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You woke up and you see the clock. It's 12:30 in the afternoon. You slowly get up from the bed and change to a white crop top and acid wash jeans. You walk downstairs and load up on a lot of food for everyone. You walk upstairs and kick down the door.
S-Sup, fuckers! Breakfast time!
Everyone gets up and grabs their food from your arms. You had a chocolate chip and a orange juice
Kai-Yo, my sister and Mattia's brother is coming today.
S-That's awesome.
You play on your phone for a little. You hear a girl's voice.
?-Sup, Kairi.
Kai-Hey Maiya.
You look up to see a 12 year old girl.
S-You're his sister?
S-Nice to meet you!
You hug her and see a 13 year old boy that look a lot like Mattia. Idek his age so bear with me.
S-And you must be Gianluca.
L-You can just call me Luca.
S-Come in.
You sit down with them both.
Kai-Guys, we're gonna go shopping.
L-I wanna stay!
Mai-Me too!
S-I'll take care of them. You guys can go.
Kai-Thanks babe.
He kisses you and leaves. You finish up your makeup and Luca was staring.
S-Wanna try?
L-Huh? N-no thanks.
S-Come on. I know you want to.
Luca gently smiles and sits next to you. You start doing his makeup and Maiya walks in.
Mai-Ew, you're doing his makeup?
S-Don't say that! Boys can wear makeup too!
Luca smiles
Mai-You're right. I'm sorry, Luca.
L-It's okay.
Mai-Use the pink shade for his eyeshadow. It would look awesome!
You smile and you start doing his eyeshadow and it was very light but you could see it a little.
S-Why do you like makeup?
L-I don't know. I just like to be a girl sometimes. I'm not trans! But it's nice to feel feminine sometimes.
S-That's okay with me. Boys can feel pretty too.
You finish up with a cherry lipgloss and he looks in the mirror.
L-Wow. I really like it.
He says smiling.
S-Wanna do your nails?
You laugh and you grab the nail polish kit and he picks a nice purple colour and you graze the tiny brush over his fingernails.
Mai-You have to do my makeup!
S-Coming right up.
You finish doing his nails and he stretches out his hand to look at the purple glittering from his nails. He smiles. You start doing Maiya's makeup and you did a strawberry lipgloss with a basic nude eye makeup.
S-You guys look great.
You all sit down and watch Netflix.
Kai-Yo, I'm home.
L-shit, I don't want Mattia to see me.
Luca says, nearly crying.
S-Look, it's okay.
M-Hey guys.
He makes eye contact with Luca and sees he has makeup on.
M-Are you wearing makeup?
He says, smiling lightly.
M-That's okay bro.
S-See? It was gonna be alright.
M-Wait, you did that?
M-thank you.
You smile at him and you go up to Kairi and he kisses you passionately.
Kai-You're the nicest girl I've ever met.
You laugh. You sit down and chat around and Luca and Maiya had to go home now so you hugged them goodbye.
J-So we have a special dinner tonight so dress nicely.
S-shit. I don't have a nice dress.
Mads-lucky because I bought you a dress.
S-You are a lifesaver.
Mads give you this tiny dress

With black heels and you walk out of the room and down to the lobby

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With black heels and you walk out of the room and down to the lobby.
S-Hey, Kai.
Kairi turns around and his eyes graze over your body and he bites his lip gently.
Kai-You look beautiful.
You smile, knowing your legs would be sore tomorrow.....

From the heels. You nasty mind.

You hop in the limo and drive to a really nice restaurant.
J-Table for 13 under the name Hossler.
The woman nods and leads everyone to a huge table in the back and you all sit down. You were  by the wall and everyone ordered food. You all chatted and ate. You walked outside and you get pulled by..............

Cliffhanger! Who is it?

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