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i'm going to finish this today.

a year passed and raven is still dating max, sawyer thought four months was too harsh but after a month, she was finally free of grounded.

j-it's so nice to sit down with you both and just look back.
colton- sawyer, where's the food?

(i did the math wrong and when sawyer got him back in his arms after the crash, i said he was one, but he was actually two because when i started the book, he was about one and half, so add that 3 + 5 plus two is 10)

s-what do you want little bugger?
colton-anything. i'm hungry.
s-one second.

you stood up and gave him a box of cookies.
s-share this with louis, max and raven.

colton walked upstairs and sawyer walked back to the group.

ad-i can't believe how much colton grew.
s-yeah. he's becoming a young teen so he's extra annoying.
b-i actually miss you guys.
s-"actually" ? wow. back handed much huh?

you all chuckle.

s-to life.
the group-to life.

i couldn't do it anymore. i couldn't write this book. i was disappearing in and out. so i'm done once and for all. comment down below if you have ideas for me to write my next book.

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