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I walk into the room my jaw dropping at all the fairies that have flown in to hear Aria's sweet voice.

"Babe that was incredible. I didn't know you could sing!" I say carefully stepping through the fairies.

"I- I don't think I'm that good." She says her cheeks turning pink.

"Are you crazy? You amazing. Your voice is so soft when you sing." I say leaning down and giving her a sweet kiss.

"Thanks." Aria says looking down at her hands resting on her lap. I turn around and look at all the fairies.

"Ok I don't know if you can understand me but you all can leave." I say gesturing to the door. When Jackson does it they all listen, but I'm not the caretaker. The fairies do listen however. Soon enough the whole room is empty from any signs of fairies. Glacier leaves as well probably going to explore. Sage follows him resting on his back.

I turn back to Aria. "I can show you around the forest?" I ask looking at the trees.

"Yeah." She says standing up. I lead her out to the trees and begin showing her around.

Mason leads me into the kitchen. He sits me on the counter top before turning and making food. A few minutes later Jackson walks in.

"Karter no sitting on the counters." He says looking at me.

"Oh sorry." I say as I begin sliding off the counter. Mason shoots me a look telling me to stay put. I quickly sit upright back on the counter top. I look back over to Jackson. He's smirking. He nods before turning around and walking out of the room. scrunch my eyebrows before shaking my head and looking back over to Mason.

He just finished my food. He sits the plate next to me and stands in between my legs. Although I'm sitting on the counter Mason is still taller than me.

"Ok I'm going to say this now so I don't forget to say it when we leave. I want you to stay by someone the whole time we are at the Dark Guild's hideout. Since the leader is your uncle he will try to kidnap you and I don't want to lose you. No one here does. So promise me you are staying by someone the whole time." He says looking straight into my eyes.

"Ok. I will." I say nodding. He nods. He helps me down than we sit at the table. After we are done Aria come in laughing.

"Hey guuuuuys." She says smiling suspiciously.

"What?" Mason asks leaning back in his chair.

"I need to barrow Karter for like.. the whole day. So bye Mason see you later." She says grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room. I scrunch my eyebrows.

"What the hell?!" I yell at Aria.

"You two need a break from each other. I haven't seen you two apart since you met." She says shrugging.

"I don't need a break." I say huffing.

"Yes you do. Tell me the last time you weren't in sight of Mason?" She asks crossing her arms. I look down thinking.

"Umm. Oh when I ran away without you guys." I say proudly. "That's not something I should be proud of. But you haven't been away from Drake!" I say shaking my head.

"No. And that was for like a day. Than Mason wouldn't let you out of his sight. And I'm away from him now." She says raising her brows.

"Ugh, But it's not even noon yet." I whine.

"If you two can go a whole day without seeing each other I will buy you Superman ice cream when this is all done." She says smirking.

"Mmmmm I have Mason for that." I say smiling.

"Fine. Umm I'll get you anything you want." She says nodding sharply.

"So you'll buy me a dog or cat?" I ask.

"Yes whatever. But if I do won't Glacier be jealous?" She asks squinting her eyes.

"No. I'll get a dog. Specifically a corgi." I say smiling. I've always wanted a corgi but preserves aren't exactly a place for pets. But Atlantis is pretty calm.

"Ok ok whatever. But you can't see mason the whole day. So we are going to go explore the preserve." Aria says grabbing my arms and pulling me out the door. "Come on." She says pulling me to the gate. "Jackson says nothing will bother us. Let's go." Aria says.

"Ok ok I'm coming." I follow her out into the trees. She leads me to a crystal clear lake. "What is this?" I ask looking through the water.

"Don't touch it. Naiads live in there and they aren't very nice." Aria says pulling me back. "Come on I want to show you the tree houses. The nice trolls live there. The mean ones live in huts by the dragons." She says guiding me through the forest. She stops at a clearing. She points to the trees. At first I have no idea what I'm looking at than I notice tiny houses within the trees. I gasp.

"Oh my god! They are so cute!" I say smiling.

"Don't tell them that." She says giggling. I smile.

"Hey whats that?" I ask pointing to a large mountain in the back of the preserve.

"Oh that's the dragons area." Aria says. "They aren't the friendliest. The last time I saw them they tried to take me as a sacrifice." She says shivering. "Scary." I laugh.

"Can we go see them. I just want to know if any of them are a little friendly." I say before running off. Aria quickly follows behind me.

"No! Wait!" Before I have a chance to stop I fall into a giant hole. I realize it must have been a trap. I look up and notice Aria is almost ten feet up. When I try to stand up my back aches. I fall back and groan.

"Karter! Oh no! Are you ok? I don't know what to do. Ahh." Aria says frantically.

"Aria! Calm down! Listen to me ok. I want you to go find Glacier. He should be near the house. Find your brother and tell him what happened." I say. I'm usually calm in dangerous situations and I don't know why. It's just like my instincts kick in and I get ready to put my plan in action.

Aria nods before running off. I sigh laying down. I must have landed on my back wrong. My bad ankle too. I look down and find it swollen. I sigh. Welp guess I'll be here for awhile.

I look around the hole. It's dirt all around. It's actually making me hyperventilate. I hate that the walls are close and so deep. I try to sit up so I don't have to look up. But it's no use. I close my eyes to stop the tears from falling. I hate that this is making me hyperventilate.

My chest raises and falls quickly causing my head to spin. I press my hands to my head trying to stop the dizziness. I've never had a panic attack and I don't really know the best way to stop it.

"Karter!" I hear Aria's voice. I look up again. Bad idea. I close my eyes again. My breathing getting heavy. "Karter Can you hear me?" She yells again.

"Uh y- yes." I say trying to stop my headache. I try to open my eyes deciding I could just fight it. I don't even open my eyes fully before closing them again and pressing my temples. I feel small tears trying to escape.

"Ok Jackson is here. He has a rope. You need to tie it around your waist." Aria yells down at me. I barely hear a thing because I'm trying not to freak out. I try not to think about how I'm in a ten foot hole of dirt.

"Aria go get Mason." I hear Jackson say.

"You told me not to. You said he'd get mad and go all crazy." Aria fights. My head is pounding with each word.

"Just go! We need him! Go!" He yells. "Karter you good?" Jackson yells.

"Y- yeah." I open my eyes again. I see Jackson standing up there. My vision gets blurry. I see fuzzy little dots before it goes completely black.

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