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You wake up.
Kai-Good morning
S-No it's not.
Kai-Okay, off to a rough start. I know what makes you feel better!
Kairi walks over and kisses you. You pull away smiling.
You laugh and you change to a black tanktop and blue jeans that's ripped right under the butt.
Kai-Nope, go change!
Kai-Do it before I rip it off you.
S-I'll like to see you try.
Kairi smirked

After one pant change and maybe or maybe not a quick blow job later

You changed to leggings and a baggy grey sweater and you walked down to grab an apple and went your way to school. You slowly walk out of the car and see everyone looking at you. They all were whispering and pointing at you.
J-hey look, it's okay, ignore them.
You nodded and looked over at Payton, who was furious.
S-Hey! I'm fine! Please don't cause a scene.
P-okay! For you.
You smile and walk to class with Kairi and Payton.
J-Me and Jaden has to go in your class for helping out with the kids who are struggling.
Jh-We're in your every class.
S-Alright! More fun!
You giggle and you walk to class. You see the teacher
S-Good morning!
Teacher-Good morning, Sawyer.
She gives you a warming smile, like she always does. You smile back and you sit down.
?-Yo, are you the kid who ended up at the hospital because you had a seizure at the game?!
Jack-What?! It's a simple question
P-Yeah, but that simple question might be hurtful!
Now everyone was a bit too loud. You close your eyes and count back to ten silently. Kairi starts to rub your thigh and you look at him and he smiles at you.
Teacher-Okay time for class!
You throw yourself into your work.

At lunch time

S-Ah! My eyes!
Kai-What's wrong babe?
S-I wear contacts and they're dried up now. It's really old. I need to get new ones
You take them out and grab your clear frame glasses and you put your hair in a low pony.
S-Much better.
You smile at the table and the whole table full of boys was looking at you.
You chuckle and you keep eating.
Kai-So this Saturday is our two month anniversary from where we met!
You laugh at yourself
S-I remember we were listening to country music and I was coming back from my mom's....
You say as your smile fell lightly but you put it back
S-Because Kairi gave me a ride there from my soccer game at the beginning of the summer and we were listening to country music while I was sleeping.
Kai-And you looked adorable in my orange hoodie.
You both were looking at each other, smiling and absolutely in love.
You hear Cynthia shout. You sigh and look away from Kairi's beautiful brown eyes.
M-Shush! They were having a beautiful moment!
J-Don't worry, I have it all on camera.
M-You're a life saver.
You laugh and slide up your glasses up your nose.
S-We should go to class now.
You grab Kairi's hand and walk to English with Jaden and Josh.
Jh-So what are you gonna do for the two month anniversary?
S-I don't know.
M-Probably banging all day along.
You throw your book at Mattia
S-Ew! That only happens at night!
You walk to your book and grabs it.
J-Okay, too much info!
You turn around and wink at him and sat down in the classroom. Cynthia and Lauren walks over with their hands on their hips.
Cy-Oh, poor you! You had a seizure!
Lauren-You just want attention!
S-Oh, I want attention? You girls came all the way over there
You say pointing across the classroom
S-To make fun of me?
You stood up slowly
S-You don't want to try me.
Cy-So what?
Jaden says
J-You have permission to rip her head off.
Cy-HAHAHAHA! Rip my head-
You launch at her and slam her body to the ground and you swing.
Lay-SAWYER! Honey, what are you doing?!
You punch her more and more and more. You feel someone put your hair up in a pony. You stood up and kicked her one more time.

In the office

Principal-So you got in a fight?
S-Yes sir.
S-She was making fun of me and my near seizure and my trip to the hospital.
Principal-Okay, you're free to go.
S-Wait what?
Principal-Everyone at this school would never fight her. But you have the guts. We had a bet between the teachers that if this year passes with someone fighting Cynthia, we'll give that person a week off school.
S-Are you kidding me?! That's cool!
Principal-Well you're free to leave the school for the week, you can bring your friends too!
S-Thank you!
You walk out of the principal office and you explain everything as you pack up.
P-So we have a week off school?!
You laugh. So you, Mattia, Kairi, Payton, Jaden and Josh has a week off school so you walked out and went home to have the best week ever.

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