•chapter 42•

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i now write in small words and numbers for the chapters because i'm running out of chapter names.
You woke up with Kairi, Ale and Mattia all around sitting in a circle, on TikTok.
S-da fuck? are y'all trying to be in a damn cult?Mat-no, damn.
S-okay go off, man.
you go in your closet

s-i'm gonna go downstairs to check on the guys

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s-i'm gonna go downstairs to check on the guys.
you walked downstairs to see all of the house hanging at the pool. you took a glass of water and heard the door banging with multiple fists.
s-what the hell?
you opened the door to see couple of guys standing there.
s-what y'all asses banging on my damn door for?
?-you know the jersey boys?
s-yeah, i'm friends with them. 
??-yeah we're the rest of them.
s-damn. if you guys lied to me, you're gonna get killed
you let them in.
s-who are you guys?
rob-i'm robert
idk who are they much but i'll try my best

rob-you have a nice house, damn.
s-thanks. it's the sway house.
ros-so where's my big boy mattia?
s-upstairs. c'mon.
you lead them upstairs. you open the door to the guys doing tiktok dances.
s-ew. i don't do that cringe stuff.
he said loud as fuck.
kairi runs to the boys and hugs them and the rest of the guys hugs them.
s-damn we have another kairi.
you say pointing out to alvaro.
alv-i'm not short!
he whines.
a-okay but you whine like mattia.
m-i do not!
he whines.
s-why do i live in a house with boys?
ros-why are you here tho? you be one of those fake ass bitches and-
kai-roshuan stop.
ros-shush little bitch.
roshuan keeps going off at you behind your back and you grab your picture frame and shove it to roshuan's hands
s-explain this?

 roshuan keeps going off at you behind your back and you grab your picture frame and shove it to roshuan's hands s-explain this?

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it was you and kairi cuddling.
ros-what the hell?
s-i'm dating kairi. that's why i live here.
you say walking past them.
m-you got on her bad side. good luck getting out.
you hear behind you. you smile. you walked out to charli dancing in her red bikini.
s-hey char.
rob-so this is the life you live?
s-yeah. bryce, what the hell are you doing?
you see bryce standing on the edge of the balcony, very drunk, under him was a 60 feet drop, full of trees and rocks.
s-it's 11:30 am, why are your ass drunk?!
alv-damn your girlfriend can be intimidating.
he says.
s-bryce, please get just get off the balcony.
you sigh.
s-watch him, i'm gonna get him.
you say to the guys and you run upstairs and you walk behind bryce. he was wearing nothing but boxers.
s-bryce.... please get off.
b-i'm not gonna get off! addison said she doesn't like me! she was my world! so why should i be on here?!
he says slurring but tearing up.
b-i want to be you and kairi! i want to be jaden and anthony.
he says, choking up.
s-bryce...... you're doing this....because you lost addison? you are so worth it. don't lose yourself over a girl. maybe when you guys grow up, you'll be soulmates. now, please climb over here and be with me.
you say tearing up.
bryce nods slowly and stumbles over the balcony. you see everyone looking up at you with teary eyes. bryce slumps in your arms and he sobs. you let some tears fall because you were about to lose someone you loved. you couldn't take that pain anymore. you gave him his sweater and he went in his bed after drinking a bottle of water and gulping down his tylenol and you walked downstairs to everyone sitting on the couch.
s-he's sleeping right now.
j-you saved his life. thank you.
s-no problem. i'm exhausted. i wanna sleep.
you say, plopping next to kairi and fell asleep on his lap. he started to play with your hair as you fell in deep sleep.

you get shooken awake lightly and you wake up to see Jaden.
j-hi. we're about to have dinner, what do you want to order?
you got up slowly and rubbed your eyes. you grabbed jaden's wrist and see his watch and it says '6:45 pm'
s-jesus have i been sleeping that long?
j-yeah. you were sleeping so peacefully, we didn't want to wake you up.
s-oh okay. i just want 20 piece of chicken nuggets and fries.
kai-what kind of dip.
rob-ketchup's gross!
s-bitch shut the fuck up before i make you. it's delicious with chicken nuggets.
rob-go off.
you smack his head
m-ha! rebound just got smacked!
rob-fuck off.
you walk upstairs and you change to a black cami shirt with kairi's adidas sweats. you walk downstairs and you see roshuan.
s-what do you want? gonna yell at me again?
ros-no. i wanted to apologize. kairi got hurt in the past so i'm protective of him. but i know you can treat him well.
s-thanks roshuan.
you walk away to get your chicken nuggets. you all ate then you went up to check on bryce since he was sleeping all day. you went up to see bryce on his phone, scrolling through his and addison's pictures.
s-i'm sorry man. seeing the one you love, love someone else hurts.
b-it just. i liked her so much! she kissed me a lot and was all touchy then boom! she doesn't like me and runs off with someone else. it's fucked up.
he says looking down at his hands. you grip his knee.
s-it's okay. you'll find a girl who's perfect for you. not now,  not tomorrow. but soon.
you smile. you see bryce looking at your lips and leans in really fast but you dodge. he pulls away quickly.
b-shit! i'm sorry! i was feeling vulnerable and my mind is just stupid! i'm so sorry!
s-it's okay. friends?
b-best friends!
you smile and go to your room but as you were walking out, you stop and turn on your heels.
s-make sure to sleep!
you walk back to yours and kairi's room and see the jersey boys on the floor, talking. you chuckle and jump in bed and doze off.

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