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You woke up to go to school. Ugh. You walked in the closet and changed to this

You grab your backpack and Kairi gives you a water bottle and Mattia and ale hops in the back and you're  in the front with Kairi

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You grab your backpack and Kairi gives you a water bottle and Mattia and ale hops in the back and you're  in the front with Kairi. You all drive to school and see boys crowded around someone. You come closer to see a brown haired girl giggling with the boys.

Oh hell nah.

You shove through and grab her by the hair and whisper to her ear

S-what the fuck are you doing here,Ambree?
Am-I'm here to learn! Don't hate me, sis!
Sam-Woah, she's your sister?! Damn, she's hot.
S-shut the fuck up, Hurley before I clock the actual shit out of you.
Sam-Damn, no need to be aggressive. Call me.

He winks at Ambree and walks away. The boys leave and you're left in the hall with her, the she-devil.

Ambree smiles innocently at you and you see your mom, Layla walks towards you.

Lay-Well, Ambree. Let's go. I'm going to give you a tour.

Layla shoots you with a disgusted look behind Ambree's back and you snort and walks away.

Three hours later

Well, just your luck. Ambree is in the same class as you. You're constantly hearing Ambree giggle with Sam.

S-Yo, can you shut up with your dumb giggling?
Am-you don't have to be so mean!
S-Well, you gave me 13 years of trauma, anxiety issues, oh and depression! I have a long way to go. So why can't I be mean for once? You took absolutely everything away from me.

You tell her, with the whole class staring at you. You roll your eyes and keep working with your stuff.

You raise your hands to ask for the bathroom. The teacher allows you. You stand up and head for the bathroom but you had to hear something from Ambree.

Am-she's gonna pop pills in the bathroom!

You sigh and turn around.

S-Ambree! C'mere!

You say, gesturing a hug. Ambree smiles and walks over. You clock her out in the face and she lands onto the ground with a smack. You get on top of her and punch her with all of your thirteen years of rage pent up. Ambree flips you over and tries to choke you but you grab her and pin her on the wall and arm-choke her. You hear multiple gasps from the class. 

You see her eyes slowly to close and you get grabbed away and knocked out.

You wake up in a grey sweats and a blue shirt. You see walls around you and a blond girl sleeping on the bed next to you. Your back killed you and you saw that you were sleeping on a metal bed with a thin mattress on top with a crappy wool blanket.

You silently crack your back and you see the girl next to you, wake up.

?-Oh hey! I'm Zoe.

She reaches out to shake your hand and you shake it too.

S-Where the fuck am I?
Zoe-You're in the psych ward. Or people calls it, the mental asylums. But I would call it hell.
S-what the fuck?! I'm in the mental hospital! Why?!

Zoe-Well, we're both in the same room so maybe bipolar disorder or really bad anger issues. What did you do?

S-beat up my sister in school today.
Zoe-damn. I scared my aunt's baby because I was singing twinkle little star and ended it with 'how you wonder when you die' And almost stabbed my brother.

She says, confidently. 

S-I like you. C'mere!

Zoe walks over to you and whispers to her ear

S-I killed both of my parents.
You say, giggling slightly.

Zoe-damn! I like you!

The guards come in and gives us supper while we just chat away. You get a visitor and the guard grips your arm and leads you.
S-Damn, fucking let me go, old hag!

You sit down to see Kairi with your puppy.

S-Hey Kai.
Kai-so.... here you are.
You say, looking down.
Kai-I'm sorry to do this but we have to break up.
S-that fast?
You scoff lightly.
Kai-I'm really sorry but my friends know about you and they won't talk to me. It's bad for my rep.
S-it's whatever! Give me Prince and we're done.
Kairi nods and you grab the puppy and stomps off. You left Kairi, just sitting there. You come in the room with Prince and Zoe sees the puppy.
Zoe-Aweee, what's his name?
S-Prince. My ex-boyfriend got him for me.
S-he just broke up with me so it's alright.
Zoe-don't you feel any pain?
S-I don't know. I can't feel anything.
Zoe-yeah, they inject you with some kind of medicine that makes you not feel anything.
S-good. Because I'm tired of being hurt.
Zoe-same. Wanna watch a movie?
S-yes please.
You curl up with Prince and Zoe lied on your bed and played with Prince as you watched the princess diaries.

That went dark fast.

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