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I decide to check Aria and Drake's room to see if they left anything. I find a toiletry bag sitting on the bed in Drake's room. I open it and find a rare flower and a note. Curiosity gets the best of me and I read it, big mistake. The note falls out of my shaky hands.

He doesn't know where I am. Right? We are leaving soon. We have to leave now.

A sob escaped my lips as I sink to the floor. I know I already got threats but it hasn't sunk in until now. As soon as the first tear escapes I quickly wipe it. I don't want anyone to see me cry. Makes me vulnerable. I pick up the note and head to my room. I put the note into my bag in a side pocket. When I turn around Mason is standing in the doorway arms crossed. And let me tell you he looked hot with his muscles on display as he just took a shower.

"Why were you crying?" He asks raising a brow.

"What? I wasn't." I say as convincingly as possible.

"You were about to. Your eyes are watering." I quickly wipe my eyes.

"No they're not." I tell him. He shakes his head.

"What made you 'almost' cry Karter?" He asks stepping into the room.

"Um nothing. Just yawned really big." I brush it off.

"You will tell me on the plane." I nod knowing I can't get out of it. "After your done packing bring your bags downstairs." I nod turning around to pack. I hear him exit the room. I let out a deep sigh before stuffing my stuff into my bags.

A couple minutes later I've finished packing and set my bags downstairs. Mason is outside talking to the other group so I decide to go to bed, even though it's only seven. I need to take a rest as I have not been getting much sleep lately. I head up to my room and fall asleep as soon as I hit the pillow.

I finish talking with Adam about them taking over the construction. I head back to our bungalow and don't find Karter anywhere downstairs. Her bags are set by the door ready for the plane arriving tomorrow morning. I head upstairs only to find her asleep. It's only seven thirty.

I admire her adorable face as it is the only thing shown peeking out of the blankets. I kiss her head before heading back downstairs to make sure everything is set.

After I'm done I climb in bed with her wrapping my arms around her tightly. She subconsciously throws a leg over my legs and scoots as close to me as possible. Eventually I fall asleep needing to rest before the flight.

When I wake up the next morning I feel wiggling underneath me. Karter tried to get out from under me but does not realize what she is doing. She suddenly stops wiggling when she hears me groan.

"Baby stop." I tell her putting my head in her neck trying to calm down. I hear her laugh cutely before moving her hips again causing both me and her to moan.

"M- mason." She says as my bulge is pressing down onto her.

"You did this." I says kissing her neck slowly moving my hips.

"M- mason." She says as she tries to move from under me but fails.

"Don't say my name right now baby." She groans.

"Y- your the o- one moving." She tells me breathlessly. I moving my hips faster needing the friction. She moans the sexist moan I have ever heard.

"You moved first." I moan. I kiss her neck up to her lips before smashing my lips down on hers. Her hips jerk when I press down my body onto her. She immediately responded to the kiss. Her hands go under my shirt rubbing my stomach. I moan as her warm hands run over every muscle on my chest. I pull away smiling down at her.

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