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Me and Mason are sitting in his room talking about what our next game plan is.

"Well we basically have everything we just need to.. train the other group." Mason sighs.

"Yeah. You can try and teach them how to use smaller weapon." Mason answers.

"How did you know I used small weapons?" He chuckles.

"I saw you make perfect aim when you threw that knife, and you carry them in your bag, shoes, bra, and sometimes pant leg." I give a shocked look.

"How did you.."

"I saw you pull that knife out of your bra, and when I rubbed your leg I felt it, also your shoes have knife slips in them." Creep. I sit up and look out the window at Aria talking with the other group. She seems to always hang back in a crowd. But she always makes friends. And that Ally girl kinda acts like her. I close my eyes trying to block the negative thought of myself.

"Karter? Come on I told you to stop that. No one is going to tell you your a baby or annoying. Your not." I look over at him.

"But what if they do think I'm weak. They probably do. I mean when I was with Allia I didn't even look at her. I also told her not to bring herself down when I do the same thing." He sighs a frustrated sigh. Great now I made him mad. "Sorry."

"Stop apologizing. Your perfect. Stop thinking people are thinking bad things about you. If they are just ignore them and keep going. And, baby, please stop putting yourself down. It doesn't help." I nod.

"I'm sorry." He opens his mouth to speak but I cut him off. "I keep coming to you for comfort. I've never really had someone other than Aria to comfort me. My parents are always on fancy business trips and my grandparents are always somewhere on the preserve. I didn't have any other friends because I was taught at home. I never went to Aria for stuff like this because she would probably just slap me and tell me I need to stop. A- and I have a hard time admitting to my feelings so when I finally admitted to liking you and I let you in I just.. I didn't mean to burden you with my burdens. I'll just go now." I stand up and walk out of the door to go to my room.

Once in my room I pack my bag so I don't have to worry about it. I take out the bottles of paste and set them on the nightstand with the exception of three. I changed into pjs which were black leggings and a black t-shirt and laid in bed. It's only eight but I'll leave around nine.

I'm so mad at myself. I feel so stupid. I just said some stupid sappy crappy speech that sounded like it came from Aria's stupid romance movies. The whole thing was the truth though. He made me feel so, so... vulnerable. I felt safe. I know that's probably a good thing but it isn't to me. I'm an emotional wreck and a huge overly dramatic person. And I'm super closed off. So when I stared feeling something new I immediately pushed it away. I threw it out the window. I want Mason but I just met him like three days ago. I'm scared this is all going to blow up in my face and I'll be left alone.

I look at the clock and see it's already nine. And it's super dark. I guess sooner than later. I get up, grab my bag and open the window. I spot the group sitting around a fire talking about a game plan. I quietly jump down and head to the chest Aria shoved the swords. I grab the one with topaz and link it onto the right belt I threw on. Than I run into the forest so I can hide and possibly head to the opposite side of the island.

I hurriedly make my way through the palm tree making sure to use one of the night vision bottle I kept to make my way through. I left about ten more back at the house and kept five for myself.

I make it past the old bungalow and now I'm running so I can get there faster. Eventually I see an opening and head towards it. Once I make it out of the trees I awe at the sight. The sand is a pure white and the beach is littered with different kinds of creatures. I notice a small dragon glancing at me from where he slept. I think its a he. I carefully make my way over admiring its silver but blue scales. He looks to be a baby still. I put my hand out and his snout nuzzles it. I giggle and my hand heats up from his small sniffs.

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