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You woke up to music and dancing
"Cause that type of shit don't faze a player"
(If you don't know what TikTok is that, here's the video)

J-Good morning.
S-Good morning.
You get up to brush your teeth so you put the toothpaste on your toothbrush and scrub your teeth. You spit out the toothpaste and you see Kairi standing there with everyone tensed up. Jaden had his jaw clenched and Josh was chewing his lip, both staring holes at Kairi. Bryce was sitting on the bed with the girls and he was running fingers through his hair.
Kai-Hey babe.
You roll your eyes and sit on the bed.
Kai-What's wrong babe?
You stood up quickly
S-How could you call me 'babe' after last night? You're a dick!
You say shoving past him.
Jaden's POV
Kai-What did you guys do?!
He yells at us.
J-Oh no, it's something YOU did.
Ad-Are you fucking dumb? Or are you dumb?
Kai-Why are you yelling at me!
Addison scoffs and pulls up her phone and scrolls through and shoved the phone in his face. Kairi's face falls as he sees Sawyer crying.
Kai-oh my god...
C-She was sobbing in my lap, Kairi!
J-She begged me for you but I had to break Sawyer's heart and mine too to tell him that you were fucking wasted on the couch!
Jh-Oh and what happened yesterday morning, you told her that you would be there for her, but guess fucking what? You were not there!
C-I was trying to calm her down and she kept flinching because she had a panic attack. She needed you at that moment but you weren't there!
Ad-If you ever hurt my best friend again, I'll snap your fucking tiny body in half over my knee.
Jh-woah Bryce, calm your girlfriend down.
Addison shot him a death glare and walked past Kairi with Charli. Mattia stood silent with Ale.
M-You fucked up big time, Olaf.
Ale-sorry bro.
Everyone left to find Sawyer and it's just me, Josh and Bryce in the room.
Kai-I just completely fucked up. My girlfriend hates me now. Everyone does. This is classic Kairi. The one who fucks up. I was a mistake to my parents and I embarrassed my friends so many times and now I fucked up with my girl.
Jh-You might've made a mistake but you need to think people that you love first than yourself. 
Kai-I don't know to make her forgive me. She's definitely gonna hold a grudge.
J-She might but just do small things that she loves like get her dunkins, chocolate, any small things she likes then boom, end up with something huge that she absolutely loves.
Kai-She loves those drive in movies and I know one like 45 minutes away.
Jh-Boom, there.
Kai-Thanks guys.
He was just about to leave but kairi stops
Kai-Thank you guys. For helping Sawyer. When I couldn't be even there.
J-it's my job to make everyone happy.
Kairi nods and he leaves
Sawyer's POV.
S-He's a dick. He promised me that he would be by my side but he was on the side ACROSS the house!
You say, pacing back and forth of Avani's bedroom. You hear a knock and you open it. You see Kairi holding a iced coffee and a bag with a donut inside.
Kai-you probably hate me right now but I knew you were hungry.
You stared at the food. You gently grabbed it and closed the door on his face. You could hear him sigh a little. You sat down and ate the donut.
Few hours pass and you're playing on your phone. You see Kairi coming your direction with a purple bag. You look up at him and he smiles lightly and gives it to you. You grab the bag. Kairi sits down across you and Charli sits next to you. You open the bag to see the same container of gummy worms from your first date and you saw a picture of you and Kairi and you were sleeping on top of him

 You open the bag to see the same container of gummy worms from your first date and you saw a picture of you and Kairi and you were sleeping on top of him

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And his orange sweater from when you guys first met. All the memories come rushing back. You smile slightly
S-thank you.
You whisper to him and he nods. You get up and put the bag on your bed.
Fast forward to 8:30
Kai-Can I come in?
He knocks at the door. You were painting your nails. You nod.
S-what do you want?
Kai-I was wondering if you wanted to come on a short road trip with me. And I would like to talk a little.
Kai-Perfect. Meet me at the front door in 15 minutes. Dress comfy.
Kairi leaves and you get up to change into this

You grab the gummy worm container and you walk downstairs

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You grab the gummy worm container and you walk downstairs.
Kai-you look gre-
S-Don't push it, cosentino
Kai-Calling each other last names, Travis huh?
S-let's just go.
You both get in Kairi's truck and he drives did a while.
S-Okay we have to talk about this situation.
S-you said that exact morning you were gonna be on my side but you were drunk.
Kai-I'm sorry baby. I promise you it will never happen again, just give me a chance.
S-okay, but I'll hold a grudge.
He chuckles lightly. He places a hand on your knee. You move it to your thigh and he squeezes it
S-ah! Don't push it.
Kairi chuckles. You were playing on your phone until you look up to see a drive in movie!
S-What the hell!
You get out of the car and look at it.
S-This is my favourite! You remembered!
Kai-How could I not? You were smiling huge that night and I couldn't forget it.
You smile. You jump up and down happily. You run to him and hugs him. He twirls you around and he looks at you. He leans in for a kiss but you kiss the corner of his lips
You say waving your finger. You walked away but Kairi grabs your hand and kisses you. His hand was behind your neck, pulling you in deeply. You smile into the kiss. You pull away and you set up the bed on the trunk. You relaxed with Kairi. You slowly reached for Kairi's hand and you held it. You rested your head on his chest. The night became dark and you had a blanket over you and Kairi. You were on his lap and you were dancing to the singing on the screen on his lap
(Yes you know what is coming)
Kairi grabbed your hips.
Kai-stop moving.
He presses down for you to feel the tent you caused in his pants.
S-jesus Kai.
You were a little red but you kept dancing a little. You could hear him groan in your ear. You start cleaning up and you both jump in the truck. He drives to a private woods where no one could see you. You went into the back and started making out.
Kai-are you a virgin?
You nod slowly.
Kai-don't worry. I'll do the work, just lean back.
You leaned back and Kairi took off your leggings and panties and kisses your thighs. You moan lightly and his tongue enters you. You moan loudly. His tongue goes figure 8's inside you and you had a knot in your stomach
S-baby I-
Kai-I know baby girl, go ahead.
You cum onto Kai's tongue and he swallows and kisses you. You take off your bra and shirt. He takes off his clothes too so you both are bare and he grabs a condom. He slips it on and he lines up your entrance and slowly goes in.
Tears were brimming at your eyes and he pushes his whole 10 inch in you. He slowly thrusts in and out of you. You got adjusted to his size
S-baby boy? go faster.
Kairi nods and goes faster. He fucked you senselessly that you couldn't feel your legs anymore. The truck was shaking and filled of your and kairi's moans. You cum onto his dick and he pulls out and come in your mouth. You swallow. You put on your clothes and tried to climb across the truck but your legs were shaking. Kairi helped you sit down and you drove home in peaceful silence. You got to the house and your legs was sore and you tried to get out of the truck but you couldn't walk. Kairi chuckled lightly
S-shut the fuck up, it's your fault.
Kai-really? "baby boy! Go faster!"
He says mocking you. You whine because you wanted to be carried. Kairi picks you up. You were exhausted so you passed out in his arms. You both get into bed and fall asleep.

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