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Karter's POV

When I wake up the next morning Mason is gone. I close my eyes again not wanting to get up. I hear the bathroom door open, signaling that Mason is out. I open my eyes before shutting them again.

"Morning baby." I hear mason say. "Why'd you close your eyes?" He asks teasing me.

I slowly open my eyes. I find Mason standing at the end of the bed in just his towel. He's leaning forward looking at me.

"It's all yours." He whispers. His hands rests on his towel. He looks ready to pull it off. "All of it baby." He says again.

"M-mason." I say trying to keep eye contact with him instead of letting my eyes travel down his toned body. I fail.

My eyes travel down his chest to his abs, which are dripping wet by the way. Much like my.. you know.

My eyes travel further to his V-line where his hand rest just above his towel.

"Karter?" Mason asks making my eyes to shoot back up to his. "You have to take a shower right?" He asks raising a brow.

"Mmhmm." I answer.

"Are you ok to do it yourself?" He ask his hands resting on the bed now.

"Um I'll figure it out." I say trying to stand up. My back aches and causes me to sit back down. "Maybe a little help." I say smiling.

"Do you want me to help?" Mason asks smirking.

"I- Uh sure." I say giving a small smile.

"Come on I'll just take another one with you." He smirks grabbing my hand. He picks me up carrying me to the bathroom. He sets me on the counter. He presses his lips to mine.

"I told you I was joining you next time." He says before grabbing the hem of my shirt. He keeps his eyes locked with mine as he lifts my shirt over my head. He throws it to the side before turning around and turning the shower on. He turns back around resting his hands on my thighs.

He leans in trailing kisses down my neck. His hands travel to unclip my bra. My hands find his hair as my bra slips off and Mason's lips travel lower. His hands travel to my pants before lifting me up and sliding them to my ankles. I step out staring back up at him. I step out kicking them aside.

"Baby." He says his eyes asking for permission. I nod and his fingers drag my underwear down. His eyes, however, never leave mine.

His hand than goes to his towel. I hear it drop. Mason pulls me to the shower. Before we step inside Mason let's his eyes travel down my body. He smiles as his hand follows his eyes. My eyes do the same over Mason. I gasp when I see his length.

"Don't worry baby. When I make love to you for the first time I'll go slow." He whispers. A shiver goes up my spine.

He helps me in the shower before stepping in behind me. My back is to him so he can hold me up in case I get an ache.

The water washes over us as he squirts the body wash on a loofa. He runs it over my body cleaning my skin. He than takes the shampoo and messages it through my head. He washes it out.

"Do you want conditioner?" He asks picking up the bottle. I nod. He puts conditioner through my ends. He turns me around while it sets. His lips find mine.

My lips move in sync with his. One of his hands is resting on the back of my neck while the other his resting on my lower back.

He pulls away for a second before his lips find my neck. He trails kisses down to collar bone before biting lightly. I let out a small moan. Mason smirks against my skin. He pulls away again before washing out my conditioner.

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