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Fast forward to the end of August.
You and Kairi haven't talked since that text. You were focused on yourself and it got better. You were on your way to school because you were trying out for the soccer team. You walked there and started stretching.
Mattia's POV
M-Yo! I know I'm gonna beat your ass!
Ale-Yeah righttttt!
M-C'mon Kairi!
Kairi's been depressed since Sawyer left. He blamed himself every single day and threw himself in drugs. He even brought a cigarette pack. That shit is gonna hurt him.
M-Yo, maybe you should quit smoking.
Kai-I told you I'm fine! Fuck off my dick!
He says, stomping off. I take in a deep breath and I see a light brown haired girl who looked a lot like Sawyer. I couldn't catch her face because she started running around. I shake it off and sit down. I see Jaden and Josh come on the field, they were trying out for football.
Sawyer's POV
A lot of people started coming on the field but I was focused on stretching and chatting with some of my new teammates. I hear a very familiar voice
J-I'm gong even sure if I'm gonna make quarterback.
You walk behind him and Josh.
He says hugging you. He lifted you up in the air .
J-I missed you so much.
S-me too, Hossler.
You hug Josh too and chat a little with them. You had to go to a circle to meet your
You shout, his back facing to you. He whips around and smiles. You jump in his arms and held him tight. You weren't very close to him but he was your best friend.
Ale-I missed you!
Ale-How are you feeling?
S-Fine. Actually, really good! I just needed a break.
Ale-Wanna say hey to the gang?
You start walking with Ale.
Ale-Yo, we have someone here.
Mattia turns around and brightens up his smile and he jumps over the bench and hugs you. You hug back and smile. You look at Kairi and he's completely changed. He has a cigarette in between his lips and his eyes red and baggy. His hair was over his eyes, he was always so picky of that, he hated his hair in his eyes. He would push it back. His eyes were half closed, leaning by the fence.
S-What happened to my Kairi? My baby boy?
You spoke up and he looks up and his eyes go wide.
S-You're using drugs?
You say, tearfully.
M-We all tried to tell you, man
Your dad tells everyone to come to the middle of the field to start playing. You go in the middle and Coach starts pairing up. Kairi and Ale on the another team, Mattia and you on the other. You start playing and your rage started to build up because you couldn't score. You were on the middle of the field and kicked the ball and you finally scored!
You shout.
Coach-Okay, you have to keep your rage in. We don't want you or Polibio to break someone's bone again.
S-That guy got in my way!
Coach-You stomped on his ankle!
You chuckle and walk away. You had a break.
Kai-oh Jesus.
He says clutching his stomach.
S-what's wrong?
Kai-I drank too many monsters. I need to go home.
S-I can go with you. Just rest, gotta play one more round.

Girl-or probably from all those cigarettes!
You hear the two girls laugh.
Girl #2-he's a loser!
You were gritting your teeth and cracking your bones.
Girl#2-he's too skinny like I can see his fucking ribs! Like does he have anxoriea?
Girl-skinny?! He's fat!
S-That's it!
You shove her onto the ground, middle of the damn football practice.
J-Woah stop! Sawyer!
Girl-Get off me!
You were on top of her and you punched few times. You flipped her around and pressed her face to the ground so hard that she was basically eating the grass
S-Do you wanna say those words about Kairi again?
You stood up but pressed a foot on her back.
S-what do you say?
Girl-I'm sorry! Holy shit, I'm sorry!
You got off her and kicked her leg one more time. You look up. You pointed at the another girl
S-If i hear those words again, I'll knock your pretty little mouth out.
You looked at Jaden and Josh
S-See you at home.
You stomped and grabbed your bag and walked away
M-What the hell was that?!
S-You don't wanna to know.
M-No tell me!
S-THEY WERE TALKING BAD ABOUT KAI! They were body shaming Kai.
You say, stomping off again. You hop in Ale's car and Kairi was in the back with you.
Kai-uhm, thank you.
S-no worries.
Kairi moved over next to you.
Kai-I wanted to say that I'm so sorry. I've been depressed for a bit because the light of my life left me. I didn't shower for weeks and I reek right now and I'm doing drugs everyday and I smoke. You were basically my drug. I wanted you everyday, not like sexually but I wanted to be with you.
S-well I'm willing to try again.
Kai-are you sure because I fucked up so much.
S-That's part of life. I would kiss you but you stink.
Kairi laughed. You guys finally arrive to the sway house and you walked in.
S-Hey guys.....
She screams, jumping into your arms.
S-Oh my god!
M-She missed you a lot. She slept in your room since we got back last week.
You chuckle and she lets go.
C-I missed you!
S-I'm sorry for yelling at you.
C-It's okay.
You smile and you hug Addison
Ad-I thought I lost you. I couldn't go home because there were more people for me there.
S-Well I missed you too.
You hug the others. Jaden and Josh finally got home.
J-Hey guys.
You got up to shower because you were pretty sweaty. You changed into this

 You changed into this

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And walked downstairs. You saw Kairi with wet hair and that mean he showered. You smiled to yourself.
Kai-Hey Sawyer! Want ramen?
S-Sure. I like me a man who can cook.
Kai-Well thank you ma'am.
S-You're very welcome, sir.
You laugh.
Kai-I missed that sound.
S-Well, you're the first who made me laugh in the last few weeks.
You stood up and walked next to him. You looked at his face and he was smiling. You put your hands on his face without thinking and you leaned in and your lips finally landed on Kairi's lips.
God I really missed those lips
They immediately moved in sync with Kairi's. His hands flew to your hips. You immediately smelled smoke.
S-Shit the ramen!
Kairi backed away quickly and took the pot off the stove and put it in two bowls. He chuckles and wipes his lips with his thumb.
You both sit down and eat the ramen.
B-Hey guys I'm home!
You put the bowl in the sink.
C-Guess who came home?
S-Me, dumbass!
He runs to you and hugs you. You all sit down and chatted for a while.
Jh-So school's in two days.
S-oh fuck me.
You smack his arm.
S-I'm literally not prepared. I don't have a backpack, I don't have school supplies, I don't even have a first day outfit!
C-Well let's go!
S-Charli, it's 11 at night.
C-So what?
S-I'm not sure if Staples is even open.
C-Well let's go!
You laugh and you grab Kairi's hand and pulled him along. You guys drove to staples and you burst in. You grabbed your list for supplies. You load up the cart and you pay. You went back home.
S-I ordered a lot of packages from online shopping.
J-Oh that's why I have like 10 packages in my room?
S-Yeah! I have a bit of a problem.
You chuckle and you run upstairs. You collect the packages and put them in Kairi's room, where you're staying. You look through the boxes and pick the perfect outfit.

That was the outfit

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That was the outfit.
S-CRAP! I forgot to get a backpack!
Ad-Time to go out again!
You and Addison run to the car and speed to the place. You run in and look around for backpacks. You got the black jansport backpack and you paid and ran home. You stuffed all of your supplies into the back pack and flopped on your bed.
S-finally done.
Ad-so we can rest for two days.
S-I'm not excited.
You fell asleep to the amount of running you did.

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