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Mason's POV

"Me." I stood up. Karter looked between her brother and I nervously.

"Boys." Chris looked at us. He was ready to intervene. But I doubted we could actually get into a fight. We were both sore and Matthew probably had broken bones all over his body.

"I'm too weak to do anything right now. But..." Matthew got up and limped closer to me. I barely had time to react before his fist landed on my cheek.

"Matthew!" Chris pulled him back to the chair. Matthew looked up at me from behind his matted blonde hair.

"That's for dating my baby sister while I was gone." He grumbled.

"Matt!" Karter rolled her eyes.

"What? He's lucky I'm too weak to actually beat him up." Matthew shrugged. He leaned back and closed his eyes.

"You're supposed to be resting, not beating up people." Aria scolded him.

"It felt good though." Matt shrugged.

"You haven't changed. I swear, Karter learned it from you." Aria threw her arms up.

"Why are we fighting about this?" Karter asked. She glared at all of us.

"Where'd Liam go?" Jack asked. We all looked around the room. He was in the doorway when everyone came in to see Karter, now he's gone.

"Does it matter? He probably went back to his room." Drake shrugged.

"You must be Drake." Matthew pointed at him. Drake raised a brow.

"Yeah?" Drake nodded.

"Aria is like a sister to me, hurt her and I'll make sure Jackson teaches you how Aria learned to use a sword." He threatened. Drake looked at Aria. She shrugged.

"I don't plan on hurting her." Drake crossed his arms.

"Good." Matt sighed. "Now someone check this man's wounds, before he collapses." He pointed at me.

"How-" I rubbed my ribs. How did he know I was in pain.

"You've been leaning towards that side the whole time I've been in here. And you're out of breathe. That isn't from exercise." He said.

"I'd do it, but..." Karter gestured to her own state.

"I'll do it." Chris gestured for me to follow him.

I followed him to the next room over. He had his stuff laid out already.

"Liam, out." He gestured to the door. Liam rolled his eyes but left.

"Mason, if you were hurt why didn't you say anything? You may be a prince, but that doesn't make you invincible." Chris looked at me.

"It makes me stronger though." I shrugged.

"That isn't..." Chris shook his head as he took out bandages.

"I need you to take off your shirt. It has blood soaking though it." Chris gestured to the blood. I didn't even notice it was there.

I take it off and wince at the bruises and cuts decorating my chest. I guess I didn't realize how bad it was.

"Your lucky Karter isn't seeing this." Chris shook his head in disappointment.

"She'll want to see it at some point anyway." I sighed.

"You're right." Chris cleaned the blood off and wrapped my chest with bandages. He said I most likely had a few broken ribs.

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