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We just pulled up to a hotel in Florida. The hotel doesn't look like it's five stars but it's looks at least three stars. That's good enough.

We rent two rooms. One for the boys and one for the girls. Me and Aria head to our hotel room and the boys head to theirs. Once we are in the room Aria throws herself on the bed and sighs, heavily.

"What is your problem?" I ask her not really caring if she actually has a reason.

"Drake is already my boyfriend." I give her a look. "What?"

"Aria, you legit just met him. You haven't even had time alone. There is no way he is your boyfriend." She sighs.

"He's my first love." I roll my eyes. Definitely didn't want to hear that. He looks twelve. "What about you and Mason." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Girl I just met him. There is no way I'm calling him 'my love'." She rolls her eyes. "You did not just..." She cover her ears. "Aria!" She laughs giving me that face. "Stop looking at me like that. You don't love Drake. You just like his face." She shrugs. I roll my eyes and head tot he bathroom. "I'm getting changed." She nods.

"I'll get changed out here." I head into the bathroom shutting the door. I look in the mirror. I look like I was stuffed in a sack for two days. My hair is disheveled, my teeth an ugly orange, and my skin red from laying on my arm. I sigh and get changed I'm my blue shorts and T-shirt before washing my face and brushing my hair and teeth.

"Better." I walk back out and find Aria sprawled on the bed and the boys sitting on the bed I'm using. How long was I in there.

"Hey Karter." Drake greets me smiling.

"Hey guys." Out of the corner of my eye I catch Mason staring at my basically checking me out. I clear my throat and glare at him. He looks at me with an 'innocent' look. Than he smirks.

"Hey Karter." Dang his voice is so beautiful. That was a sentence I'd never say again. I roll my eyes and look back at Aria.

"What's the plan." She raises her eyebrows.

"Your asking me?" She squeaks out. "Your usually the one with the plan." I shrug.

"Just asking if anyone has any idea on where to go next." The all shrug. "Well fine. Um does anyone know where we are heading at least." Aria jumps up.

"The card!" She grabs her bag and throws it open and shoving her arm in it. "Here it is." She pulls out the black information card.

"Wait a minute I thought that was in my bag." She gives me a sly grin.

"What is that." Drake asks pointing to the card.

"Watch." Aria pushes the button and it fold out to a book. She flips to the front. Her face squints in confusion.

"Aria what is it?" She shakes her head.

"Um it says Atlantis." Everyone gets up and surrounds her.

"Atlantis is lost even to us." Mason says raising a brow.

"Well apparently not." Mason glares at me for that comment. "Ok well if we are going to Atlantis this must be pretty important." Everyone nods. "So what is our next move."

"We leave tomorrow for the airport." Drake says getting up and heading to the door. Everyone agrees. The boys leave and Aria and I get ready for some sleep.

"Hey Karter?" Aria asks. I turn towards her barely making out her face in the dark.

"Yes Aria?"

"What are we doing with the car?" Oh shoot. My car.

"We Can just leave it a private garage I guess." She nods rolling on her back.

"Good night Karter."

"Night Aria." I answer than I let darkness lead me into a much need sleep.

*morning* ARIA'S POV
(Day 2 this is to keep track so I don't get confused)

I wake up to the sun shining slightly through the curtains of the hotel room. I quickly get up and shower before Karter can get up and steal the bathroom.

I change into legging and T-shirt for the flight. I quickly was my face than brush my hair and teeth. I glance at myself in the mirror before walking out of the bathroom. Before I make it to the still sleeping Karter to wake her someone knocks on the door. I answer and find Mason.

"Hey Mason." He looks around me to look in the room.

"Is Karter up?" I shake my head no. "Well Drake is downstairs eating so if you want to head down there I'll get Karter." I nod. I step aside to let him in. Before I leave though I walk back over to my bed and grab my phone.

As I pass Karters bed I see Mason sitting on the edge of the bed tucking Karter's hair behind her ear whispering to her to wake up. I smirk and slide out the door. I head down the stairs to the eating area. I go pile food up on my plate than go look for Drake. I see him in his jacket sitting at a round table for four.

"Hey Drake." He smiles at me. He has a really cute smile

"Hey Aria. How was your sleep?"

"It was good." I shove waffle in my mouth. Drake chuckles.

"Your cute." I immediately sit straight up.

"Um what?" He chuckles again.

"Your cute." I feel my cheeks heat up with embarrassment. Mostly because he saw me shoving food in my mouth but also because he called me cute.

"Uh thanks." He chuckles and goes back to eating. Soon enough Karter and Mason join us.

"Morning you two." I saw giving Karter a 'what did you two do' look. She rolls her eyes than shoves her bacon into her mouth.

"So what time are we leaving?" Drake asks looking at me.

"Uh well it's about 8:30 right now so at nine." I say. Everyone shrugs. We finish eating than grab our stuff to check out. A soon as we are back in the car Karter is back asleep. Lazy butt. She has to be uncomfortable though because she has head against the window. I shrug and face back to the front. I turn the radio on and luckily Panic! At the disco is on.

"You like them too!? They're my favorite!" I turn towards an excited Drake.

"Really? Are you an actual fan or just a wannabe fan?" I narrow my eyes at him. He frowns.

"Um a real fan."

"Ok name five songs people who aren't fans wouldn't know." He grins.

"Ok, first The Calendar, 2011 album Vices and Virtues. Second Northern Downpour, 2008 album Pretty. Odd. Third Lying is the Most Fun a Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes Off, 2005 album a fever you can't sweat out. Fourth Folkin Around, 2008 Pretty. Odd. And fifth Collar Full, 2016 album, Dearh of a Bachelor." I look at him in awe.

"Jeez. You proved your point." He nods and smiles at me. I blush and turn back to the road.

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