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You wake up cuddling Kairi. It was now one week from lights out tour. You get up and change into black leggings and Kairi's navy blue sweater. You put your hair into a low bun and Kairi's hands snaked around your waist and places a kiss on your cheek.
His goofy smile plasters on his face, both faces still slight red from crying last night. You put on some makeup but you didn't put too much so the red could show, it was around your nose and your cheeks and it made a nice blushing effect. You walked downstairs with Kairi and you sat down and played on your phone.
J-Sup bitches!
S-Yo, Hossler.
Jaden puts two bags front of you.
He says, having a smile on his face. One of the bags were full of brownie mix and cake mixes and another bag was full of icing.
Jh-We have no idea how to cook so....
S-Fine, stupid head.
You get up
S-You're helping.
You point to Kairi and he groans.
S-I'll let you lick the batter?
Kairi's face has a huge smile on his face. You roll your eyes
S-you guys are immature.
You turn around and walks to the kitchen. You start putting everything together.
S-Hey girly.
J-She's making junk for us.
C-Yay! I want food!
You start putting the ingredients in the batter and you see Kairi's cute face, you slap the batter on his nose and he gasps. He
laughs/scoffs and slaps the batter on your face.
You whine. You wipe it off and put your hair up. You put the brownies in the oven and the guys are licking the bowl. You laugh and Addison walks in the kitchen, frowning.
B-What's wrong, scrunchy face?
S-I have brownies in the oven, wanna some?
Ad-I'm not hungry.
S-What's wrong, girly?
Ad-Why are people so mean?
She says, a loud sob escaped her lips.
S-What do you mean, sweety?
Ad-The comments....they say that I'm a whale!
S-Girl no!
You hug her tightly and she sobs into your shoulder. You whisper to her ear
S-don't listen to them, you are beautiful no matter what, keep that smile on your face no matter what.
You pull away and wipe her tears away.
S-I don't see anything wrong with you, just perfection.
Addison smiles. The brownies finish and Bryce's dumb ass decides to grab it without an glove!
B-Ow fucking shit!
S-Dumb ass!
You grab it out with a glove
B-bro can I get that hundred bucks?
Josh hands him a hundred dollar bill. You punch his arm and walk away. You start baking the cake. You put it in the oven and try the brownies. You forgot about the cake until Addison dances to 'all about cake'
You say running over to the oven. You take it out and you look around.
S-It's a little over cooked but it's fine!
You decorate it and Charli puts 'All About Cake' on it and Bryce drew a penis on the side.
He laughs and you punch his arm. You all eat the penis cake and brownies. You sat down.
J-Yo, we should start packing for the lights out tour. It's like in a week and it's three weeks long.
You get up with Kairi and start packing.
Kai-Make sure to pack light clothes, it's super hot as hell there.
You nod and pack some shorts, tank tops and shirts. You finish packing and you sit down again.
Jh-Wanna do a tea-tok?
You sit down with Josh, Bryce and Addison. You felt a drip behind you and it was Kairi. You leaned your head on his chest and Josh starts talking.
Jh-So everyone have been talking about Sawyer and Kairi.
You shot your head up, not expecting to be in any drama.
Kai-Well, we are currently dating but haven't officially committed to it yet.
B-So Sairi or Kawyer?
S-I like Kawyer.
You lean your head back on Kairi's chest, watching the whole thing.
Jh-Guys can you stop eye-fucking?
He says to Addison and Bryce.
You laugh.
B-what?! Nah!
S-Really? You called her scrunchy face this morning.
Bryce goes red. He moves away from you
S-Oh come on, Brycey! I was joking!
Bryce looks away from you. You roll your eyes and grabs a white claw.
S-White claw?
Bryce smiles and grabs it. You roll your eyes and Josh cuts off the camera and edit it.
You play on your phone while the boys go in and talk about something. You play on your phone and Bryce comes out with a camera and Kairi smiling.
S-Babe? What are you smiling for?
You stand up and Kairi grabs your hands and looks at you.
Kai-babe, will you be my girlfriend?
You tear up and pull your hands away gently. You sob into your hands then jump on him like a monkey.
S-yes I will be your girlfriend!
I know Kairi already asked but I wanted to make it more meaningful.

Kai-oh thank god!
You cling onto him and attack him with million of kisses.
Kairi presses a long form kiss on your lips and you kiss back.
B-so should I cut the camera now?
You laugh and back away. You sit down with Kairi and you stay like that all day and Josh and Jaden brings back home chic-a-fila and you ate your supper and you watched movies with the gang and you fell asleep.

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