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I change into a blue swimsuit I packed just in case. I haven't used it because I didn't feel comfortable swimming around with nothing but almost underwear on. It's easier when it's just the cove area. No mermaids are going to come up to the almost land. Also I'm not very comfortable wearing it where people are actually paying attention.

Anyway, I change into my blue swimsuit. The bottoms are high waisted and the top shows the top of my breast but fits so my breasts aren't hanging out.

I head out of my room and see Mason standing there waiting for me. When he looks at me his eyes widen. He grabs my waist pushing me back into the room.

"What are you wearing?" He asks his eyes not leaving mine.

"Why does it look bad. I thought this one looked ok. I don't have another one but I -I can change." I can feel my self becoming insecure.

"No. You look.. gorgeous. Your just really gorgeous. It's taking everything in me not to take you right here." He says slowly pushing me against the wall. I feel a shiver run down my spine. He slowly leans closer to me. I tilt my head up to meet him and our lips meet. He pushes me against the wall and him. His hand roam down my back and to my butt. I gasp and he takes that as a chance to slip his tongue in my mouth. I moan. After a few minutes we are interrupted by a knock on the door. Me and Mason look to the door to find Aria standing there with a raised eyebrow.

"I don't want to hear you doing... that. So could you please keep it down. We are trying to sleep." When she says "we" I push Mason off of me and rush to her.

"Are you two sleeping together?" I ask holding her shoulders. She nods. "Like sleep sleep or sleeep sleep." She scrunches her eyebrows.

"What's the difference?" I roll my eyes.

"Are you two just sleeping or having sex?" She gasps.

"Just sleeping. Jeez." I pout.

"You two are so cute." Aria rolls her eyes.

"Why are you two in swimming suits?" She asks eyeing our swim suits.

"We are going swimming." She nods.

"Alright well I'm going back to bed. Have fun." She exits the room. I grab Mason's hand dragging him back to the beach. Once we reach the beach I notice everyone already there and in the water. Me and mason join them. We swim around for a few hours than decide to head back on go to bed.

Mason walks into the living room from taking a shower. He is wearing sweatpants and no shirt.

"Hey you going to bed?" He asks me. I shake my head.

"It's only nine. Im going to go out to see what's it's like during dark." He nods.

"I'll join you just let me grab a shirt." He walks into his room coming back out with a shirt on. He follows me out the door. We start walking to the small forest. After a few moments of admiring the island at night a growl pierces through the silence.

Mason pulls me closer to him trying to find out where it came from.

"What was that?" I question looking for any movement within the dark forest.

"I don't know." He answers. Suddenly a large wolf jumps out at us. Mason pushes me behind him. The wolf lands just before us baring his teeth.

"What the hell. Why is a wolf on Atlantis." The wolf growls. Suddenly two more wolves appear. One of them shifted letting us know he was a werewolf.

Werewolves don't usually live on preserves unless they choose to. Most of them live in the woods in normal society. The live in pack houses. If they live on preserves it usually means they were found out and fled or they are a small pack. Some of them live with an actual wolf pack. Those werewolves usually join werewolf packs at the age of fourteen and up so they can find their mate. A mate is a werewolves soulmate given to them by the Greek goddess Selene, or the moon goddess. She created werewolves. They also have an alpha king but he lives on his own preserve called the shifter preserve. He is the caretaker as well. Almost no one has been there unless they are called to him or visit regarding wolf business.

"Who are you?" Mason let's me out from behind him but keeps me close.

"Hi I'm Karter this is Mason. What are you doing here on Atlantis?" I ask him. He growls.

"First tell me your business here. You've a lot more than vacation here." I step foreword.

"I'm the future caretaker and the first group here was vacationing. We came here to save Atlantis. We didn't expect to meet werewolves." The werewolf huffs.

"We came here about five years ago. My pack got stuck on a boat that was transporting wolves to another country for experimentation. The normal humans saw me shifting and decided to take the whole pack including me while I was in wolf form. The boat took a stop here and we got off and hid. So here we are." I gasp.

"Your the missing alpha." He nods.

The missing alpha was a werewolf alpha of a normal wolf pack. He was the first one and only one. He disappeared five years ago. We thought they went into hiding from the king.

"I'm Darren." He reaches his hand out and shakes Mason's than my hand.

"How old are you?" Mason asks from beside me.

"I'm twenty-seven and yet to find a mate." Me and Mason nod.

"We can take you back to America. You could live on a preserve. My preserve, elfhiem, has a werewolf pack in it." Darren nods.

"That would be great. When are you guys leaving?" I look at Mason. Mason shrugs.

"Maybe a couple weeks. We are going to have a construction crew start building a caretaker house. They are going to knock down the bungalows. I would suggest staying on the far side of the island when that starts. I have to stay until they lay the foundation down." Darren nods.

"Alright. Are they going to be from the council?" I nod my head. "Ok. Thank you." He shifts than turns around back into the woods with the other two wolves. Mason turns towards me.

"Want to head back?" I nod and start walking. Mason pulls me back. I look at him confused. He pecks my lips. "You handled it like a caretaker." I smile.

"Did I." He nods kissing me again. This kiss was longer and sweeter. He pulls away and grabs my hand.

"Come on. Let's go back." I nod and let him pull me back to the bungalow. We walk back through the dark to the bungalow. Once he pecks my lips before turning to his room.

"Night Mason." He stops than runs his hand through his hair. He sighs before turning back to me.

"Karter um.. yeah goodnight." He turns back around going to his room. I scrunch my eyebrows before shaking my head. That was strange.

I head up to my room. I'm already in my pjs so I crawl under the blankets and immediately fall asleep.


I lie awake staring at the ceiling. When we came back I almost asked Karter to sleep with me. I don't know why I just had the urge. I've only know her for about a week. She's so beautiful I just want to hold her. I want to hold her forever and never let go. That sounds super cheesy but it's true. I want her as mine.

I close my eyes trying to sleep but all I could think about was Karter here in my arms. I sigh before getting up and heading to her room. I slightly open the door and find her with the blankets up to her chin. I quietly walk into the room. She looks so cute. I pull the blankets down and admire her gorgeous face. I pull the blankets back and lay down next to her. I smile as she subconsciously snuggles into me. I wrap my arms around her and pull her as close to me as possible. Soon I'm falling asleep with my beautiful baby wrapped in my arms.

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