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You partied all night and you didn't get any drinks because you were only 17 but Charli knew a guy and a club called 'Euphoria' that  allows 15+ year olds which has no alcohol. You went in
S-This club is awesome! Thanks Charli!
C-No problem! Let's dance!
You dance on the dance floor and you bump to a guy. You turn around to see Quinton, Anthony, Josh and Jaden.
S-Oh hey guys!
C-What are you doing here?
J-The boys sent us here, "the muscles" to watch you guys.
You roll your eyes.
S-Let's dance!
You dance all around and you grabbed a water. You heard a guy say 'water please'
You turn to your side and see a brown haired guy.
P-I'm Payton
He gets out a hand.
S-I'm Sawyer.
You shake his hand.
P-This isn't usually me, introducing myself immediately but my date just left me for her ex here. Oh, she's over there
You turn around to see Avani and Anthony making out.
P-Wait you know her?
S-I know Anthony. And they used to date. Or now are dating? I don't know. But damn, sorry dude.
P-Ehh. I'm alright.
You hear your phone ring on the counter and you pick up
S-Hey baby boy.
Kai-How are you? Is the boys already there?
S-Yes babe.
Kai-okay, just don't cheat on me.
S-Babe, are you crazy? I would never cheat on you!
Kai-okay okay! I'll see you later.
S-You too.
P-What's his name?
P-Oh! I know him! I'm going on tour with him!
S-Wait,what tour?
P-It's a three week long tour with all Tiktokers on a bus and we ride all over the country and sometimes we fly on the plane.
Jh-oh shit.
S-Joshua Richards, answer me now.
Jh-We wanted to tell you but Kairi was scared to ask you because Kairi wanted to bring you but he was scared of his fans being rude to you.
S-Well, they can be rude because he's my boyfriend and I love him!
J-Oh thank god! We have a empty seat in the bus and you can take it! Chase was supposed to come but you got the seat! Perfect!
You chuckle and you dance with Payton.
S-You got some moves!
You accidentally bump to a girl and made her spill her drink
S-I'm so sorry, girl!
Zoe-Oh my god! You're gonna get it.
S-Really? With what?
Zoe-Dance battle!
You laugh and everyone goes to a circle.

(You were on the hip hop side)

You started dancing and Payton joined along. You smiled at him and Addison and Charli joined along. Zoe's side joined along. The dance finished
DJ-Clap for the blondie's side!
Nobody clapped
DJ-Oof, and for the brunette's side!
The whole club clapped and cheered. Zoe scoffed and left.
You hug Payton and you both jolt away.
P-it's okay, I know you have a boyfriend.
You hug the girls. You decide to go home and you hop in the car. You change into sweats and leave your top on.
You hear your phone blow up and you see TikTok room


(Pretend that's Sawyer and Payton in a dance club)@payton & @sawyeris Sawyer cheating on Kairi?! Poor him

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(Pretend that's Sawyer and Payton in a dance club)
@payton & @sawyer
is Sawyer cheating on Kairi?! Poor him.

S-What the hell?!
You commented

stop spreading lies! I've just won a dance battle with Payton and I hugged him because I was happy, but we backed away very quickly because I was dating Kairi. Don't post anything until you get the real proof.

S-Shit! Kairi is gonna hate me.
You arrive to the house and you run to the house.
M-Nice job, Sawyer.
Mattia said, standing up.
S-Where's Kairi? I need to talk to him.
P-I'm so sorry, it's my fault.
Ale-Oh, you're the asshole!
Jh-Guys, just stop.
He starts explaining with Payton and you ran upstairs. You opened the door and Kairi's eyes were puffy red and the post on his phone.
He says looking up.
Kai-You told me that you wouldn't cheat on me!
Kai-Don't call me that, Sawyer.
Your eyes well up.
S-You probably hate me so much right now but-
Kai-Hate you?! I loved you, Sawyer! With my whole heart!
S-Kairi! You need to listen to me, just spare me a minute. And you can leave forever.
Kairi looks at you.
S-I bumped to a girl and she challenged me to a dance battle and I did it, Payton joined me with others and we won. I was so happy and we both hugged. But after like 3 seconds, we jolted away because he knew that I had a boyfriend, and I love you. So much, Kairi.
You become quiet. You and Kairi starts fighting for about 15 minutes and you told him everything and your hands were on your face, sobbing.
He pins you on the wall and his hand was above your head. You close your eyes, ready for him to hit you but he says in your ear
Kai-don't ever cry front of me again, I can't afford to lose you.
And kissed you hard on the mouth.
You kiss back, your tear stained faces pressing. You hugged him
Kai-I'm sorry, baby.
S-it's okay.
You wipe away your tears and you walked downstairs.
Kai-Sup bro!
Jh-Did you know that your girlfriend is coming on tour?
Kai-Wait what?
S-Yeah I'm coming!
Kairi smiles and hugs you. You all sit down and Payton left early and you all talk until you fell asleep.

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