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I watch as Karter put her hands over her ears and squatted down shaking her head.

"No, no, no, NO! Stop! You can't be. They were takin' out years ago." She continues to shake her head not believing what she was hearing. I try to stand up to comfort her but I'm still weak and everything is spinning. Drake catches me sitting next to me so I can lean against him. Mason goes over to her and tries to comfort her but she screams when he touches her.

That man that just revealed who he worked for was laughing in the chair as the group of four were looking very confused. I look up to drake to tell him so he can help her. I tug his shirt so he can lean down. He leans down and I whisper to him.

"Her uncle was part of them. He killed her brother. Ex helped. He tried to take preserves. He was the leader. She killed him." Drakes eyes widen. He kisses my cheek before going to tell Mason. Mason's eyes widen before rushing to Karter. He whispers in her ear before bringing her to the other group and the girls try to comfort her.  Mason goes back to the man and leans down to his level.

"How are you still around?" The man laughs.

"You think she really killed him. He is still alive. He told me to take you out one by one, and when I get to his precious niece, well let's just say it would have been lots of fun. For me anyway." He smirks. Mason growls.

"Where is your base." The man scoffs.

"I ain't telling you shit. Besides no ones going to find us. It'll be like finding a bronze coin in a chest full of gold ones. Besides you'd be lost before you even get to the base." Drake chuckles besides me. Mason rolls his eyes. He doesn't hesitate to stab the man in the stomach.

"Tell me your name?" The man rolls his eyes before choking. His weakly reaches into his jacket pocket pulling out a price of paper. He shoves it into Mason making Mason catch it as the mans eyes turn cold and lifeless.

I turn my face and shove it into Drake's shoulder. Mason walks to me and hands Drake the paper telling him to show it to me when  I have come to. I hear everybody start shuffling out so I try to stand. I quickly realize I'm not going to be able to do much on my own for at least a day or two to I sit back down and let Drake pick me up bridle style and carry me out after the group.

After we make it out of that dreadful place I smell fresh air and feel a little better. I still feel super sick though. I press my face into Drakes shirt trying to keep my eyes open so I don't fall asleep in his arms. I don't think he'll like that. But he hugs me closer as he continues to walk.

"Close your eyes babes. You need the rest." I nod before letting sleep take over.



My mind is trying to figure out how my uncle is still alive. I killed him. I stabbed him in the chest. Watched as he fell into the darkness of death. I thought I did anyway. Was he acting? No, I checked his pulse. Could he have survived by coming back to life. It's possible.

As I'm thinking about how my uncle could still be alive and living underground, Mason comes up next to me taking my and and intertwining our fingers. My head whips up at him widening my eyes. He smiles down at me.

Soon enough I see the house we have been staying at come into view. Mason turns around telling everyone to meet up at four o'clock tonight to figure out what to do. They all agree as they head to their house leaving me, Drake, a sleeping Aria, and Mason to go into our beach house. We all head inside and Drake takes Aria up to her room so she can sleep longer. Mason pulls me into the kitchen sitting me down on a stool so he can talk about what just happened. He leans over the counter so he can see my face better. He lifts my chin before speaking.

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