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Karter POV

As we reach the airport I am woken up by a light shake on my leg. Sparks shoot through my knee as I slowly lift my head and look to my left to glare at whoever dared disturb my sleep. However as soon as I look into those blue eyes I'm lost. Man dem blue eyes. He stares right into mine. Although I doubt I look attractive. My hair is probably a mess and I was probably drooling in my sleep. I wouldn't be surprised if I was still drooling. We are interrupted by a throat being cleared up front. We quickly tear our eyes away from each other and look out the windows.

"Guys we are here." Aria says opening her door to get out. I follow her actions and go to the storage in the front to retrieve my bag. We throw our bag on and head the entrance of the airport. Luckily grandpa texted us the tickets other wise we would be stuck her with no flight.

The flight is supposed to go to an island off Morocco that they say is a secluded vacation spot but according to the information card there is more to the island that it seems.

We go through security and all the other airport stuff before ordering tacos from a Taco Bell the had. Personally I don't like Taco Bell but it's cheap and near our section. We quickly eat up and go wait for our plane to be ready. Our plane is supposed to board at eleven thirty and it is currently eleven seventeen. I pull out my phone and scroll to my contact that says 'Dad' I click on it and begin typing.

From Karter: Hey dad just wanted to tell you we are about to board our plane and won't be available for text or call for awhile. Also we met two of Aria's brothers friends that are also on the mission. Love you, miss you.

I turn off my phone and stuff it back in my bag just in time for our flight to be called. We get up and board the flight. We find our seats and wait for the safety tips to be over with. As soon as she is done I realize who I am sitting by. I have Mason to my right and Aria behind me. Aria and I both have window seats so she can lean up and talk to me with getting glares at by some weirdo. Mason looks down at me than leans back in his seat closing his eyes. I roll mine and do the same but look out the window.

A couple minutes later I feel eyes burning into the side of my head but before I can turn to see who it is Aria leans forward and whispers to me.

"Don't look. The guy staring at you isn't Mason. It's some creepy dude with sunglasses on." My eyes widen. But I nod.

"Why can't I look?"

"You can look now." I look to my right and there is definitely a guy with sunglasses on. He looks about our age but that doesn't make it more weird. Why is he wearing sunglasses on a plane? I shrug it off as maybe he was looking at the window and maybe his eyes are sensitive to light. I lean back in my seat. I glance up at Mason and notice he is giving me a confused look as to what I'm looking at. I shake my head and shrug before turning back to the window.

As I'm looking at the clouds passing by I hear soft snores coming from behind me I look back and see Aria holding Drake's hand leaning her head on his shoulder. Drake smiles up to me and I give him a thumbs up. Soon enough I'm falling asleep too but not on someone's shoulder.

(Day 5, the flight is 37 hours."

The plane dips down for the landing while, again, I'm woken up by someone shaking my leg.

"Karter, wake up." I hear Mason whisper in my ear softly. I slowly open my eyes. I realize my head is laying on Mason's shoulder. I quickly lift my head and look over at Mason. I narrow my eyes before shrugging and looking out the window and watching the plane land. The plane finally touches the ground and the island looks deserted which is weird because it's a vacation spot but better for out mission.

We head to the head of the plane and head down the stairs of the plane. We notice old plane debris but looks oddly new, I also notice a few bodies laying in the debris. I squint my eyes through the dark but still lit sky to see if there is any humans on the island. I notice four figures emerge from a small forest of trees. They immediately stop at the four of us walking on the sand of the island. Aria, being Aria, waves at them screaming random things she things will make her seem welcoming. I roll my eyes but follow her to the small group. Once we get a far enough distance from the small airport the plane takes off. One of the figures that looks about 6' 4 steps forward.

"Hello. You know this island is closed right." I give him a look of confusion. Another figure steps up.

"Ok where is the fifth guy?" I look back at the boys and see no one else here.


"There was another guy that was got off with you." Another figure steps up.

"I think he ran off that way." She points to the trees.

"Shoot. That means we have a spy." Mason says.

"Ok before you start to run off we need to know why you are here and your names." We look at each other.

"Um we can't tell you why we are here. We will tell you our names." They eye is suspiciously. "I'm Karter. This is Aria. This is Mason. This is Drake." I gesture for them to introduce themselves.

"Fine. This is Adam. This is Kai. This is Ally, and I'm Allia. We are here because we rented the island for a vacation."

"That's great but um what happened with all the debris?" Drake asks gesturing to the bodies and plane debris. Adam rubs his neck.

"Uh a plane blew up." We all gasp. "But it was a small one so it's ok. I was Uh the pilot." He looks down. "We were retrieving a mentally unstable male and than uh yeah." We give him sympathy looks. Allia rubs his back in a comforting manner.

"It wasn't your fault." He smiles at her. Then they all look back at us.

"Alright tell us why your here." Ally says glaring at us. Aria steps forward.

"Your on a island that happens to be the same spot Atlantis is and we are here on some mission to do something, also this is a magical preserve." They look at us like we are crazy. I slap her arm.

"Aria they don't know about that stuff. Stop." After we tell them she is telling the truth that don't believe us. They do guide us to our own beach house though. The said we can stay until they think we telling the truth. We nod and thank them heading inside and picking rooms. Luckily we each get our own.

I take out the Gorgan's blood, the good blood, and set it on the bedside table so I don't forget to give it to the group on the island so they believe us. Since this preserve is basically Atlantis this creatures are mermaids, nymphs, fairies, spirtes, and water dragons they won't be that scared. I lay down in my bed and let sleep over take me.

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