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Fast forward Friday night.
It's the night of the game, after Jaden talked some sense to Mattia but he's still holding a grudge.
You really don't blame him, you broke Kairi's heart after all.

C-Ready to go?
Charli was giving you a ride to the football game.
C-I heard there's a party afterwards! If our school wins, we party! If we lose, we're gonna have a party but pie face the football players.
You laugh.
C-So bring your best outfit
S-I will.
But you really didn't want to go to the party. You just wanted to stay home and curl up in bed. But you wanted to support Jaden and Josh.
You hopped in the car and drove to the high school. You walked in and sat yourself down. Jaden, Josh, Quinton, Blake and Noah waved at you and you waved back, you smiled lightly.
C-Was that a smile?!
You giggled.
Charli nudges you and looks past you.
C-Kairi and Lauren is coming and they're sitting behind you.
S-so what? It's their life.
Lau-Hey guys!
S-Hey, Lauren!
You make eye contact with Kairi and he looks at you with sadness in his eyes and you smiled lightly which made him smile back.
You looked away when the crowd went wild.

Now it's 6-3. Jaden have been scoring so well
You shout out.
C-You're having fun?
She whispers to you
S-Best thing in the past three days
You whisper back.
There's 15 seconds left and your football team were gonna definitely win. You see Jaden running across the football team.
Jaden runs and scored a touchdown!
The fifteen seconds finished and your team won!
You run on the field like everyone else and you run to Jaden and hug him. He twirls you around.
J-You're having fun!
S-Thank you, Charli!
C-No problem! Now let's get ready for the party!
Charli grabs you and runs to the car and you change into this

S-THAT WAS SO SICK!J-You're having fun!S-Thank you, Charli!C-No problem! Now let's get ready for the party!Charli grabs you and runs to the car and you change into this

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(With black heels)

And Charli changed to a black dress and Charli drove to a huge house. You went in and smelled alcohol. You wanted to be free tonight so you went over to the open bar.
S-A cranberry vodka please.
The guy mixes it and passes it to you. You sip and it burns down your throat. You went on the dance floor and started to dance with Charli. She was sipping alcohol too.

Soon after, you were mildly drunk when Charli was tipsy. You were lightly stumbling. You walked over to the football team and they were mildly drunk too.
S-That was an awesome game tonight!
J-Thanks, Sawyer.
S-You were doing so well!
You ordered another cranberry vodka and you gulped it down.
Jk-Want shots?!
S-Hell yeah!

After a few shots, you were dancing with Jaden, completely forgetting about Kairi. You laughed with Jaden and you looked over to see Kairi and Lauren dancing too.
S-You guys look cute together!
You say, slurring a little.
Kairi looked over to see your body very close to Jaden's and he looked away
Lau-Oh thank you! We're not dating!
She giggles. You grab two drinks with straight vodka. After you and Jaden gulped them down, you both were veryyyy drunk.
Everything was a faze
You looked at Jaden and he looked at you dreamily.
He's pretty sexy not gonna lie.
J-Yeah Sawyer?
Jaden pulls your hip in and now his body was pressing up yours and your bodies was swaying together.
Your lips connected to his and you started to make out with him. You pull away and see Kairi pulling Lauren in a room giggling, both drunk. You didn't even care because you were doing the same with Jaden.
Jaden pulled you up to a room and pushed you down on the bed and kissed your neck and lips.
He slips off your top and kisses your chest. You were unbuttoning his shirt and he takes off his shirt.
Damn he has abs.
You get on your feet and he sits at the edge of bed and you sit on his lap and kiss him passionately. You unbutton your bra and take off the rest of your clothes and he takes off his pants. He grabs a condom from a small jar.
J-my buddy put this everywhere if people were having sex. It's so stupid
S-shut up and kiss me
You crash your lips on him and without warning, he rams into you. You moan out loud.
S-ah, fuck!
He thrusts into you like twenty times until you both cum. You thought that was it, nope!
He goes down on you and fingers you while licking your clit. You scream and arch your back. You finally cum and he kisses you.
J-that was amazing.
You smile and you start putting on your clothes  with Jaden and you fixed your hair a little and you walked out. You were a little less drunk now but you took a shot.
Jh-Let's go home now!
Josh was sober because he was the ride.
You grab Charli and hops in Josh's jeep while Quinton, Blake and Noah is in the trunk, trying to hold in their vomit. You rest your head on Jaden's shoulder, exhausted from the recent situation. You struggled to stay wake. You guys finally get to the sway house and you walked in the house and went in Jaden's room and fell asleep.

fuck what am I gonna do tomorrow?!

Is the last thing that went through your mind.

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