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Talking about suicide, homophobic, abuse in this chapter

You wake up and you miss the sway house a lot so you called up Jaden.

                               Call J❤️ ?
                                   yes or no
Jaden picked up after two rings and he looked like he was just waking up
S-Hey loser.
J-oh it's you.
S-ahaha, fuck you.
Jaden laughs and gets up and puts his phone on his desk. You sat down on your vanity.
J-What do you want?
He says off screen because he was changing
S-I wanted to ask that if you and the sway house could all hang?
(You had your hoodie up before you could show Jaden)

J-Yeah! I miss you a lot.
S-Same. Let me change and wake up Kairi and we could talk about it.
You stood up and started to shake Kairi.
S- I wanna hang with sway today so get changed.
You woke up the other two boys too and they started to get changed in other rooms. You changed to this

(Yes you are Avani again now, deal with it bitch)

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(Yes you are Avani again now, deal with it bitch)

And ruffled your blue hair a little and put your face to Jaden
S-Yep! It's blue, bitches!
J-I love it! It's so short!
S-Okay I have to go. I'll be there in fifteen.
You hang up and you put on your shoes and stood at the door
Immediately the boys run downstairs and to the car.
S-Can we go to dunkins pleaseeee?
Kairi drove you to Dunkin's drive through.
S-Can I get a box of twenty donuts and two Charli's?
Okay that'll be 27.63 dollars
Kairi drove to the window and you were about to give the card to the guy but Kairi slapped your hand and handed the guy a 30.
Kai-I'm not letting my girlfriend pay.
You got the donuts and went to the sway house.  
Matti was holding the box and Kairi was holding the drinks. You burst in the house and looked around and ran to the pool.
You say jumping to Charli's arms.
S-I missed you!
C-I miss you girl!
You went around, basically clinging onto everyone.
B-How's my Soy bean?
S-I'm alright!
B-Still short, I see.
You glare at him and shove him into the pool.
Q-Hey Sawyer!
You hug him and Blake and Noah too.
J-Have anyone noticed her blue hair?!
S-Y'all are fucking blind! Thank you Jaden.
You say slapping Jaden's arm.
J-I have some new friends coming over today.
?-Hey guys.
J-Sup, Anthony!
You say, jumping into his arms again.
Cy-Oh it's you.
P-Bitch? Sawyer is not 'you'. She has a name, bitch.
You say walking off with Payton. You go up to Anthony.
S-Hi, I'm Sawyer!
Ant-I'm Anthony, but you can call me Ant
S-It's nice to meet you.
Ant-You too. I like your hair.
S-Oh thank you! I like your shirt.
He was wearing a blue sponge bob shirt.
Anthony smiled and you walked away to walk over to Kairi.
S-Sorry, baby.
You grab the Charli's and you walk over to Charli.
S-One large Charli for the Charli D'amelio!
Charli giggles and grabs the cup. She sips it and exhales
C-Here's the *tap tap* bad bleep *tap tap* tea!
You giggle. You hear few more people come in. You turn around to see Addison, Mads, Thomas, Mia, and a guy that looked like Kairi but his face was lot more olive coloured.
S-Hey guys!
You hug them all but you see the guy.
S-I'm Sawyer
Ki-I'm Kio.
S-It's nice to meet you!
Ki-You too!
You smile and walk off.
S-There's donuts on the table if you want one!
Everyone walked over to get a donut but you see Anthony getting pushed around like a toy. You felt bad because the guys were so rude. Everyone ate the box and Anthony sat down, his hair casting over his eyes. You walked over.
S-What do you want from McDonald's?
His eyes goes up to you and smiles. He tells you his order and you order for him.
The guys started to film tiktoks. You heard someone at the door so you walked and grabbed the McDonald's. You walked to him.
Ant-Thank you!
He says, cheekily.
He started to eat the McDonald's as you sat down next to him. He offered you fries and you smiled. He looked up and admired Jaden.
S-you like him?
Ant-what?! No!
He says nervously.
S-Don't worry. I ship it.
He blushes lightly.
S-Wanna make tiktoks?
Ant-Sure! Wait, stand here.
He grabs your shoulders and place you right next to him

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