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I wake up the next morning with a very warm and muscular arm wrapped around my torso. Every time I try to move the arm it pulls me tighter.

"Mason. Let me go. We have to get ready and I'm going to take a quick shower." I say trying to pull the arm off of me.

"We can just shower together." He answers pulling me tight.

"No, let go Sin. I'm not taking a shower with you." I say. He knows I'm on my period.

"Fine but next time I'm jumping in with you. No excuses." He says making me blush. He finally lets me go. I grab my clothes before heading to the bathroom and taking a quick shower. After I'm done I do my feminine business and throw my hair up in a quick bun. I open the door and am pushed right back into the bathroom against the wall.

"I never got my morning kiss." I hear Mason say before his soft lips are on mine. The familiar tingly sensation appears on my lips.

Mason's hands go to my hips and my hands go around his neck pulling him as close as possible. He has to really bend down when he kisses me because I'm so short.

We eventually break apart. "I love you so much Karter." Mason says tracing my jaw bone.

"I love you too. Now go take a shower." I say pushing him to the shower and leaving. He chuckles behind me.

I go to wake up Glacier who is peacefully sleeping on the couch. "Hey buddy. Get up please. We only have four more hours." I say. He slowly lifts his head. "That's right." He opens his eyes before tilting his head. He concentrates on me for a second before shaking his head. "We will pick up some pork at the store. How about that?" I tell Glacier hoping he likes the idea. He nods his head. "Ok we will go when ever Mason gets out." I say rubbing his head scales.

A few minutes later Mason comes out of the bathroom fully dressed and ready. "Alright baby. Let's get going." He says grabbing my bag and his. I grab the suitcase and let Glacier Get in it before I zip it up almost all the way.

"Oh we have to get some pork for Glacier." I tell Mason.

"Ok. We can go to Aldi's." Mason says. I agree. We check out than head to the car. Mason gets in the drivers seat. I let Glacier our in the back seat than get in the passenger seat.

"Ok let's go." I say pointing straight out the window. Mason chuckles putting the car in drive and heads to the Aldi's across the street. He parks before getting out.

"You stay here I'll go get it. How much do you want buddy?" He asks Glacier. Glacier holds up his claws, which have gotten huge by the way. "That much?" Glacier nods. "Alright. I'll be back baby." Mason says before closing the door and heading inside. I quickly get into the drivers seat so I can drive the rest of the way. Glacier makes a weird snorting sound. I realize he's laughing.

"Hey stop laughing. He doesn't need to drive all the way." I say. Glacier puts his head on the center console. I rub his scales. "Your getting so big. Soon you will be longer than me. You probably already are, seeing as I'm super short. I'm so short Mason is like a giant compared to me!" I say rubbing Glaciers ears. He whines licking my arm. "At least you feel sorry for me. I think Mason actually likes that I'm short." I huff. Glacier snorts, laughing again. I roll my eyes looking out the window waiting for Mason. He comes out a few minutes later with more than just pork. He glares at me through the window before getting in the passenger side.

"Why are you sitting there?" He asks raising a brow.

"Because I wanted to drive?" I say more of a question. He rolls his eyes before handing the pork to Glacier. "Hey open that on a towel so you don't get raw meat all over my car." I say to Glacier.

"Here baby I got you some candy." Mason says making me look at him expectingly.

"What did you get?" I ask.

"Here." He hands me a box of sweet tarts.

"Thank you!" I say immediately opening the box and shoving one into my mouth.

"Don't eat too many. Don't want your stomach hurting more than it is." Mason says rubbing my stomach. I shoo his hand away.

"Stop I have to drive." I tell him pulling out of the parking lot.

"Fine. Here I also got you some sweet tea." He pulls out a small bottle of sweet tea.

"Awwww thanks." I say while I open the bottle and take a sip.

"Your welcome baby." He says. I smile to myself before pulling concentrating back on the road.

I drive for the next three hours before I stop as a rest area to stop before I drive the last hour.

"Ok Glacier you want to walk around a bit?" I ask him. He nods hopping out of the car. "Ok stay out of site. We will just be in the bathroom." I tell him. He nods before hurrying off behind the rest area. Me and Mason go to the bathroom than hurry outside and rest on a bench.

"Do you want me to drive the rest of the way?" Mason asks.

"No I'm good." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"You look like your tired. You should rest before we get to Alfhiem." He says.

"I'm not tired." I say glaring.

"Mmhmm." He says raising a brow. Glacier comes towards us before I could say anything.

"Ready to go?" I ask him. He nods. I open the backseat door letting him jump in. I try to get into the front seat but Mason beats me to it. "Hey!" I yell. He chuckles before picking me up and setting me in the passenger seat. "Wait! I want to drive." I say trying to resist.

"No. Your to tired." Mason says sternly. I stop moving and cross my arms.

"Fine." Mason smirks before closing my door and heading to the drivers side and getting in.

"Now go to sleep. I'll wake you up in an hour." Mason says sternly.

"I'm not tired." I tell him.

"Fine. Don't go to sleep." He says resting his hand on my leg rubbing.

"Ok?" I shrug looking out the window as he begins to drive. Slowly I begin to feel more and more tired. Eventually I just give in and darkness swallows me.

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