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After me and Mason brought the guy to the hut we headed to talk to the other group.

"Hey guys." Adam greets us.

"Hey!" I greet back watching everyone pile out. "We were wondering if you guys wanted to have a few potions before we leave." Allia shrugs.

"What kind." I shrug.

"Whatever I can make that won't kill you." Ally looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Kill us! They can kill us?!" I nod.

"Yeah if I gave you poison or a bad potion. Don't worry I will give you Gorgan's blood and potions for breathing under water." They nod.

"Thank you." We finish talking and Mason and I head to the hut to check on the guy.

We head inside his hut and find him still unconscious. Mason squats down next to him and starts searching his pockets for anything. I look around the hut just now realizing I've never seen it. Suddenly Mason abruptly stands up holding a price of paper. His eyes are wide as he stares at me and the paper.

"We have to leave now!" I scrunch my eyebrows.

"Why? I don't even have my stuff packed. What did the note say? Did it say where they were? I thought we were waiting for construction? Mason? Why are we lea-" I was cut off mid sentence by Mason's soft lips landing on mine.

"Don't worry about it. Come on we have to go. I'll show you the note when we get off of here." I nod. He tells me to go pack while he goes to call the airport.

I pack all my things and leave a few things out for pjs and tomorrow clothes. After I'm done I go through the potion bag making sure to take out the ones for the other group. I take them downstairs and place them on the table so I don't forget them. Mason comes back with something from the store.

"I come bearing gifts." I look over at him and laugh at the amount of food.

"What's all that?" I ask.

"This is for the trip. I don't want to go hungry. I also know you seem to get hungry every five minutes." I nod and pat my stomach.

"Ever since I was a baby. My mom used to say she'd feed me solid food at two months because I wasn't satisfied with bottles." He chuckles putting the food away for tomorrow.

"What do you want for dinner?" I look at all the food.

"Chicken?" He nods taking out the chicken tenders in and throwing them in the microwave.  He pulls me closer to him.

"Are you ready?" I nod.

"Yeah I think I am. I'm scared though." Mason kisses my head.

"Don't worry. I got you." He says. I nod into his chest. "Alright baby, I have to get the chicken tenders out." I step away from him and sniffle. He quickly whips around to me. "Are you crying?" I wipe my eyes looking down. "Hey, hey don't cry." He wipes off my tears. "I'm scared too. Luckily we will have your family and Aria's brother." I nod.

"We have to contact Aria. But how. The preserves have no electronics. Maybe if I send her a text she'll get it." Mason nods.

"Ok you do that. But wait until we get somewhere. And tell her we will meet them at her brother's preserve." He says as he takes out the chicken.

"Ok. Now give me some." He chuckles as I grab two and place them on a paper towel.

"When are the people coming to build?" I shrug.

"Probably when we leave." Mason takes a bite of his chicken nodding. We sit in silence while we finish our food. After we are done we decide to sit outside to enjoy the island.

"Who are we going to put as temporary caretaker?" I shrug.

"Probably Ally. She seems pretty responsible." Mason nods. We sit there for a little bit. It's only six so I don't know what to do. After a little bit Mason grabs my chair and pulls me closer. I give him a confused look. He just smirks and grabs my waist lifting me into his lap so I'm straddling him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close.

"This is a better view." I blush and put my head in the crook of his neck. He chuckles and plays with my hair.

I pull back and look at him. "Mason?" He nods. "Have you ever killed anyone from the dark guild?" He looks at me with scrunched eyebrows. Than looks down.

"Yes. That guy that was spying on us. I stabbed him. I've only ever killed one other person. They were the third in command to your uncle." I nod.

"Apparently I haven't killed anyone. I'm glad but sadly it was my uncle." Mason rubs my back.

"Killing someone isn't easy. It can haunt you for the rest of your life." I look up at him.

"Does it haunt you?" Mason nods.

"It's not easy. Taking a life takes a toll on yours. But it's not as bad if that person deserves it." Mason says kissing my head. "I never want you to be in a position where you need to kill someone." He says rubbing my stomach, which oddly is calming. He smiles as turns me around so now I'm in between his legs.

"When are we leaving?" He chuckles.

"Whenever the plane shows up." I nod.


Me and Drake just left the island and now we are sitting cuddled on a couch. Yeah the planes a private one. I was super excited when I saw it. I sat in all the seats just to see which one I liked best. I just decided on the loveseat so me and Drake can watch friends from episode one. Yeah we have a long flight.

"Babe?" Drake asks rubbing my leg. I look over at him.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"Are you ok?" I nod.

"I hope Karter is ok. She tends to keep her feelings to herself. As you probably already guessed." Drake nods looking out the window. Suddenly he whips his head towards me.

"We left that note in my room!" My eyes widen.

"Oh no! When we get to the airport we have to contact Karter to make sure she's ok." Drake nods.

"Yeah. Well we have a whole day still."

"Yeah." I sigh.

Eventually we both fall asleep.

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