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After we checked on Jackson who was doing fine we made sure Liam wasn't doing anything.. suspicious, Mason and I head back to our room. I change into shorts and a t-shirt for sleeping. I climb into the bed sitting up waiting for Mason to get out of the bathroom. I'm trying to read a book in Fairy language. It's not easy.

Mason gets out of the bathroom chuckling at my determined face. "Baby I don't think your going to be able to read that. Fairy language is the hardest language to learn besides the ancient language." He says sitting next to me. The ancient language is the first magical language spoken ever.

"I know." I set the book down. I turn to Mason. "When do we leave?" I ask.

"I don't know. Your back is doing fine so I guess soon. Jackson just got shot by a dart so he will be fine in the morning." He says. I nod. I lay my head back.

"When we get to the dark guild I'm going to have to stay away from you." I say looking down.

"No. I told you baby they aren't going to get me." He moved my chin so I'm looking at him. "You aren't getting out of my site or anyone else's." He says planting a kiss on my lips.

"I know." I answer kissing him back. He pulls my waist so I'm straddling his lap. He pulls away leaving kisses down my neck. I moan pulling at his hair. He flips us so he's on top and his hands running down my sides. His fingers find the hem of my shirt he looks in my eyes before leaving my neck and kissing my stomach. His hands leave my shirt and find my pants. He looks up again asking permission. I grant it to him. He pulls my shorts and underwear down smirking. He kisses down my stomach again. My breathing gets heavy as he gets closer to my core.

I let out a loud moan when his lips hit the spot just before. He gives me a look telling me to be quiet. I slam my mouth shut trying to be quiet. I give up when he blows on my clit. His hand goes around my neck making me moan out loud. He squeezes telling me to be quiet.

The next morning I wake up with a muscular arm around my waist keeping me as close as possible. I smile thinking about last night. We didn't have sex but he did make me cum a few times. If you know what I mean.

I yawn scooting back into Mason. His arm pulls me close his head snuggling into my neck. I look over at the clock jumping when I notice it's ten am. I should of already been up.

I remove Mason's arm changing into jean shorts and a black shirt. I put white ankle socks on than hurry down the stairs.

"Morning Karter." Aria greets from the living room.

"It's not really morning." I say.

"Well your the one that got up late." She says laughing. I shrug.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask.

"Getting ready." Aria says pointing to a door off the living room I've yet to be in. I nod walking in and noticing everyone but Aria and Mason not in there, obviously.

"Morning Karter." My dad greets.

"Morning. What are you guys doing?" I ask them. I watch as they shove different weapons into a bag.

"We are packing for the trip. Except this bag will need to be hidden in something so we don't get arrested for possession of weapons of mass destruction." Drake says rolling his eyes. I chuckle walking over to see what they are packing. I almost let out a snort when I notice they packed two guns that were made to kill only imps.

Imps are fairy's that were turned evil. They are usually small but if you give them a magic flower they can grow as tall as 5' 6.

"Well can't you just get a trick bag? You know those bags with illusion magic attached to them?" I say squinting my eyes.

"Good idea. I'll look into it." Jackson says from a chair I didn't notice was there. I nod walking back out of the room.

When I walk out Aria is sitting on the couch reading a book in Romanian. "What are you reading?" I ask her.

"Something about the elements. It says Glacier is a rare occurrence in the magic community. A mix of fire and ice Can be the most powerful but it won't always be good power." She says looking up from the book. I nod.

"Well, guess we will find out eventually." Aria agrees with me. I sit across from her in a chair and pick up a book. I find my glasses, which I don't remember placing, on the table. I shrug putting them on and opening the book wanting more info about our trip.

"Hi baby, morning Aria." I hear a familiar deep voice greet. I look up smiling at Mason.

"Hi." I greet back looking back down at the page I'm reading about the Bermuda Triangle. That happens to be where we are heading, forgot to mention that.

"What are ya guys reading?" Mason asks sitting in the chair next to me.

"I'm reading about the elements. She's reading about our destination." Aria says going back to her book.

"Hmm. Guess I should read something." He says picking up a book in fairy language that obviously know one here can read, but Mason.

"You understand fairy language?" Aria asks raising a brow. I roll my eyes. Mason looks over at me looking for help.

"I know bits and pieces." He says shrugging.

"Mmhmm." Aria says eyeing him suspiciously.

"What is it book club out here?" Drake asks coming in the room.

"We're trying time find info dummy." Aria shoots smiling.

"Ok but why do we all have different languages  except Karter who is actually reading in English? And obviously I know Mason speaks different languages." Drake asks us sitting next to Aria.

"Well Jackson has these books so I just grabbed a whole bunch. I have no idea why Mason grabbed one in fairy language but I grabbed one in Romanian because it's and older and more knowledgeable language." She explains.

"What is that book even about?" Drake asks Mason.

"Hidden castles and preserves of the fairies." He says shrugging.

"Mason we don't need that." I say giving him that look that says 'why just why?'

"No but nobody knows what it says so it could be about the fairy queen." He say smiling at me. I shake my head looking back down at my book.

"Hey we finished packing weapons." Aria's dad says coming out of the room.

"Great! Now when do we leave?" Aria asks putting her book down.

"Either right now or tomorrow morning." He answers. We all look at each other before looking back up at Jack.

"Now." I say. "Let's just get this over with." I add setting my book down as well.

"Alright, everyone go get you stuff than we will divide groups." He says walking down the hall. Everyone gets up heading to there rooms.

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