bathroom in the hall. I quickly pee and brush my hair. I change for the day and go back into the bedroom and try to wake Mason.

"Mason." I shake him slightly. He doesn't even budge. "Mason get up." He still doesn't even move or make any sign that he heard me. "Mason get up." I say a bit louder. Again he doesn't show any signs of hearing me.

I sigh before walking out of the room deciding to let him sleep. I notice no one downstairs so I check Aria's room. I smile when I open the door and see her and Drake cuddled up. I quietly shut the door and head downstairs and out the door. I start jogging to the other side of the island. I reach it about twenty minutes later and look for Glacier. I find him laying on the beach enjoying the sun with Sage.

I rush up to them. "Hey Glacier." He snorts jumping time his feet and rubbing my leg. "I missed you too." Sage lands on his back. "Did you make friends with Sage?" He snorts nodding. "Hey you should head to the bungalow Sage. Aria has a plane coming and it's taking her back to America. I think she wants to take you." Sage chirps flying off to the forest. I turn back to Glacier. "Hey buddy. How are you doing?" He rolls on his back asking for a belly rub. "Your adorable!" I exclaim rubbing his soft scaled underbelly. "Want to play?" I ask Glacier. He quickly responds by standing up and blowing a tiny bit of blue fire from his snout.

"Glacier that was so cool. Can you do it again?" He does it again this time a bit more. "Your becoming a real dragon. My little dragon." Glacier snorts rubbing to the water and jumping in. "Glacier!" I run to the water edge trying to find the little blue dragon. Suddenly his head pops up a few feet from shore.

"I was scared you couldn't swim." He paddles his way over to me. He reminds me of a puppy.

A few hours later. (Spongebob guy voice.)

Glacier just got sand in his mouth and it trying to wash it out with the water. I'm laughing every time he acts like he's hacking.

"Glacier it's ok. It won't hurt you." Luckily he isn't effected by the grains of sand or salt water because of his tough stomach as a dragon. Suddenly I hear someone approaching us and turn to see Allia.

"Hi Allia." I wave at her as she walks closer. She reaches down to touch glacier than look at me.

"Aria is leaving. I didn't know if you wanted to say bye." My eyes widen.

"We have to get there fast." She nods. We start running to the main area Glacier in tow. When we get there she is just boarding the plane with Drake.

"Wait!" I yell running to them. I get to them and hug Aria. "Be safe. Also don't do anything I wouldn't do, which is easy." She laughs promising to be safe. They bored the plane and I watch as they take off. I turn back around and crash right into a certain chest. I look up and meet the hypnotizing blue eyes of Mason.

"Why didn't you wake me up?" He asks me looking down at me from his giant height.

"I tried. You didn't wake up." He shrugs.

"I was comfortable until you left." I look down slight blushing. I look back up at him about to ask him a question before being interrupted.

"Hello are you Karter?" A man I have never seen says. I look at him funny.

"You not supposed to be here." He smiles almost a sadistic smile.

"Well I have come to deliver a message." He hands me a worn piece of paper. I open it and almost faint.

Dear Karter,

          Enjoy the sun while you can because I will find you and will kill you. First however I'll let your little boyfriend, Bryan, here have a little fun with you in front of everyone who ever cared about you. You won't have a chance to kill me again.

            Uncle Killian.

I drop the letter and run. I run straight to the bungalow and into my room. I shut and lock the door before climbing into my bed and pulling my blankets up to my chin. My heart rate I'm sure is at a not healthy rate and my chest hurts severely.

I hide under my blankets when I hear a knock on the bedroom door. "Baby?" I close my eyes and try to steady my breathing. I get it under control relatively fast and slowly get up to unlock my door. Once it's unlocked Mason comes in checking if I'm ok.

"I read the note. I'm sorry." He hugs me kissing my hair. "The guy it unconscious on the porch. Want to talk to him?" I shake my head rapidly.

"No, no I d- don't. Just um get rid of him." Mason nods.

"I will but first you need to eat." I immediately perk up.

"Cheeseburger?" He chuckles.

"I'll make you a cheeseburger." I nod sharply sitting on a stool at the counter. "Do you think Atlantis has a dungeon. I mean besides that bungalow thing." I think about it.

"It should. We have to find it. Maybe we can put that guy down there." I rack my brain to see if I can remember a dungeon door. "I don't know where it could be but we could lock him in a changing hut. They don't have any windows." Mason nods flipping my burger.

"Yeah. I have to go make sure he hasn't woken up." He puts my burger in a bun with cheese than hands it to me. "I'll be back." I nod taking a bite of my burger. He walks out the door. A few minutes later he comes back. "He's good." I nod finishing my burger.

"Can we go tie him up now?" I ask throwing the paper plate away.

"Yeah come on, sweetheart." I follow him out.

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