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You woke up in the hotel room, next to Mads. She was on her phone, answering some snaps.
Mads-Good morning sleepy-head.
C-Hi. We have to leave tonight at 11:30 at night
S-What?! Damn.
C-We got invited to a party tonight.
S-Dammit. I have to get in another dress and probably make Kairi horny. He was upset because he didn't get some of this last night
You say, pointing at your body.
Ad-We have all day so why not shop?
S-Yeah. I need new bikinis, new shoes, clothes to get ready for high school.
As-Did you know that you're going to high school with Jaden and Josh?
S-For real! Awesome! This probably was the best summer I've ever had. I met the love of my life, moved away from my toxic family, took down my sister and met amazing friends along the way.
Addison smiles at you.
You put on a cropped champion shirt and black jeans. You all go down to the lobby and you see Kairi with Mattia and Ale. You walk over
Ale-Sup Sawyer
S-We haven't hung out in a while so after I hang with the girls, can we hang? 
M-I'm down.
You nod and you hop in the car and drives to the mall.
C-So it's a costume party! What do you wanna go as?
Just then Kairi sent you a text
I heard that there was a costume party.... what do you want to go as? I was thinking Harley Quinn and the joker?
Let me suprise you baby boy.
S-I know what to do.
Fast forward to the costume party
You were meeting Kairi, Mattia and Ale there and rest of the boys. Charli and Mads went as the duo, devil and angel. Addison went as a sexy cat, she was wearing a cropped shirt with leather booty shorts and fishhook pants.
C-Kairi is gonna DIE when he sees you!
You were wearing this

And Kairi was wearing a white t-shirt, smeared in blood with black ripped jeans

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And Kairi was wearing a white t-shirt, smeared in blood with black ripped jeans.
You laugh
S-You guys look great too.
You finally arrive to the party and you walk out. Mattia was dressed as a police officer and so was Ale. You walk in the house
M-Oh hey girls! Looking sexy, huh?
You chuckle. Kairi was playing beer pong with Jaden, Josh and few another guys. You walked past them with the girls and they cat called you.
S-Fuck off guys. I'm dating someone.
Kai-Babe.....you look awesome.
S-Thank you.
You say smiling, you kiss him.
Ty-Yo what's good, I'm Tyler.
S-And I'm not interested.
You say walking past him to Jaden and Josh.
S-Hey guys.
S-Wanna dance?
Jh-I would but I'm waiting on my date!
S-Awe, that's awesome.
Jh-Oh, that's my date, Nessa.
You run to each other and hug for dear life.
S-I missed you!
N-Me too girl!
S-How's been your life?
Jh-What's happening?
S-So when I was around 15, I was walking around at one party and I saw her getting harassed by a guy so I walked over and said 'Yo! Someone's stealing your bike!' And he ran outside. And ever since it's been history. But I haven't seen her for few months!
N-Well, I missed you!
He walks over
Kai-Wanna dance?
S-Sure. See you later Ness.
You walk over to the dance floor and start dancing. You hear the music change to 'Or Nah'

You start lip syncing but close your mouth when it gets to the n-word part. You find yourself grinding on Kairi and the boys from earlier was staring holes at you.
Kai-one second babygirl, gotta go to the bathroom.
You were slurring, you were very drunk, while you shouldn't be. You were stumbling and you accidentally stumbled to the boys.
S-oh hey guys! Are you jealous of me and Kairi?
S-Oh come on! I saw you *hiccups* staring at me! Losers! Bye bye!
You were right about to walk past them but you get pulled back by your waist. You get pulled to a room.
Ty-you don't get to talk to us like that. Chase, give me the gag.
You see Chase take off his mask, it was him the whole time!
S-Chase! Someone let me go!
Ch-Oh baby, you're not going anywhere.
Chase pushes you down onto the mattress.
It was so comfortable, you struggled to stay awake
Just a nap......
No stay awake! You're gonna get hurt!
But I'm tiredddddd!
You don't want to hurt Kairi!
You were done fighting with yourself and passed out.
Nessa's POV
I see Sawyer talking to two guys and a guy pulls her into a room.
Jh-Yeah, Ness?
N-I think I saw Sawyer getting pulled to a room. She seemed drunk.
I see Josh's jaw clenched. He did really care for Sawyer.
He shouted and Jaden came over.
Jh-Sawyer's getting raped or hurt and she's completely drunk, I saw her drink a lot tonight.
J-What?! Nessa, where did you see her getting pulled?
N-It was two guy with black hair but one was parted in the middle with pale skin and another with black fluffy hair.
I described and I walked over to the room. Josh and Jaden kicked down the door.
Josh's POV
I kicked down the door to see Sawyer passed out and her skirt ridden up. I see Tyler, terrified with Chase kneeling over her, ready to get in her pants.
I grab his collar and swing at him. Jaden took down Tyler and we both brought them outside. They hurt my best friend so I'm gonna kill this chopstick dude.
Nessa's POV
I see Sawyer's skirt ridden up and I grab a blanket and wrap it around her and pull down her skirt a little. God I feel bad for her.
Mattia runs in. I know him a little, I met him here at the party.
M-Jesus, thank you Nessa.
I nod and I hear a guy sob.
A boy runs in, that's probably her boyfriend.
Kai-Wake up babygirl.
Sawyer's POV
You blacked out and you got shook awake and you woke up, a bit intoxicated.
S-Wait, why did I fall asleep?
Nessa hands me a water bottle.
You look around and see your skirt a bit ridden up.
S-oh my god. oh my god. oh my god!
You realized. You broke down in tears. You run outside to see everyone in a circle. You run through and see Jaden and Josh kneeling over Tyler and Chase, bashing the shit out of them. You sob and you see Josh look at you with teary eyes. Josh gets up from Chase's body and hugs you. You hug back and Jaden joins in the hug. You hop in the limo with your friends.
C-Are you okay, baby?
You were absolutely numb. You see sirens wailing, chase staring at you through your limo window, getting shoved into a police car. You look away and everything was in slow motion and you muted everyone out and only focused on one voice....and that was Charli.
C-Baby, you're okay now. We're here with you. We can cancel your appointments for as long as you like. You can go home if you want.
S-cancel all of them for this week please.
You say quietly for her. Charli pulls out her phone. You arrive to the house and you run in the room and change to sweats and a hoodie and climbed into bed. Everyone sat down and you knew they were whisper-yelling and you put in your airpods and closed your eyes. The whole thing come rushing back behind your eyelids and you jolt awake. Everyone looks at you and you wipe away your tears.
Kairi comes and cuddled you. He was still pissed and tightened his grip around your stomach very hard and rough.
S-babe! Babe! YOU'RE HURTING ME!
You shove him off the bed and he stands up with teary eyes and runs out of the door. You start to sob into your knees and Charli comes by you and sits next to you with the girls surrounding you. Nessa next to Charli, your head in Charli's lap, your feet in Addison's legs and Mads was sitting by the edge of bed. The boys left to leave you guys alone. You fall asleep, yet again.

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