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This chapter sucks but I promise it get way better.

I woke up early in the house that I have been living in for my whole life.

You see my grandparents own a giant piece of land full of forests and unseen creatures. Yeah there are mythical creatures all over this property. The only other person that knows besides me and my grandparents is my best friend Aria. She has known as long as I had known. We basically grew up as sisters so everything I know she knows. Anyway on with it.

I get up and dressed I head downstairs and find Aria sitting next to my grandparents eating. I sit next to her and scoop three pancakes onto my plate. I practically drown them in syrup.

"Karter you do not need that much sugar in the morning, stop." I grin and my best friend and continue to pour. I finally close the bottle and scarf down my pancakes. My grandparents just shake their heads and Aria looks at me in disgust. I put my dishes in the sink and rush outside to pick flowers for my mom. She comes home today! Aria's parents come home too they all went on some cruise to Cancun. I hate the water so I didn't go and Aria wasn't going if I wasn't so we stayed behind to watch over the preserve.

Oh I forgot to tell you what we call it. Well we call it 'Alfhiem' AKA land of the eleves. But for us it is the land of fairies and small magical creatures. Of course we have no demons here. That is a different place. We do however have friendly dragons on the very far side. Dragons are told to be mean but most of them are friendly and only want to make friends. Some of them however have fallen to the dark side and reside in a dark preserve. Dark preserves are hidden and almost no one knows where they are. Grandpa knows where one is but he is not allowed to say where it is located unless it is an emergency.

Anyway back to me picking flowers.

Ok so picking flowers is a tradition here. You always pick three nymphaea nelumbo for your mom when she is coming home from a trip. It just show the creatures are accepting she is home. Aria comes and joins me.

"Hey Aria?" She looks over her shoulder at me  saying to continue. "Do you think we will have any new things to do soon. It's getting quite boring and the pool is filled with fish." She shakes her head.

"Why did you put them in there again." I shrug.

"They look cool, and some are blue." She rolls her eyes.

"Your such a child."

"I am not. I'm 18 years old. And older than you." Aria scoffs.

"By eight months." I raise a brow.

"A very important eight months. I didn't have to deal with you nagging me about how I'm such a child."

"Your the one that calls me out on everything I do because you have OCD and probably ADHD." I scoff at her.

"I do not." Suddenly grandma comes out to tell us our parents are home. We rush inside and greet our moms with our flowers and give our dads each hugs.

"Hey Karter, Aria." My dad says greeting us we both say hi and they head to their rooms to unpack. Me and Aria go see my grandparents to ask if any thing needs to be done.

"Hi grandpa. Is anything new going on." He glances at us than goes back to his book.

"There is. But I'm not sure it's for you. Your used to small missions around the preserve, this is a serious mission around the world basically. I don't need you two getting hurt." We both look at each other.

"But grandpa. We helped you save that one preserve from dying." Aria is talking about Niflheim, it the land of the fog. That place was falling under the rule of a very not suitable keeper. He would smuggle creatures that did not belong. So we had to return the animals and put it under new rule. Which happens to be Aria's older brother Jackson. Sorry I haven't mentioned him. He exists though.

Grandpa thinks for a moment. "Fine but only if you two can keep it under wraps." We both nod and follow him to his giant study. He pulls a book and opens the wall to his secret room. We follow him to a table in the middle of the room.

"What is that." Aria points to a flat piece of metal with blue lines running through it looks to be the size of a card.

"This is what will give you your information. Don't lose it. It is untraceable and is safe to be around the creatures with. Also it is almost unbreakable. Just don't drop soda on it." We look at each other before shrugging. We thank him and grab the card.

We rush upstairs to pack bags. I pack my big backpack full of clothes, snacks, toiletries, and other essentials. We grab our skeleton keys. That's what we call them anyway. They open something but we haven't figured out what. We've had them since we were eleven and haven't found a hole the fit in.

After we pack we rush down the stairs and grab the containers full of food sitting on the island and throw them in our bags. We both rush out the door but not before saying goodbye and grabbing the card. We head to my car that is waiting to be driven across the country. The car is an Audi. It is the best car ever. It travels over tough terrain. Even though it doesn't look like it. It also holds a lot so we don't have to worry about not having room.

I start the car and wave off to my family. Aria turns the music on and we sing to pop music all the way to a gas station so I can fill up the car.

I pull up to a pump and fill the car. I hop back in the car and we are off on our adventure. Well we think it is. The way grandpa explained it we are going on a death mission. Maybe this is what we need though. To prove we can do more than monitor a few nymphs or fairies.

I peek over at Aria only to see she has fallen asleep already. I roll my eyes and turn the music to country music. My kinda music. But Before I can even listen to Chris Stapleton day beautiful crazy the station turned back to pop. I glance back over to Aria to see her smirking. I smack her arm.

"Your falling asleep. You don't have the right to control music." I turn it back to country. She sighs and mumbles a 'fine'. I smirk and sing along to Chris Stapleton.

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