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Fast forward 2 days later
You woke up to Kairi shaking you awake.
Kai-Time for the first day of school!
S-ughhhhhhh! I don't want toooo!
You whine and you get up. You put on your outfit and grab your backpack. You walked downstairs and grabbed your salad for lunch. You stuffed it in your backpack and you, Jaden, Josh, Kairi, Mattia and Ale all hopped in Jaden's new Jeep and drove to the high school.
Kairi smiles at you and you couldn't help but smile back. You walk in the high school and it's packed. You walk your way through the halls to the office.
S-Uhm, hi. I'm Sawyer Travis. I'm the new student.
Coach-Hey honey!
S-Hey dad.
Coach-Here's your schedule.

S-Thanks!Coach-Kairi can help you to the classes!Kai-Yeah, I have the same classes as you

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Coach-Kairi can help you to the classes!
Kai-Yeah, I have the same classes as you.
M-But I'm only in the Math and Gym class.
Ale-My mom forced me in 'academic' lessons. Like I don't understand one shit.
Coach-Language! I don't need one of my best players having trouble on the first day!
Ale-Okay, okay!
The bell finally rings and you follow Kairi and Mattia. Josh and Jaden was a year older than you so they were juniors and you were sophomores. You finally got into science class and you sat down.
S-Finally! I can sit down.
M-It's pretty packed when it's the first day.
S-But I'm here with you guys!
Kai-That's right.
Teacher-Okay class! Today is the first day of school and I heard there were a new kid here! Sawyer, mind standing up?
S-oh god...
You stood up slowly.
S-I'm Sawyer Travis and I play soccer.
You quickly sat back down.
Teacher-Let's get on to the lesson!
Fast forward lunch
Kai-How's your day going?
S-Good. Bit crazy but I'm fine.
Kai-Okay...wanna sit with my friends?
You walk over to the boys table.
Kai-Sup guys!
?-Yo, consentino!
Kai-How was y'all summers?
Kairi says, sitting down. You sat with Mattia across the table.
S-Sup Dino-fuck.
M-Hey, asshead.
You start eating your salad.
Kai-Oh and I met a girl! Sawyer?
The whole table turns their heads to you and you look up.
You say, mouth full.
Pay-Sawyer?! Oh my god, I haven't seen you in so long!
S-I missed-
Then you feel someone flick your head.
S-Ow fuck!
Ale-Hey, fucktard.
S-Suck my dick, Ale.
You say, looking at him while he sits down.
S-i missed you too!
You say facing back to him.
Kai-That's Quinton, Blake, Noah and of course, Payton.
S-Hey guys. Do you play football or soccer?
Pay-I play nothing.
M-But Quinton, Blake and Noah play football.
Q-Hey. We see Jaden and Josh but we're way too scared to talk to them.
S-They're really cool when you get to know them. I'll put a good word for you guys.
Bl-For real?!
S-Yeah! He's my man. I got tattoos with him and he helped me with my anx- Never mind.
You cut yourself off. The boys look at you confused and starts talking to Kairi. You inhale.
M-hey, don't worry.
The bell rung and you all got up to go to class. You went to your locker and opened it. You hear shoes clapping on the hard floor and you look over. There's a group of girls who has pink outfits. You silently sneer at them. A brown haired girl walked over to the boys.
?-Hey guys!
M-Hey Cynthia.
Your body tenses you at the name. You remember that fight from months ago. It was two weeks in of dating Kairi. Now it was almost 2 months of dating.
CY-Hey, Kaiiiiii.
She says dreamily.
Kai-Hey Cynthia.
CY-You don't call me Cycy anymoreeee?
She whined
Kai-We dated last year and YOU cheated! Let it go. Now I have to go to class with MY girlfriend.
You smiled and closed your door to see her disgusted.
Kai-Let's go, Sawyer.
You follow Kairi without looking back. You sat down.
Kai-Are you okay?
S-I'm fine but you didn't really have to go off at her like that.
