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I make my way through the palace I've been in for a few hours. Luckily it doesn't have any water in it. I am currently walking through the palace with Glacier following behind me. I'm looking for this key. I kinda wish I stayed with the group. No I want I want to prove myself to this preserve. I want to do this. Maybe I'll go back to the group but I barely know half of them. I'm sure Aria will miss me but I don't know everyone enough for them to miss me.

I'm sure they will find me here. So even if I don't want them to find me they will. Next to me I hear Glacier snort.

"Whats up buddy?" I ask Glacier. He nuzzles my leg. "I'm tired too. But we can't rest. We are lucky we haven't run into Poseidon yet. Maybe he doesn't even live here anymore." After awhile of walking I slide down a wall and pull my knees to my chest putting my chin on my knees. Glacier lays down next to me. I yawn.

"Maybe a little nap." I close my eyes for a little bit.


I can't believe she just left. She doesn't understand we have to do this together.

As we are swimming around trying to find something I see something shining in the distance. I get closer and realize what it is.

"GUYS!" I wave  them over. They swim over to me.

"What is that?" Kai asks.

"That's the doors. We need to get there before Karter exits." We start swimming over to them. Once we get over there we admire the doors before I push them open revealing a gold interior. We walk inside admiring the interior before we hear little snorts coming from the second floor.

I head up the stairs to see what the noise was. I hear the footsteps of Aria behind me. When I reach the top I head down a hallway from where I think the noises are coming from. I turn a corner and see a baby dragon laying next to a sleeping... Karter! Aria starts to run up to her but I stop her shaking head.

"Let her sleep. She probably hasn't rested since the night before she left." Aria sighs before nodding. She sits down on the floor leaning her head on the wall.

"Someone should go look for the key while someone stays here with Karter." Aria says.

"Good idea let's split into groups. Me and Aria stay here with Karter. Drake and Adam go search the far part of the castle. Allia, ally and Kai search this side." I say. They nod splitting into groups. I sit down next to Karter.

She must be so tired. I mean she probably left early in the night and hasn't rested since. I sigh before looking at the small baby dragon laying next to her. I wonder where she found him.

As I'm sitting next to her I feel almost freezing from her arm. I touch her shoulder and it's ice cold. I move her sleeve and my eyes widen to the size of saucers.

"Aria, come here!" Aria gets up and gasps at What is on her arm.

"S- she has a familiar?" Aria moves her sleeve to show her mark. It's a orange fire of ashes. Karter's is an ice fire. Holy crap she has a dragon familiar. I wonder if the rest of us will get one.


Me ally and Kai are walking around downstairs when suddenly we hear a noise in a room next to us. We quickly open the door and find the key on the opposite side of the room. I step in before being pulled back.

"Look." Ally says pointing to the ground. The floor was covered with tiles. The tiles had hermit crabs, as other kinds of crabs but there were some tiles with shrimp.

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