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You wake up and you see Kairi sitting up on the bed on his phone. You smile and you get up but immediately tumble on the floor.
Kai-Oh shit!
Kairi runs to you and lifts you up.
S-it's your fault!
Kai-What?! You said go faster!
You roll your eyes and gets on Kairi's back and he carries you downstairs. He sits you down on the table.
C-Why is he carrying you around?
S-me and him might've had some fun last night
Bryce chuckles and high fives Kairi.
Josh's slow ass mind asked.
B-They fucked and Kairi broke Sawyer's legs!
He basically shouts.
S-Oh great, tell the whole fucking neighborhood.
You say, throwing a piece of toast at him. You all eat breakfast. You basically live at the sway house now. Layla didn't mind since you were famous on TikTok now.
You hear Addison say.
S-what are you awe-ing at?
Ad-I saw boys wearing skirts and it's the sexist thing ever!
Addison shows you her phone and you look. The skirts compliments their legs and they look amazing.
S-they look great!
The day rushes by
The sway house and Ale and Mattia left for the day because they had to plan the lights out tour. You were sitting on the bed and Kairi was taking a while in the closet. You shrug it off and you were playing on your phone.
S-Yeah baby boy-
You were cut off by Kairi wearing a pink long sleeve sweatshirt with 'angel' across the front and he was wearing a grey plaid skirt with black knee high socks. Kairi's head was looking down at the floor, embarrassed. A smile turns up at your face.
S-you look amazing, baby boy. Come here.
You pat the space next to you. He doesn't dare to move. You stand up and walk over to him. You lift up his head and kisses him.
S-You look great. I'm not judging you. You wear what you like, and I'll support it.
Kairi smiles.
S-Show me more.
You sit on the bed. He goes in and comes out with a dark red lace crop-top with black shorts.
S-how do you have better taste than me?!
Kai-Practice, baby girl
You chuckle
S-I'm gonna steal your clothes. Now show me your pyjamas.
Kairi changes into a emerald green tank-top with black sweats. He sits next to you
S-you looked awesome.
Kairi rushes to his closet and tries to shove his girly clothes into a box and he throws it in his closet and grabs a orange hoodie
Kai-They don't know I wear that kind of clothes.
S-oh okay.
Kairi sits back down. You start curling his hair for fun.
M-Hey guys.
Mattia says plopping on the bed with Ale. Shortly after, Josh, Jaden, Bryce, Addison and Charli jumps on the bed and Josh and Jaden plays video games on your tv. You finish curling his hair.
S-you look good with curly hair.
Kai-I know right! I always look good.
You laugh. You sit between the guys and you join in.
You shout into Josh's ear.
Jh-Stop shouting to my ear!
You laugh. You walk over to your vanity where Charli is doing Addison's acrylic nails. She painted them white. You sat down front of Charli and she did your nails. She painted them  pastel pink and blue and you did her nails and did them hot pink. You sat down and you were on your computer ordering clothes online. You sat next to kairi and he picked out clothes for you and you ordered. You guys talked all night and Charli and Addison was the first to fall asleep then Mattia and Ale fell asleep cuddling. You, Kairi, Bryce, Josh and Jaden went downstairs and you and Kairi became drunk from white claws so you and Kairi fell asleep while the others were getting more drinker than you, they're gonna have a painful hang over tomorrow.

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