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Sage ^ or >

KARTER'S POV (the next morning day 7)

We are all currently sitting in the living room of the other groups bungalow, you know what I'm calling them the normal group. We are all currently sitting in the living room of the normal group's bungalow. We are discussing when it's a good time to go search for Atlantis. We still need supplies but we need a schedule.

"We can go get supplies today since it's nine o'clock right now. That gives us plenty of time to search right?" Ally asks. I nod.

"Yeah." Adam stands up.

"Let's do groups again." I nod.

"Ok than Allia and Ally. Adam and Mason. Drake and Kai. Than me and Aria." The boys groan in protest.

"Why can't we do the same groups we had yesterday." I think for a moment.

"Fine than Drake and Aria, Kai and Ally. Than me and Allia and Adam and Mason." Aria pulls Drake out of the house before I change my mind. Ally and Kai follow suit.

"But-" I cut Mason off.

"No buts. This is who we are sticking with. Let's go." I pull Allia behind me and into the forest to hopefully find a shop on the other side or something.


Ok Karter is really hot when she's mad. But Damn she is mean. I think about how I'm going to get her to kiss me. I've had a taste and now I don't want to stop. Holy crap what is she doing to me. Never once in my life have I felt like this. When she cried and ran away from me it kinda hurt. I felt like she didn't trust me enough to let me see her vulnerable side. I just hope I got through to her enough so she knows she can come to me for comfort.

"Hey man, I'm sorry." Adam says from next to me. I'm not very fond of new people. Which is why I don't understand how I warmed up to Karter and Aria so fast. Maybe because they are kinda like me and Drake. We know about the magical creatures and lands only found in books or mythology.

"It's fine." I answer looking around for anything useful.

"Listen I didn't mean to judge you and Karter..." I was so mad when he said she was emotionless and boring like me. She isn't she's just scared. She probably hasn't ever had many friends she probably has never been to a real school. "...So you forgive me?" I nod. I wasn't even listening.

"Yes I guess I forgive you." He nods. After a couple minutes he points at something leaning against a tree.

"Is that a sword?" I roll my eyes. I get closer to it and notice the sword has a sapphire on in handle. I pick it up and unsheathe it. The sword looks made of aquamarine and is perfectly clean. Than handle is silver with leather wrapped around it. I put it back in its sheathe and attached it to my jeans.

"I'll show it to Drake. He knows about this kinda stuff." Adam nods before we start walking again.


Me and Aria are walking, I think, west in the forest. Suddenly she stops.

"What's that?" She points to a purple glowing light. I take a closer look and realize is a sword with an amethyst on is handle. I pick it up and unsheathe it to examine it. The blade is pure white. The handle is silver with leather wrapped around it. I flip it over and find a phrase engraved on the blade. 'Cer de nori'. Aria walks up next to me.

"It means sky of clouds." Something clicks in my brain.

"This is one of the element swords!" Aria looks at me strangely. "There's eight elements right." She nods

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