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You wake up, your legs sore.
You looked over to see Jaden. Your eyes widen at the thought.
S-fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck!
You whisper to yourself. You look at his face one more time
He's pretty cute, not gonna lie.

You got up and went into your room and put on this

And you were putting on your necklace as you heard someone come at the door frame J-hey

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And you were putting on your necklace as you heard someone come at the door frame
J-so about last night. It was awesome and amazing. But I'm scared if it was all a drunken mistake or I'm just a rebound.
You go up to him and stand on your tippy toes.
S-you're not a rebound. You make me happy. Kairi was amazing too but I'm over him. There's a little of love in my heart for him but my heart is yours. And yes that was a drunk thing. But I'm willing to give this a chance.
J-okay. But if this turns out awkward, remember, we were best friends.

You laughed with Jaden.
S-No problem, J.
You walked downstairs and Jaden was getting ready. You knew he was gonna get ready in at least 10 minutes.
Jh-So how was the party last night?
P-Were you okay? You were gone for a while after you saw Kairi.
S-I'm fine!
You say leaning over the counter. Jaden comes up behind you and put his arms around your waist. He grabbed an apple and chomped in your ear.
J-What?! This?
He chomps louder as he tickles you.
You giggled.
Bl-Okay what is happening here?
S-Oh yeah! I wasn't sobbing in the room. I was with Jaden......having sex.
You walked away.
He shouts he gestures '👌🏼👈🏼'
S-Oh my god! Gross!
You sat in the living room.
J-so wanna go to IHOP?
S-Yes pleaseeeeee!
Jaden giggled and grabbed your hand and put you in his car and drove there. You sat down in the restaurant. You heard the bell jingle and you look up to see Mattia, Ale, Kairi and Lauren.
S-why are they everywhere we go?
You whisper to Jaden and he grabs your hand
J-Don't panic. You're with me!
You smile
S-Thank you.
The waiter comes over
Waiter-What can I do for you guys today?
J-Hi! I'll take the chocolate chip pancakes with whip cream and she'll take the Nutella pancakes with extra whip cream and no chocolate sauce! And two orange juices!
The waiter smiles and walks off
S-that was my favourite order....
J-I know my girl well!
You laugh and you see out of the corner of your eye that Kairi's head turn to your direction and his smile falls. The food comes and you start eating.
J-Do you wanna leave?
S-I don't know. I'm so sorry Jaden
J-Hey it's okay. If you feel awkward with this, we should 'break up'
You giggle
S-Jaden. I'm so sorry but we have to break up.
Jaden gasps dramatically and starts fake crying.
S-It's not you! It's me.
You say bursting out to laughing with Jaden.
J-But we need to move on from what happened last night. We won and we were very drunk and yes it was amazing but I feel so awkward!
S-Oh my god! Same!
J-So, best fran!
S-Yes, best fran!
J-Wanna load up on candy?!
You got up and paid but you wanted to say hi.
You walked over to Kairi's table
S-Hey guys.
Lau-Oh hey Sawyer!
S-Hi! How was the party last night for you guys?
M-Good now go away.
S-What is your problem?! I didn't cheat! I needed a break to myself!
M-Yeah but Kairi was sobbing in his room for 42 hours straight!
S-I was sobbing for 6 days. I felt so bad! I lost the love of my life!
You blurted out. You turned to Lauren
S-I'm so happy for you guys and you guys are so cute together! But it's really hard sometimes.
Lau- I'm so sorry.
S-Please don't apologize! I shouldn't be here in the first place!
You say, starting to cry. You run out of the door and into the car. Jaden drove off and you were sobbing. Jaden arrives in the house and you run in the house and into your room.

Few hours later
You were in sweats and your fluffy bunny slippers. Your hair was up in a bun and you had your clear glasses on.
Kai-Can I come in?
S-Kairi! Yeah sure.
You started to wipe away your dried up mascara and he saw you and his heart broke.
Kairi walked and sat next to you.
S-hey, Kai.
Kai-I'm so sorry. I didn't know that how much it hurt you.
S-the last week, haven't been the same. I miss your face, I miss your laugh, I miss everything. And I did something so stupid to get over you.
Kai-what was it?
S-I had sex with Jaden.
You start full blown sobbing.
S-A-and I was so drunk. We were both drunk and I saw you pulling Lauren in and I'm the worst person ever!
Kai-no, you're not.
S-I thought this break up was gonna be good for us but I can't do this!
He says, standing in front of you and leaning in slowly. His lips finally connect to yours. You pull away
S-Oh my god! What about Lauren?
Kai-She told me to be with you. So I am.

You smile and kiss back. Kairi walked over to your vanity makeup and grabbed a makeup remover wipe and started to clean off your dried smeared mascara. You started to fall asleep so Kairi laid you down on the bed and kairi laid next to you and you cuddled up to him.

You finally got a good night sleep.

this sucks ass, I'm so sorry

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