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Karter POV

I fell asleep after wendys again, and I hate sleeping during the day but car rides are ok. They are calming kinda. Like you come aware when your on a long car ride with nothing to do.

So anyway it's three hours later and we have seven hours left. Plus a plane ride. I forgot about that. I think we are meeting up for that.

"Hey you want food?" Aria asks from the front seat. I nod hungry as always.

As Drake and Aria are looking for something to eat I watch out the window hopefully catching something that I want.

I see a chick-fil-a, and whose going to pass that up? "Chick-Fil-a!" I yell almost making Drake throw the car.

"Jesus Christ Karter!" He yells.

"Sorry but there's a chick-fil-a." I smile pointing out the window. Both Drake and Aria roll their eyes. Drake pulls into the parking lot.

"Ok let's go get our food. We have to drive seven hours still." Drake reminds us before unlocking the doors. "We might just have to stop though. It's late."

"Why can't we just go straight through? I'll drive most of the way since I've gotten the most sleep." I shrug. Aria gives me an odd look.

"All the way? Who's driving second?" She asks.

"Well you. Drake drove most of the way already. And we only have seven hours so three and a half hours each." I smile. Aria nods.

"Alright than." I follow her into chick-Fil-a. Which honestly I thing is weird. Luckily it's only about ten twenty and they close at eleven.

I walk up the line reading the large menu. I finally decide on a Italian beef with a small fry, because I know I won't finish them, and a lemonade. I get my receipt with my number and head to the pick up station. Soon Aria and drake follow.

"Whatcha get?" I ask them.

"I got a sprite, small fries, and a chicken sandwich plain." I roll my eyes at the order.

"First ew, second, plain sandwich! From chick-fil-a!" I practically yell, my voice slightly carrying through the empty restaurant.

"You know I don't eat anything." She shrugs.

"Yeah yeah. Anyway, what did you get drake?" I ask him trying to look nice enough.

"Uh chicken sandwich, everything on it, small fry, and a root red." He smiles.

"Number thirty eight." The women behind the pick-up counter says pushing a tray over. I thank her before grabbing it and sitting at a round table. Drake joins me a few moments later followed by Aria struggling to drink her drink and hold her tray.

"What till you sit down." I scold her.

"Eh." She brushes me off. I roll my eyes and watch as she sets her tray down. "Nothing like chick-fil-a at eleven o'clock at night." I smile and dig into my food.

After we finished we headed back out to the car. Aria takes the rest of her fries and sets them in front of Sage. Sage pecks at it before taking a fry.

"Guess she likes them." Aria shrugs. I nod. I'm sitting in the driver seat so I start the car. Drake is sitting in the back and Aria is next to me with Sage in her lap.

"Ok and on our way we go." I announce driving onto the road.

The rest of the car ride is filled with drake trying to sleep, Aria and I switching driving, and soft music playing on the radio.

When it's about six am and we are thirty minutes out I call my dad.

He picks up on the second ring.
"Hi Karter." He answers.

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