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You wake up on the trampoline and the beautiful sky with the sun shining on your face.
S-What time is it?
S-oh wow. I never slept in before.
You get off the trampoline and you rub your eyes. You walk in the house to see the Sway house there.
S-oh hey guys.
She says happily, as always her mood.
You say, trying to give back the energy but your voice was a little hoarse.
S-Sorry, I just need a drink.
G-hot coffee?
S-Hell no. I like iced coffee specially from dunkins.
C-Actually I have two.
She grabs one and gives one to you. You smile and sip the drink.
S-Thanks Char.
You sit down between Jaden and Kairi.
B-We're having a huge party tonight at the sway house and I want y'all to come.
M-I'm down.
Kai-Same. Sawyer?
S-i really don't know. I never went to a party before. What if something happens or you all are wasted and I have a panic attack-
Kai-hey babe, it's fine. I'll be there for you
Ad-And Jaden and Josh took a break from drinking so they won't get drunk.
Jh-We'll be on your side.
S-okay fine.
You smile.
C-Can you come over my house so we could get ready together?
Fast forward getting ready for the party
Kai-I'll drive
You grab your clothes for the party and get in the car. You drive to the house and you pull up to the driveway
M-I wonder if there's some cute guys there.
S-oh my god.
You say chuckling
M-What? Is it so wrong for me to kiss a guy. Like this?
Mattia grabs Kairi and presses his lips on his.
Kai-What the fuck dude?
Kairi messes up Mattia's hair
M-Not the hair dude! Not the hair.
You sigh and chuckle. You get out of the car and you walk into the house.
B-Hey Sawyer
S-Hi Brycey.
You walk upstairs to Charli's room to see Addison, Dixie, Avani and Charli.
You go in the bathroom and change into your party outfit. You come out of the bathroom
D-What the fuck? Hell no, you're not wearing that
You were wearing a white scrunched tube top with black denim shorts.
Ad-It's a bit basic. Come to my room, I'll help you!
Addison pulls you to her room across the hall and opens her walk in closet
Ad-This is my closet!
S-This ain't your closet. This is a whole store.
Ad-Sit right there.
She grabs some pieces and hands it to me and grabs a checkered vans and you go in Charli's room and put it on. This is the outfit

You walk out slowlyD-Perfect! You look amazing! C-You look so hot! S-I feel awkward in this

