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We are all sitting in a circle talking about our next move. I'm sitting between Mason and Aria. Drake is sitting next to Aria. The group across from gives us really good ideas on how to approach this whole Atlantis thing, however they have never been in our situation. We need to find Atlantis but it's hard when we can't breathe under water.

"Don't you guys have some sort of potion or magic thing." I shake my head.

"We don't have the ingredients to make a potion that advanced. We could find a plant that allows us to breathe underwater, I'm sure since this is Atlantis we could find one. But that might only last us a few hours. Which would only give us a few hours to actually look for Atlantis, or whatever we are supposed to do." Aria grins before grabbing the info card and opening it.

"What is that?" Ally asks narrowing her eyes at us.

"It's a information card, well kinda. It gives us our information for our missions. It told us to come here. It says we are supposed to uncover Triton's trident." I frown. That trident has been lost for centuries. The last time  someone heard of it, it was lost when Atlantis was lost. Triton has reappeared but he suddenly disappeared a couple decades after his trident was lost.

"The trident is here?" Allia says her eyes widening. Drake nods.

"This is Atlantis. So it should be here. If it isn't I'd be a little concerned about where or who has it. Also for the people who wrote the history behind it." I nod in agreement.

"Ok so if we need to go underwater let's go find that plant.. or whatever it is." Kai says standing up. Mason sighs standing up too.

"Alright let's go. But we need to split up into groups so this can go faster." We all agreed. The other group split up their group into twos. Allia and Adam and Ally and Kai. We split our group into two too. Me and Mason, because why not, and Aria and Drake. Than we all split up to different parts of the island. Me and Mason went further into the forest of palm trees.

As we are walking I'm thinking about earlier and how he probably thinks I'm a loser for crying than running off and hiding in my room. Or he thinks I'm weak. How did I let myself cry, and in front of someone. I don't understand how it took so long for him to push past my walls which were super thick by the way. What if I do let him in and than he hurts me. No! I need to listen to Aria and let him in. I can do this for me. Maybe this will be a good thing. I sigh looking down at my feet. As I walk alongside Mason.

"Hey? You alright?" I looked up at him and nodded forcing a smile.

"I'm fine." He sighs.

"I know your not. I grew up with girls. I know your not fine. So tell me why you ran when you cried." I look down embarrassed of my reason.

"Nothing. We are supposed to be looking for something right? That plant. Come on." He grabs my wrist.

"Karter! Please just let me in. I know your not ok. You locked yourself in your room for two hours because you cried in front of me. Aria told me she has never even seen you cry. Baby girl just... explain to me why you won't let anyone get close." I look up at Mason in shock.

"I.. I'm scared. The last person who saw me cry was my dad. In the second grade. I'm scared because you made me feel safe, like I can trust you and you broke the walls I built so long ago down so easily. No one has done that, that fast. I'm sorry. I- I just didn't know what else to do. I've never really l-liked anyone before." Suddenly a tear slides down my cheek followed my another and soon enough I'm silently crying while Mason pulls me into him.

"It's ok. Your ok." He coos. He wraps an arm around my waist and with the other one he rubs my back. He rests his chin on my head.

After a few minutes I pull back and wipe my tears. I look at his shirt and see it soaked from my tears.

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