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(The preserve, Alfhiem, is in Kansas.)

I wake up the next morning and smile at Karter's sleeping form next to me. I pull her back tight to my chest and kiss the side of her neck. I slowly start to fall back asleep but I'm rudely interrupted by Drake.

"Dude get up. We have to leave soon." He says. "I swear to god if your are both naked under there I'm telling her dad." I roll my eyes.

"Go away. She's sleeping." I whisper.

"So you are naked?" He asks smirking.

"No. Now go away." I whisper again shooing him away.

"Fine, but we are leaving in an hour so if she wants to shower or whatever get her up now. Than you both have time to shower." Drake says.

"We can shower together. Now leave." I shoo him away. I sigh before laying my head back down. He's right though we have to get up to get ready on time and Karter is not going to let me shower with her.

I sigh before running my fingers through Karter's hair. "Baby. Get up please. We need to get ready." I whisper. I figured out she hates whispering in her ear in the morning so that's what I do the wake her. "Unless you want to shower together?" I whisper running my fingers down her side. She twitches.

"I'm on my period." She says.

"Thats an excuse." I tell her. "Come on you Can shower first." I say getting out of bed. I pull her up. "Go on." I Pat her butt.

"I'm going." She says hurrying out the door. I sit on the bed and wait for her to get out.

After she's out I hurry and take my shower then join everyone downstairs. The girls have different suitcases and their dads are ready.

"There's mason. Ok be safe if any of you get hurt I want them sent here immediately." Karter's mom says kissing her husband than Karter on the forehead. She steps towards me and rests a hand on my shoulder. "Take care of my daughter, Mason."  She says patting my shoulder and stepping aside.

"Ok let's go. We are taking two cars. My Jeep and Karter's car."

"Ok so me, Drake, my dad and Karters dad in one and Karter and Mason in the other." Aria says.

"Woah why don't we do three and three?" Aria's dad asks.

"Trust me. You do not want to be a third wheel to those two. Ugh." She says fake gagging.

"Rude much." Karter says. I smile. "I don't want to be a third wheel to you two either!"

"Ok than let's go." I quickly grab Karter's hand pulling her out to her car. "Here I'll take your bag baby." I offer. She hands me her bag before getting into the passenger seat. I put our bags in the trunk.

I notice Glacier is dragging something out the door. I chuckle before going to help him. "Hey buddy. Do you need help?" He snorts before nodding. I pick it up. "What is it?" I set it back down before opening it and laughing. It's full of snacks that caretakers make for the dragons. It has containers of meat cooked and raw, fruit, biscuits, and other food. "Ok well let's get this back here. I open the back seat door and set the food on the floor. Glacier hops in the back.

"Hi buddy. You ready?" Glacier snorts nuzzling Karter's hand. I close the door before turning around only to be met by Karter's dad.

"Don't try anything funny with my daughter." He says staring me down.

"Wouldn't even think about it. But respectfully sir, your daughter is of legal age so it's her decision." I say keeping my emotionless face on. Suddenly Karter's dad chuckles.

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