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You walk out slowly
D-Perfect! You look amazing!
C-You look so hot!
S-I feel awkward in this.
Ad-Girl don't be! You look absolutely amazing!
Suddenly the music starts blasting. That means the party started. You suddenly hear yelling and screaming.
C-Let's go!
You sigh. Everyone leaves first and you stay behind, finishing up your makeup.
J-Hey, Sawy- woah.
His eyes go over your body quickly.
S-I feel really awkward in this dress. I never wore a dress like this or even go to a party.
J-Hey remember I told you. I took a break from drinking. I'll be here for you. If Kairi decides to be a jack ass while drunk or some guy messes with you. Me and Josh will be right there like lightning.
J-Now come on
You walk behind him and Jaden goes down the stairs and you're stuck up on the stairs. You walk downstairs hesitantly and you go in the kitchen when Kairi's playing cup pong. As he was about to throw, he sees you and drops his ball.
S-Hi guys.
You walk to the table and some guys were being a jackass and cat calling. Kairi comes by your side and stares them down. They bow down quickly. Kairi pulls you on the side and his breath lightly reeks of beer.
Kai-who allowed you to look this hot?
You chuckle
You kiss him gently on the lips. You pull away and you go on the dance floor with Jaden, Josh, Bryce who were stumbling over his feet slightly, Charli and Addison. You all danced around. You guys stood in a circle since some of the girls were wearing a dress.
J-Play truth or dare?
B-Yo! There's Nick and Ryland!
You turn around to see two blond guys and they joined the group. Jaden and Josh got you closer to their bodies
S-whats wrong, they seem nice.
Jh-Nick take any girl and does bad things to them or slaps a girl's butt and tells them they were asking for it. Ryland is a good guy but Nick threatens him to expose him so Ryland has to stay with him.
J-and we don't want him to do that.
You nod.
Nick-Yo, girl in red, truth or dare
He says pointing to you
S-Put that finger away before I break it off.
You say bluntly.
Nick-Feisty, huh?
S-And the name is Sawyer.
Nick-Sawyer, truth or dare?
Nick-If you had to kiss any girl in this party, who would you kiss?
S-Uhm, I would say Addison.
Addison blushes a little.
They move on and Nick asks you another truth or dare
Nick-I dare you to kiss any guy.
You turn around and grab Kairi and makes out with him. You pull away and winks at him. You walk back to the circle.
S-I ain't no pussy.
The circle breaks up and you start dancing. You feel a stinging sensation on your ass.
S-What the hell?!
Nick was smirking.
S-You asshole!
Nick-you were asking for it.
You shove him. He grabs your throat
Nick-You don't want to do that, babygirl
Tears was stinging at your eyes.
You say as your 12 year old self begged and kicked. You didn't make it to the girl's hockey team so you were pressed up on the private bathroom's wall, your father holding your throat. He was blocking your airway a little so you had difficulty breathing
Dad-You worthless bitch! You think that you're so innocent but you're just a stupid bitch inside
End of flash back
Nick-You worthless bitch, you think that you're so innocent but you're just a stupid bitch inside.
He says, copying your's father every word.
S-Let me go you asshole!
You punched at his arm but you get dropped to the ground and see Nick on the floor with a bloody nose. You were hyperventilating so much that you fainted.
15 minutes later
You jolt out of your sleep to see a dark figure over you. You scream and whimper. You back up to a corner on your bed and cry. The lights goes on to see Jaden.
J-Hey, it's me.
S-Where's Kairi? I need Kairi.
Jh-I'm sorry but he's wasted. He's passed out on the floor downstairs.
You sob and start pulling at your hair by the roots.
J-Hey stop!
He pulls your hands away.
S-i-I saw my dad when Nick was holding my throat. He was furious and he copied my dad's words, word for word.
You sob again. You see that you're still in your dress but sweats are over your legs. Jaden cradles you with Josh and you sob hard into Josh's sweatshirt.
C-It's okay, sweetie. I'm here.
She rests a hand on your shoulder and you flinch.
S-I'm sorry
C-it's okay.
Charli and the girl were changed into sweats and baggy shirts and everyone was still here downstairs.
S-where's fucking Kairi when I need him?!
You shout a little. You opened your arms to the girls to come in and the girls were sitting at your feet and your head was on Charli's lap. She was playing with your hair.

Jaden's pov
I walk downstairs to wake up Kairi with a bucket of cold water.
Jh-Rise and shine!
Josh screams in his ear
Kai-what the hell?
Josh screams to the party and everyone leaves.
J-Your girlfriend had a panic attack and she needs you but you're wasted. She is sobbing upstairs.
Kairi was so wasted that he couldn't make out words. He passes out again. Josh sighs and pulls him to a room and throws him on the bed and leaves. I go up to see Sawyer crying with the girls on her side. It's about 3 in the morning. We all have to stay up for her. Me and Josh replaces with Charli. Josh was holding her waist and I was caressing her jaw, wiping away her tears but they still came.
Her past really got her.
C-Should we call her mom?
S-no please. She'll kill me and probably forbid me from seeing you guys. Please, all I want is you guys be with me. And I need Kairi to give me forehead kisses, that sometimes work. I took care of him when he was sick and he can't even take care for me! He said that he was there for me if I have a panic attack but
la-di-fucking-doo! He's not here!
Sawyer rants. Addison films it privately so she can show it to Kairi for him to see how much Kairi means to her. I nod at her and she smiles lightly, feeling bad for her. She eventually falls asleep. We all talk very lightly and positive things to help her with her sleep. I see her smile lightly, that means she's happy to hear all the positivity. I smile at the sleeping girl. We all talk all night.

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