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You wake up on the couch, with your arms around Charli. You look up and she smiles at you and you lightly blush. You get up and crack your back. You look at the clock and it said 6:30 in the morning.
S-damn. I must've got used to waking so early in the mental hospital. Why are you wake?
You ask Charli.
C-my phone kept blowing up with Chase's messages and I couldn't turn it off because my parents would get mad at me if I turned off my phone.
S-so he's out of prison?
C-yeah. Like three months ago.
S-what is he saying?
C-nothing. Let's go get dunkins!
Charli tries to walk away from you but you yanked her phone and quickly scrolled his messages. They were mostly cruel, some of them saying 'no one loves you' and 'I used you for your clout!' And even one saying 'just kys so I wouldn't deal with your annoying ass anymore'
C-I told you it was nothing!
She tries to yank it away from you but you put it farther from her and pushed her back. You can see her bottom lip tremble and she's reaching for her phone.
C-just give my phone back.
She says, her voice cracking. You hug her and she finally let all her tears go. She cries into your shoulder.
C-why does everyone hate me?
She says sobbing.
S-no, you're lying to yourself. And chase is. You're so wonderful and breathtaking gorgeous. You're the most amazing best friend ever.
You say, playing with her hair. She pulls away from you and wipes her tears.
C-thank you for that. Now can we pleaseeeeee get Dunkins!
You giggle slightly and you grab your car keys and you start the car and drive to the drive through. Charli leans over you to order and you get a whiff of her scent. It was vanilla mixed with a spritz of lilies. She turns her head to yours and your lips are close to hers. Her eyes graze over to your lips and you immediately felt awkward and blurted out
S-mango raspberry dragonfruit.
S-thats my order.
C-Sawyer, this is a dunkin. Dummy. She'll get a Charli.

Charli backs away and you drove to the window. You got the drinks and gave it to Charli. You pulled in the parking lot and just drank there.
S-so do you have a crush right now?
She answers slowly.
S-ouuu. tell meee.
S-please? I'll say mine and you'll say yours at the same time?

Your heart pounded so hard. You were about to say your crush in her actual face.

S-three , two, one!


You say at the same time. Your eyes widen with Charli's. You both look away from each other slowly. You nervously giggle.
C-wanna go out with me?
You laugh lightly.
S-we have to go home now. It's like 9:30

You drive home and pull up to the driveway.

You walk in the house with Charli and she gets bombarded with questions by Dixie.

Dixie-Where were you? Why were you gone? did she hurt you?

She says the last sentence, quietly.
S-I can hear you bitch.

You say to her face.

S-and she wanted dunkins. So I got her there. Now chill and make out with Noah.

You say, smoothly. You walk in the kitchen.
Dix-me and Noah are not dating!
S-yeah, right.
Dix-says the girl who breaks their heart and fucks the next person.

S-for one, Zoe moved. She broke up with me. We don't contact anymore. Kairi dumped me. Both the people who I thought loved me, broke my heart. So why would you think I fuck the next person?

You roll your eyes and walk past her but you shove your shoulder into her. You called Devy and Diego and they were coming over in five minutes.

S-hey, my friends are gonna come over.

You get a knock on the door and you open it. You see Devy dressed in a black tube top and black sweats. You see Diego wearing a red hoodie with black ripped jeans.

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