Kai-She wouldn't get off my back. So I had to do it myself.
S-But she's more perfect than me. She's a damn cheerleader and I'm just a soccer player.
Kai-Cynthia never liked to spend time with me about soccer but you do. That's what I look in a girl.
You smile and you see your mom walk in.
Lay-I'm Mrs.Travis and I'm your teacher this year!
Cy-Wait! You both have the same last name!
Lay-She's my daughter. I adopted her, is that a problem?
Cy-no ma'am.
You smile and she gets on to the lesson.
Fast forward to the gym
It was free gym so everyone was in there. You saw Cynthia and her group of friends cheering.
Cy-Oh my god! Madi, your feet is off balance! No wonder why you are so fucking lanky!
Madi-I'm sorry I can't help it, I'm 5'10!
Cy-Just stand in the back and Lauren is gonna be in the front! It's gonna be better!
You see the blond haired girl wipe away her tears and switch places with a shorter girl
Cy-five, six, seven, eight!
You kept playing soccer with Mattia and Kairi. You decide to 'accidentally' kick the ball at Cythina's head.
S-Oh my god, I'm so sorry!
You say, holding back a laugh. But Madi bursts out to laughing.
Madi-That's called karma bitch! I quit!
She throws down her pom-poms and grabs her bag.
Madi-Thank you
S-No problem girl. Wanna play with us?
Madi-I've never played before but I know the rules.
S-Well perfect. We'll go easy then we play for real.
Madi smiles and she joins along and plays. You accidentally jammed your shoulder to Kairi's chest.
S-Babe, I'm so sorry! Let me get ice for you! Mattia, watch him!
You leave Kairi, who is on the floor, clenching his chest. You run to the office and grabs ice. You run back in to see Cynthia all over him, making sure he's okay
Kai-Look, it was an accident. That's how all soccer players do. You should know that.
S-Cynthia, minding move out of the way so I can give him his ice?
Cynthia scoffs and walks away. You hand him his ice
S-I'm so sorry, I feel guilty.
Kai-Babe, it's fine. I'm okay.
The bell rang. It was time to go back home. Jaden and Josh ran over to you sweaty.
Jh-Ready to go?
S-Definitely. And you guys reek!
Jh-It's called football dumbass.
You roll your eyes and jump in his Jeep.
J-So did you have fun?
S-The school is nice.
J-It's awesome! They have prom every year, not only for seniors, for sophomores, junior and senior.
S-That's awesome.
J-the biggest prom is the winter prom and the end of the year prom.
S-I've never went to prom before.
J-Are you serious?! Kairi, you're the first guy who's taking her to prom!
Kai-I'm pretty lucky.
Kairi says, smiling. You smile back. You finally get to the sway house.
B-Sup guys. We have new people here today.
Q-The house is so cool- Sawyer?
S-Hey Quinton!
Bl-Damn! We have the new kid here!
You laugh.
S-I'm dating Kairi and Jaden and Charli's my best friends.
You say, putting down your bag and grabs a red bull.
B-I bet you that you can shotgun that as fast as you can!
You grabbed a knife and stabbed it and drank it whole in three seconds.
You see Payton walk in
P-Oh hey, Sawyer!
You all sat down and chilled. Quinton and Payton were roommates and so was Blake and Noah. They went upstairs to unpack. You see that Mads and Charli came home.
C-Hey girly! How was the first day of school?
S-It was good. Just kicked a soccer ball to Kairi's ex's head.
Pay-Cynthia? Oh she was a bitch.
You laughed.
S-But I had fun. Met a lot of people.
You say as you nudged Payton.
Pay-Even after all the drama, we're still good friends.
M-Guys, it's getting late, we have our first school soccer game tomorrow night.
S-Eh, it's Friday night! Why not let loose!
M-But this is in the front of the whole school! I'm making you go to sleep!
Mattia picks you up and brings you upstairs
Mattia throws you on the bed and you change to sweats and you groan and fall asleep.

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