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I lightly shake Sawyer but Ale just shouts in her ear
Sawyer stumbles awake and stares at Ale. She gets in the backseat and punches Ale.
She climbs back in the front and sees the house.
S-Thank you. Do you want this back?
Kai-No keep it. Just take good care of it.
Sawyer smiles,
God, it was beautiful.
S-Do you want to come in?
S-No, you're staying in the car. Kai and Tia can come.
M-Awe you gave us nick names?
S-Oh just shut up and come in.
I chuckle and Sawyer grabs her key and opens it.
S-Hi, Mrs.Travis.
That was Coach's last name and she was his wife. They both had dark brown skin and Mrs.Travis had pretty blue eyes.
Lay-Please, Call me Layla.
Sawyer smiles and comes in.
S-Where's your son?
Dammit, she probably has a boyfriend.
Lay-Colton's sleeping!
She walks up. Me and the boys look at each other, obviously a little sad that she has a boyfriend.
We all sit down and Coach was reading the newspaper like the 'old-fuck bag' as Mattia refers him. He's only 40 and he looks pretty young. He was filling out a paper but I couldn't make out the title.
Sawyer's POV.
I go up to Colton's room and I look at the little baby standing at the crib. Colton was happy to see me and I pick him up. I walked downstairs to see the boys having a frown on his face and they look up and their jaws drop. They quickly pick up.
Kairi's POV
Kai-damn, we're fucking dumb. It's just a baby.
Sawyer's POV
Sawyer's POV
S-Guys, this is my 'brother' Colton.
Ale-He's adorable!
Ale walks over and holds the baby. You laugh.
S-he's one and half.
You sit down and Layla serves your favorite, homemade lasagna. She rarely makes them, only for special things.
S-Do we have something special today? Because you never made this, only for special days!
Coach-Well, today is special!
Layla smiles and hands you a paper. You open it and it's adoption papers.

'This paper approves for the parents,
Layla Travis  and Will Travis to officially adopt you!'

'Sign here if you approve:'

You tear up.
S-You guys are adopting me?!
Layla-Yes, sweetheart!
You grab an pen and sign it, 'Sawyer Travis.'
Lay-You used our last name....
S-Thank you so
Layla tears up and you hug her. Coach hugs you too.
Coach-Don't call me dad, call me Coach!
You chuckle.
You all sit down and you start eating. You finish and Layla grabs the dishes while Coach helps her out. Kairi grabs your hand
G-Thanks, Kai.
Mattia was staring at your hands again but you didn't notice. You pull away and eat dessert. The boys left and you went up to your bedroom which was grey walls with a rose gold blanket. You took off Kairi's sweater and laid it on your door and fell asleep.

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