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Fast forward few days later and Kairi and Sawyer haven't talked and it's the first day of tour.

C-Ready to go?
You've been staying at your own house with Charli, Addison and Mattia.
S-Totally. It's gonna be painful with Kairi for 6 hours on the bus.
You grab your 2 bags and 1 small suitcase and walk down. The bus drove to your house and you kissed Layla and Coach goodbye.
S-I'm gonna miss you.
Coach-Remember when you get back, there's gonna be one week before school!
S-I know, Dad. Bye.
You get on the bus with everyone giving you death stares.
They still don't like you, great.
M-Yo, better get your eyes off her before I take them out!
He booms to the bus and everyone looks away.
S-Thanks, Mattia.
You put your stuff in the back. You see that you left one bag behind.
S-Kairi, do you mind grabbing my bag?
Kairi looks at you and looks at the bag and goes back to talking to Ale. You sigh. You walk over
S-Still acting like a fucking kid? Wow.
You say to him and you walk away.
J-Sawyer, you have to sit with Kairi.
S-I'll rather someone to shit on my face than sit next to him.
J-Well you have to sit next to him!
S-I said no.
J-Do it before I make you.
S-What are you gonna do? Hit me? Or call me a fucked up girl again?
The bus oooohs
Jaden's jaw clenched and you sit at the back of the bus. It starts driving and you had a empty seat next to you and two across you. It was a huge bus so it was like a living room on wheels. You play on your phone and the bus comes to a stop. You look up to see Payton and Mads.
You run to him and hugs him. You hug Mads too and they sit with you, Charli, Mattia and Addison.
Mads-Why aren't you sitting with Kairi?
S-He thinks I cheated on him with Payton.
P-Wait what?!
S-Yeah. I told him I didn't and I was with him all the time so I never had the time to "cheat"
You say, air quoting. Kairi stares at you and you look.
S-What are you looking at, bitch? Take a fucking picture.
Kairi turns red and looks away.
S-Sorry guys.
You all talk for a little and you fell asleep and you were about to fall off the seat but someone put you in your place. You open your eyes a little and it was Kairi? You ignore it off and you rest your head on Payton.
Fast forward the first setting of the tour.
You woke up three hours ago and couldn't stop thinking when Kairi helped you. You still loved him but didn't show it. You hoped he felt the same way. Oh maybe he won't. He thinks I cheated on him.
He snaps you out of your thoughts.
S-Yeah sorry!
You grab your bags and you go into the hotel and sign in. You roomed with Addison and Charli and Mads. You walked to your room and it was right across Kairi, Mattia and Ale and the room next to them was Payton, Jaden, Josh. And the room next to yours was Bryce, Tayler, Griffin and Kio.
S-I can sleep on the couch so Mads can have my bed.
Mads-Oh please no, you can sleep with me. I always keep on my side.
Mads smile and you unpack. You suddenly hear a punch blow. You run out of the hall and you see Payton on the ground holding his face.
Kai-That's what you get for sleeping with Sawyer.
P-What do you mean? I never slept with Sawyer!
Kai-Wait what?
S-That's what I was trying to tell you all along. I never had time to "cheat" because I was with you. And only you. You know that I love you.
Am-Hey guys!
S-Are you serious?
Am-Charli, I wanted to tell you that Sawyer told me that she doesn't like you.
Charli dramatically gasps.
C-No I mean, No, Sawyer would never do that behind my back.
M-So shut the hell up, fake bitch.
You smirk
Am-Stop with that smirking! You're a pathetic whore and you use everyone for clout.
S-What the fuck? I don't care for their followers, I care about my friends. Which you don't have. If anyone here is using anybody for clout, it's you. Just stop with the lying and leave.
Ambree scoffs.
S-I'm not that afraid little girl anymore. I can make you disappear from the face of the earth with my finger.
Ambree gulps and runs off.
Kai-I'm so sorry, Sawyer. I feel like a fool.
S-well, you are a fool.
You laugh lightly.
Kai-Will you take me back?
S-Who ever said I stopped loving you?
You kiss lightly on his lips.
Ad-So, anybody else?
She speaks up.
Ale-I'm sorry, Sawyer. You didn't deserve us acting bitchy.
S-Thanks, Ale.
You hug him.
B-I'm sorry, Sawyer-
S-It's fine, Bryce, you didn't do anything. And none of you did.
You say to Griffin, Kio, Tayler and Payton.
S-But I need to hear two.
You look at Josh and Jaden. They both look down.
S-So boys?
Jh-I'm so sorry, Sawyer! You're my best friend and we didn't have the right to be so mean to you and I feel awful for not listening your side of the story!
He blurts out, nearly crying. You hug him.
S-it's okay. It was just a misunderstanding.
You back away to look at Jaden. He was nearly full on crying.
J-I'm sorry, Sawyer. I was your first person to comfort you, you helped me a lot and I didn't help you for this situation. I didn't have your back.
He says, tears streaming down his face. You wipe them away and hug him
S-don't cry. I forgive you.
Kai-I'm sorry, bro
P-Nah it's okay. You have a good right hook.
G-Okay, we have to go to the first meet and greet and Kairi and Sawyer has a q & a. Get dressed!
You run in your room and change into this

With a butterfly necklace and you run down to the lobby Kai-Hey beautiful

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With a butterfly necklace and you run down to the lobby
Kai-Hey beautiful.
S-I missed you saying that.
Kairi smiles and kisses you. You see a flash from far away and it's clearly paparazzi.
S-Hey guys. Please don't send out our hotel name because we would like our privacy! And me and Kairi are back together because we talked and Kairi realized.
You hop on the bus and drives to the place to meet everyone. You walk in and the place turns packed. You met a lot of people and it was time for the q & a
You answer some questions and it was about to finish but kairi had one more thing to say
Kai-So you all might heard that we broke up and got back together. I wanted to give this to Sawyer but it was special.
Kairi pulls out a black ring.
Kai-This is a promise ring. I commit my promise to love you and I will always protect you. Sawyer Paige Travis, will you take this promise ring?
You had tears running down your face and your hand covering your mouth.
S-I promise.
Kairi smiles and picks you up and twirls you around. The promise rings was this

The event finished and you went up to Kairi's room and everyone was in there eating pizza and watching movies and making tiktoks

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The event finished and you went up to Kairi's room and everyone was in there eating pizza and watching movies and making tiktoks. The night was so much fun and you fell asleep.

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