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Kai-I have to get up to hang with the boys!
S-no, cuddles.
You say, grasping on him for life.
Kai-please! just let me go!
S-fine, but first, kisses.
Kairi kisses you on the lips.
Kai-today is gonna be crazy, we have so much to do.
S-Now go! I have to work.
You both get up and Kairi changes and kairi drops you off your house and you go in and change into black clothes. You put your hair up in a bun and you got a ride with Layla. You put on your apron and start working. You hear two guys walk in. You walk to the cashier
Lay-Hey honey, I have my break, so I'm going around back.
S-okay. Sorry, can I take your order?
Then another girl comes in with freckles with a guy who looked like her but it was clearly her boyfriend.
?-Chase, I want dunkin!
Ch-bitch shut the fuck up before I make you regret it.
You jolt out of your staring
S-I apologize, sir. Say again?
The guy says his order and pays. You make the drinks really quick because he just ordered a ice coffee and a water.
S-Order for Bryce?
B-That's me.
Jh-Wait! Are you Kairi's girlfriend?
S-Yes I am.
Jh-Can I get your number? We need to hang soon
S-Um sure!
You grab a sharpie and write it on the ice coffee.
Jh-Thank you.
You smile and you walk back to the cashier.
Ch-Two black coffees
His grip looked very tight on the girl's wrist.
S-Sir, you might be hurting your girlfriend.
Chase lets go and she has a bruise on her wrist.
Layla walks by and you grab her and whispers
S-grab the girl, put her in the back, the boyfriend is hurting the girl.
Layla nods and grabs the girl and pulls her away
Ch-What the hell?
S-Are you hurting her? She clearly didn't want to go to Starbucks. But you told her to shut up and called her a bitch.
Ch-You're just a girl and she is too. And girls are only good for sex.
B-Bro, that's not okay.
Ch-shut up.
S-No, he's right. It's not okay
Chase suddenly smacks your face and the cafe gasps. Bryce and Josh grabs chase and drags him outside. But you hear a punch land. You look up to see Kairi holding his fist with Chase on the ground. Kairi sees you and runs to you and holds your face. He hugs you and brings you to the back. He caresses your face while he's between your legs.
Kai-Are you okay?
S-Yeah I'm fine.
Kairi was about to kiss you until the boys storm in
Kai-Why do you ruin every kiss we do?!
Kai turnaround. You chuckle and see the girl looking down at the ground. You put your hair down.
S-Hey. It's fine, he's gone now.
The girl hugs you and you see Bryce and Josh behind her.
C-I'm Charli.
S-I'm Sawyer.
Lay-Hey honey, you can go home.
S-Really mom?
You all go home and Kairi's hand was on your thigh and Mattia, Ale and Josh in the back
Ale-Stop making babies!
Ale clams up. You arrive at Kairi's house and you all go in to Kairi's room.  You plop on the bed and kairi cuddles you
B-why is there candy wrappers and containers all over your floor?
Kai-Me and Sawyer had a date night last night.
S-until it was ruined by Mattia walking in us kissing.
Ale-Kissing?! More like making out!
Kai-My tongue wasn't in her throat! And shut up! She's trying to sleep
S-thanks baby boy.
Kairi blushes
B-ouuu, you're blushinggg
S-shut up. Say that to Addison.
Everyone burst out to laughing
You flip him off while sleeping. You fall asleep in his arms. After 15 minutes of you sleeping, they leave to go downstairs and you keep sleeping.
A hour passes
You wake up with Kairi attacking you with million kisses. You giggle.
Kai-yayyy you're uppp!
You chuckle
S-you're so cute.
You press your lips on his. You pull away and walk off but Kairi grabs your hands and kisses you more. His hands go under your hoodie that you had on earlier and caresses your hips. He stands up, still not breaking the kiss and he feels your waist and how it dips in then out.
Kai-your body feels so perfect.
He whispers and kisses you more. He takes off his hoodie and leaves his shirt on. You tug at his white shirt but he ignores you. You pull away.
S-babe, what's wrong?
Kai-I'm just insecure with my body.
S-baby...... don't be. Your body is perfect. Show me. I won't judge.
You back away a little and he takes off his shirt and it was gorgeous. He didn't have abs but he was fit. He was working on his abs and it was paying off. He had a v line. His skin tone was olive, a little darker than yours.
Kai-I knew it. I'm ugly.
You crash your lips on his
You say with each kiss between the words
S-you look absolutely sexy.
You place a hand on his chest then his cheek. You take off your hoodie and it leaves you in a white croptop and sweats. He takes off your croptop to leave you in a black bra and he looks at your body
Kai-absolutely perfect.
He goes for your neck and start kissing there and he grabs your ass and kisses you.
He pounds on the door and Kairi opens the door and jumps on top of him while you put on your shirt. You walk out to see Kairi punching Mattia with his little fists.
Kai-Stop ruining our moments!
M-okay get him off me!
Ale pulls Kairi off and you kiss him to calm him down.
Mattia gets up and you jump on him which causes him to fall down again.
S-stop bugging us and find a girlfriend.
Mattia gulps at the 'girlfriend' word
You get up and let him up.
S-What's wrong? You got nervous at the 'girlfriend'
M-I don't know.
He mutters
S-You can tell me.
M-i'm gay.
He says quietly but you guys could hear him. You tear up and hug him tightly.
S-I love you.
Mattia burst into tears and hugs you.
Kai-congrats bro!
Kai hugs him and ale too.
Ale-Ay! I'm bisexual!
You all smile and hug him too.
The group left to go home so it's just you, Kairi, Ale and Mattia. You guys hung around. You had to go home so you kissed Kairi goodbye and walked home. You go in the house and have supper with your family and you go up and fall asleep

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