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After we get food from McDonald's we eat and get on the road to Alfhiem.

"How ya doing back there Glacier?" I ask even though he can't answer. He snorts. "Good." I answer looking at him the the mirror. Glacier is laying across the back seat looking ready to fall asleep. I look back at the road.

A few minutes later I feel a warm hand intertwine with mine. I look over at Mason. "I love you." He says kissing my knuckles.

"I love you too." I say my whole body relaxing.

"Stop being so tense. Do you want to switch?" He asks.

"No it's only been one hour." I say glaring. He chuckles.

"Mm it's cute when you are mad at me because I know your really not." Mason says kissing my palm.

"I'm trying to drive Mason." I scold him. He smirks.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone." He says retracting his hand from mine. The sparks leave my hand. Instead they appear in my thigh where Mason rests his hand.

"Mason." I say sternly.

"Yes?" He asks innocent.

"Just.. never mind." I say. I hear mason chuckle before dragging his hand further up my thigh. My breath hitches. I look over at Mason and find him smirking. He drags his hand further up so it's just before my heated core.

"M- Mason." I say nervously. I try to stay focused on the road. His hand hovers over my core. He pulls away intertwining our hands again. "Ugh your going to be the death of me." I say smiling at him.

"Your not dying on my watch." Mason says squeezing my hand. "I love you Karter. I really do." He says kissing the back of my hand up to my wrist.

"I love you too Mason. Just as much." I say blushing as him kissing my skin making it feel all tingly.

"I doubt that, baby." He says. "Now pull over so I can drive." He says. I finally agree and we pull over at a rest stop so we can switch. I get out and head to the passenger side. Before I get there though Mason grabs my waist and pins me to the care.

"Mason?" I say confused. He just smirks smashing his lips to mine. I quickly respond tangling my fingers into his hair. He wraps his arms around my waist pulling me in close. After a few minutes Mason finally pulls back resting his forehead on mine.

"I've been meaning to do that." He says pecking my lips before getting in the car. I do the same getting in the passenger side.

"Mason why did you do that in a public place?" I ask looking at the people.

"Don't worry baby no one cares. Besides I love my girlfriend so much I can't help it." He says and I smile. "Now let's get going." He puts the car in drive pulling out of the rest area parking lot. He rests his hand on my thigh as he drives rubbing every once and awhile.

"Mason Can I put music on?" I ask. Mason nods.

"You can do what you want babe. It is your car." He says raising a brow.

"I know I just didn't know if you wanted music." I say reaching up to turn the radio on. I turn it on and immediately change it. I'm not listening to Nickelback. This time I leave it on the song. It's playing Pitbull. I may not know what he's saying in Spanish but he is still my favorite male artist.

When it gets to the Spanish part however, Mason sings it perfectly. "You know Spanish?" I say very confused.

"Yeah we have to know it on the preserve. Some of the creatures came from Mexico so we are forced to learn Spanish so we can communicate with them." He says. Than he turns to me. "Do you know any Spanish?" He asks.

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