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You wake up to no Kairi. You look around. You walk into the kitchen to Griffin holding a thermometer and Kairi's head down on the counter
S-What's wrong?!
You run over to Kairi and felt his hair sweaty and sticky and the back of his neck was burning up.
S-babe, are you sick?
Kai-No shit, Sawyer! I'm literally dying right in the kitchen and that's the first question you ask me?!
He snapped
S-Salty much?
Kai-Babe, I'm sorry. I get mood swings and I'm feeling hot then I'm cold.
S-My poor baby.
G-His fever is 102*F if it gets past 105, it's deadly and we have to rush him to the hospital. And his normal body temp is 99*F.
You pout slightly because you felt bad for him.
Kai-I get really sick the next day if I worry all day like yesterday with your situation. So that's why I'm sick as hell.
S-Babe, you shouldn't be here in the kitchen, you should be in bed. Does anyone have a guest room?
N-He can take my room. I'll just room with Josh.
J-Fine, just don't make any babies.
You chuckle lightly. Nessa grabs her clothes out and you lie him on the bed. You take off his hoodie because he was sweating. You left his sweatpants on. You grabbed a wet cloth and rubbed it all over his body so he could be a little cool.
Kai-thanks babe.
S-no problem. Do you want to eat anything?
G-I got it, a smoothie is okay?
Kai-Perfect. Now can you guys leave, I don't want to get you guys sick.
You nod and leave
S-Remember call us. Griffin is gonna check you up every hour.
Kai nods weakly and you walk downstairs. You decide to properly introduce yourself.
S-Hey guys, I'm Sawyer and I'm sorry for yesterday.
Av-Bebe, don't be sorry. It all happens.
You smile lightly
S-I never get panic attacks much because I'm never around a lot of people. Soccer is the only way I can control my anxiety attacks.
And Kairi's my first boyfriend, kind of because we haven't confirmed it yet and you guys are pretty much my first friends in my whole 17 years of life because all of my life, I was known as 'the fucked up girl'
N-Girl, don't think that. We will always be here now.
S-Thanks guys. It's so weird that I met Mattia, Ale and Kairi like two weeks ago. And I didn't know that two weeks were gonna change my life.
Av-Oh god, what did Ant do now?
You all run to the living room to see Anthony's hand bleeding and a cracked tv.
S-Jesus Christ.
B-What the hell bro?!
Bryce says, yelling at the tv
B-Oh you wanna fight? Let's go!
Bryce grabs the tv and walks to the balcony
And he throws it off.
S-Okay what have I walked into?
You say walking away. Kai texts you
Kai Kai🍭❤️
What was that noise?
Babe don't worry, just the boys acting stupid.
Kairi left you on read so that means he was probably sleeping. You check his room and he was lying there with his phone turned off, staring into space. You smiled and closed the door.
You walked downstairs. You hung out with the girls.
B-Hey, wanna shoot paintballs for a video?
You nod and you get up.
J-We're gonna do truth or dare and if you don't refuse to tell the truth or do the dare, we're gonna shoot you.
He tells to the camera.
B-Sawyer, truth or dare
B-I dare you to shoot someone.
He hands you the gun and you grab the gun. You look around and shoot Mattia in the balls.
S-Sorry! I was supposed to shoot your leg!
M-Well, you just made my balls go inside of me! I have a vagina now.
He says through a strained voice. You chuckle.
S-Okay, Josh?
S-Who is your favourite ship?
Addison and the girls come out
Jh-Braddison all the way.
You all laugh
M-Bryce, truth or dare?
M-I dare you to kiss Addison.
Ad-Oh come onnn!
She says smiling and blushing.
M-Do you want me to shoot you in the asshole?
B-Okay okay!
Bryce grabs Addison and kisses her.
You all cheer. Bryce pulls away and Addison blushes. You get a text from Kairi
Kai Kai🍭🥵
I feel I'm dying. I need you.
Your breath shakes and you drop your phone and grab Griffin and runs to Kairi's room and he was wheezing and coughing violently.
You run to him.
Griffin took him out to the balcony, hoping he gets better. The cough worsened. You grab him and take his sweaty body to yours and cuddles him. His wheezing stops and the coughs lessens.
G-I'll call 911.
Kai-no please. I just needed Sawyer.
You were playing with his hair and you brought him to bed and you cuddled up to him. You turned on music and ran your hair through his knotty hair. His head was between your chest and neck, his breath lightly hitting your neck. He places a light kiss there. His head falls on your chest, using your breasts as a pillow. You laugh lightly and you stay right there for him.
4 hours pass
You're still in the same place and Kairi wakes up and he stopped sweating and he smiled fully, like his normal smile
Kai-You didn't leave.
S-never. you're my baby boy.
Kai-I feel much better. My head is pounding and I just need some Tylenol and I'll be fine.
S-Well come down.
You get up and Kairi gets up slowly so he wouldn't get dizzy to the amount of pounding. He grabs your hand and walks downstairs
Kai-Hey guys.
G-Are you feeling better?
Kai-Much. Thanks griff.
G-Just doing what a nurse do.
Kairi grabs the Tylenol and pops three in his mouth and swallows. Bryce comes in and spits on the floor
S-You spit on it!
You say but think back
S-That sounds so wrong.
You all laugh
S-Why were you spitting?
B-Josh gave me mustard, which I hate! He shoved it down my throat like a fucking dick.
You all burst out laughing. Kairi chuckles and he eats a grilled cheese sandwich and you eat a hamburger and you go up with him and cuddle and you both fall asleep

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