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You wake up next to Addison, you were cuddling her for some reason.
S-What the hell?....
Ad-Kairi had to go somewhere so he replaced me with him for you.
S-oh okay.
You rub your eyes.
S-where did he go?
Ad-getting food.
He shouts from downstairs. You groan
You shout back. You grab this outfit

And you brushed your hair

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And you brushed your hair. Everyone was downstairs and you walked down.
S-what's everyone looking at?
You hear a voice say.
S-shit. Ambree! (Made up the name)
Am-You know my nick name right! Bree?
S-Right, Bree.
You say strained.
Am-Give me a hug!
Ambree was your sister. A year older than you and the attention of the family. You were always compared to her and she got all the attention. As she grew up, she became snobby and made fun of you all the time and just hug you like nothing happened. You kept her a secret because she was like a night mare and now she was here, hugging you.
S-Ambree, what are you doing here?
She was wearing an crop top with 'Gucci' across it, the crop top was very.....short. She was wearing ripped jeans and combat boots. She was standing like she was about to break her back.
Am-Why is it so wrong to visit my sister?!
B-Woah, she's your sister?!
Am-Yes, dumb-ass.
S-Hey don't call him that!
Ambree whispers to you
Am-you don't wanna make me hit you.
That sent chills down your spine.
Am-Yes I'm her beautiful sister.
Jh-I wouldn't say 'beautiful'
Ambree shot him a death stare and you couldn't help but laugh.
Am-What are you doing here, with those hot boys?
S-Half of them are taken.
Am-Half? Ouu, more fun. I like you, whatever
She points to Mattia
M-I'm gay, girl.
He walks to your side.
Am-Ew. I need to use the lavatory.
S-The bathroom is over there.
You point to a direction and she walks over to the bathroom. You let go a breath that you didn't know that you've been holding on to.
Ad-So who is that rude bitch?
S-my sister, Ambree. She was really mean to me and now she probably saw me on her FYP and came looking for clout. Layla and Coach aren't gonna be happy. And she might embarrass me.
Jh-Don't worry, we won't take anything in mind.
S-By the way, I was growing up and I had bad habits so they might be half true.
Kairi walks in.
Kai-Hey guys. Good morning babygirl.
S-morning baby boy.
You kiss him and you pull away and Ambree was standing there, asking for attention.
S-Kai, this is my.....sister
You say strained, but Kairi understood immediately, he knew you had a bad family.
S-Her name-
Am-My name is Ambree. Ambree Coles.
Coles was your old last name before you changed to Travis.
Kai-hey. So Sawyer, I got you chocolate chip cookies and Gatorade.
He says, completely ignoring Ambree.
S-Oh thank you, baby.
B-Bro, got the white claws?
Kai-oh my god.
Kairi hands him a package of white claws
Am-Are you guys supposed to drink before 21? You guys are like, 17!
B-Okay but did I ask? I know a guy and he's cool with us. We don't let Kairi because he's a light weight and we don't drink much and Sawyer never drinks.
Bryce lies for you.
Am-Oh thank god sis!
You exhale slowly, getting ready for her embarrassment.
Am-She was a little addicted to drugs and alcohol and pushed me away!
Ambree clings on Josh but he backs away.
S-that's not true, Ambree.
Am-I'm just trying to help, sis.
You close your eyes and you walk into the kitchen and held on the counter so hard that the wood could break. Your hands were shaking and Kairi comes up behind you and rub your arms gently. You finally calm down and you walk into the living room and Ambree is chatting everyone's ears off about the time she went to Paris.
S-Nobody cares, Ambree! And I was supposed to go to that trip! But you butted in because you wanted to get the fashion! I was going to learn the history!
Am-Well no one likes a nerd!
J-Well no one likes a brat.
Jaden backs you up. Ambree scoffs
Am-I come here to surprise you and this is how I get treated?
S-Yeah, that's the hard life, kiddo.
Ambree rolls her eyes. Addison came back with Chanel, Gucci and Victoria Secret bags.
Ad-Hey guys! I was shopping, sorry.
You smile.
Addison gave you five bags, two small bags from Victoria Secret and one huge bag from Gucci and one from Chanel.
S-I can't accept this!
Ad-Please. You've gave us so much light. You helped us get through hard times.
You smile. You grab the Victoria Secret bags. You see Ambree was admiring the Chanel bag.
S-Should I be scared to open this bag?
You point to the VS bag.
Ad-Open it!
S-Guys look away please!
The boys close their eyes and you pull out, it's a dark red lace crop top with matching velvet shorts.
S-Oh. Thanks Addison!
You open the Chanel bag

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