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You woke up with Charli in your arms. You kiss her forehead gently and she wakes up. She checks her phone and her eyes widen.

C-Dixie called me like three hundred times. She's gonna kill me.

Her phone vibrates and you look at the screen and it says 'I know where you are. And I'm gonna hurt her'

You were lowkey scared so you jolted to the front door and you saw the boys filming tiktoks and you grab them and drag them inside.

S-kairi, lock all doors!

Kairi nods and runs everywhere to lock it. Mattia and Ale closed the curtains and you grab Charli and Devy. You pull them all downstairs.

Kai-Wait I think i forgot to lock the back door!

As you said that, you hear a door busting down.  


You heard stomping upstairs. You see a closet and the memories flash back.

S-Guys, there's a vent in the closet, push it up and crawl straight then take a left! It'll take you out of this house. You guys are in danger!

You say, pushing them towards to the closet. Mattia and Kairi climbs up first and pulls Diego up.
Dev-I'm not leaving you!
C-I'm staying! Devy, you can go!

S-no, both of you, GO! Please.

Devy hugs you one last time and she gets pulled up to the vent. You look at Charli and she's sobbing. You heard Dixie's footsteps getting closer to the door. You pull in Charli for a kiss.

S-I love you. Always.

Then you see the doorknob rattle. You shove Charli in the room and you lock the doors. Dixie busts in and smirks. She pulls out a huge knife. You crouch down to the corner. She, first, cuts your back and you scream out in pain. Blood seeps through your tanktop and down your back.

15 minutes pass

Dixie cut every part of your body and you're laying there lifeless. You hear a gunshot ring in your ears and you see Dixie's body slam onto the ground in your blood mixed with Dixie's. You see the police officers rush to you but your last piece of soul left your body. Your vision turned black.


Suddenly you get awoken with blood transferring in your body. You see Kairi, Ale, Mattia and Devy with IVs in their arms and connected to your arms.

Kai-Hey Sawyer. You lost so much blood so a pint of each blood is going in your body. Our blood matched your type.
S-thank you. where's charli?
Mat-outside, sobbing her eyes out.
S-c-can I see her?
Kai-no. You lost too much blood. you need to be sitting. also, we're almost done with the blood.
S-ugh. this sucks.

another 5 mins pass and everyone took out their IVs from their arms and the nurse comes in and seals up their arms. You get up-righted and your legs hung off the bed. You took off your gown and you were left in your bra and briefs. okay you wore briefs, so what.

the nurse starts stitching you up which took almost a hour because you got cut so much. she tells you she's done and you can leave and leaves the room. you limp over to your clothes and it's sweats and baggy shirt. you carefully slip it over your body and you walked out of the room and you saw Charli and she was about to run to you but Marc held her back

Marc-Remeber hunny, she has stitches. They're healing.
S-It's okay, Mr.D'amelio.

You walk over to Charli and she carefully wraps her arms around you and she hugs you. You see Marc and Heidi smile and you smile back.

Hei-honey, can I talk to you?
S-yeah, Mrs.D'amelio.
Hei-You can call us Marc and Heidi.

You smile and you sit down. 

Marc-It's very sad right now but....your parents.....passed away in a car crash. your little brother and your dog is alright and alive. but they didn't make it.
S-you're kidding me. No! No!
Hei-I'm sorry honey.

You start sobbing and your mouth is open but it's not making any sound. Kairi and the group runs over to you and gives you a group hug.

Hei-hey. You're in our family now. We won't call you a d'amelio because you're dating charli.

You smile lightly and wipe away your tears.

Marc-The funeral is in three days. you can plan it for them.

You nod gently and you go home and to the d'amelio's house.

S-wait. where's Dixie? I saw her get shot.
Hei-she was shot in the head.

you nod slowly.

Hei-before you go to bed, you need cream to put on your stitches. Charli, can you help her?

Charli nods and brings you up to her room and she applies the cream and you go to sleep next to her. But she fell asleep and you didn't.

You thought to yourself,

Everyone i love, gets hurt. When will this pain end? maybe I should be gone. maybe should I stay? I mean, I stayed alive after all these near deaths experience. maybe there's no one there for me. Everyone hates me now. what's the point of living. Maybe I'll just-

Your thoughts get cut off when you fall asleep.

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