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You woke up, Payton and Kairi jumping on your bed.
S-Go away!
Then you hear more boys run in and jump on you. Kairi smiles at you and kisses your forehead.
S-Guys get off! Please!
You start lightly hyperventilating
J-Boys, get off now!
Everyone quickly gets off and you close your eyes and count backwards from ten. Kairi comes by your side.
Bl-Whats going on?
Kai-She just got scared by the pressure on her.
S-I'm really nervous about the game!
Noah-Oh okay. There's breakfast if you want!
The boys run out expect for Mattia, Ale and Payton
P-You have anxiety attacks?
P-Same. That's why I never play anything. The pressure is too much.
S-I play it to ease it and gets my mind off it. Plus my coach is my dad so he goes easy on me.
P-How did you get your anxiety attacks?
S-My parents abused me physically.
P-My dad's ex-girlfriend sexually abused me since I was 8 then my dad broke up with her because he found out when I was 12.
You tear up at the thought and you stood up and hugged him. He sinks into your hug and hugs you back.
S-I'm so sorry.
P-I'm sorry for you too.
You back away and smiled at him. You wipe away a tear and you walk downstairs with Kairi.
Josh and Jaden gives you an assuring smile.
S-I want pancakes!
You walk over to the table to see your plate empty. You look up to see Mattia and Ale's faces stuffed with pancakes.
You chase after them and push them in the pool.
You walk in the house.
S-Beck, you better make me more pancakes before I push you in there too.
Noah-Yes, ma'am, yes!
He says, doing an salut. You laugh.
He starts making the pancakes. You sat down and Kairi came behind you and hugged you.
Kai-I love you.
S-I love you too.
He kisses your head. Noah finishes making the pancakes and gives it to you and Kairi and you start eating.
M-We have to be at practice in twenty minutes. Get ready.
You stood up and changed to shorts and hopped in Mattia's car and drove to the practice. You run on the field and start playing.
Fast forward 7:30 pm
You were back at the house and you ran downstairs in your jersey. You were very nervous. Charli, Payton, Jaden and Josh was coming so you all hopped in the car. You tried to get deep breathes but your hands continued to shake. You arrived to the high school field and saw the students there. There's over 200 people there and they were chanting. You sat down and drank some water. You haven't told the boys that you were nearly having an anxiety attack. The boys went on the field and started to play.
Now they're 4-1
M-That was an awesome shot, Kai!
Kai-Oh me? That was nothing!
Blood was pounding in your ears and your stomach was doing back flips.
Ten minutes later
It was your turn to be on the field so you, Mattia, Ale and Kairi went on the field. You start to run but your head was so dizzy. You slowed down and your breathing start to hyperventilate. Your vision started to blur and everything was in slow motion.
You hear him say in slow motion.
M-Everyone stop!
Your eyelids started to droop and you fell to the ground and passed out.
Kairi's POV
I see my girlfriend pass out on the field and everyone stopped for her sake. I ran over to her and her pulse was racing. Her chest was falling up and down quickly. She was close to having an anxiety attack all day and I didn't notice. This one is probably her worst one. The game stopped and I picked her up and ran to Mattia's car and Jaden, Josh, Charli and Payton ran with us and Jaden floored it. We finally got to the hospital under three minutes. Her whole body started to shake violently and tears fell from her eyes and whimpers from her mouth like "please stop!" "He's hurting me!"
J-My friend is having a huge anxiety attack and she's shaking violently!
Nurse-Yeah, I'll be there in a minute.
Payton screams. The nurse calls over a bed and I place Sawyer on the bed
Kai-Her name is Sawyer Travis.
The men brings her in the emergency room.

7 hours later: Charli's POV
No food.... no news......nothing and we're still here. Payton's leg was bouncing up and down and Kairi was muttering and pacing. Sawyer's mother was clutching her purse out of worry and Sawyer's father was looking around and calming the mother down as Jaden, Josh, Mattia and Ale are confused and talking. Addison and Bryce came few hours ago.
Kai-I'm sorry but we have been here over 6 hours and there's no news!
Just then the doctor comes
Doctor-Sawyer nearly had a bad seizure and her body shook a bit rough that she got herself into a coma. We don't know how long.
The mother burst into tears and I walk over to her and calm her down.
Kai-I could've stopped it!
Doctor-We're allowing visitors. But parents first.
The mother and father stood up and walked in the room
Kairi's POV
I wait for fifteen minutes and the mother walks out. Me and the friends go in to see Sawyer's body lifeless and strapped up in tubes. I walk over to her and hold her hand.
I put on some country music
M-Bro, can you turn that shit off?
Kai-fine, god.
I reach to turn it off but Sawyer grabs my hand and pulls it back.
S-I like it.
She falls back asleep, holding my hand. She was exhausted but I didn't want to let go.
End of flashback
Kai-I love you so much, Sawyer.
I say bursting out in tears. I held her hand close to my face. My girlfriend, that couldn't wake up, eat, have a normal life is on the hospital bed by me on her side, sobbing.
Mattia walks over to me and holds my shoulder. I see the promise ring around her finger and I kiss it gently. I stood up and walked in the corner. Everyone was taking turns around to visit Sawyer. I was gonna stay by her side no matter what. Everyone had to go home and I curled up in the chair and slept.
Fast forward 26 hours
It's been over a day and I was at home, taking a shower and the bitch nurse made me go home and get some sleep.
Sawyer's POV
Your eyes flutter open and you felt exhausted. You look down to see you're in a hospital gown, again.
The doctor rushes in and smiles but fails
Doctor-Hi Sawyer. You had an very bad anxiety attack and nearly had a seizure.
You couldn't believe at the idea and you break down to tears again. You cry for few minutes and wipe them away. The doctors was asking you questions until you remembered!
S-Where's my Kairi? My boyfriend!
Doctor-He will be back soon!
The doctor leaves and you try to flatten your hair. Your mother rushes in and sees you. She had eye bags and no makeup. She rushes to you and hugs you. Coach hugs both of you.
S-I'm so sorry.
Coach-Don't apologize! It wasn't your fault!
Lay-I've been thinking that, you should put her on the bench for few months, until she is a lot better.
S-I want to do it!
You cut him off
S-I need to get better.
Your mom and dad nods and leaves you because they had to make their appointments.
The doctor brings in food and you eat some. You hear the door open and see Jaden, Josh, Charli, Payton, Mattia, Ale and Kairi
S-hey guys.
Kairi shoves Mattia out of the way and runs to you. He wraps his arms around you tightly and you never wanted to let go.
M-Okay let's leave if they're gonna make out.
You hear the door close and you pull away and crash your lips on his. He grips your thighs and presses his lips on your harshly. You pull away.
S-I'm so sorry. I should've told you.
Kai-Baby, it's not your fault.
M-Can we come in?
You chuckle. Payton hugs you first then everyone else
J-Hey loser.
S-Sup asshead.
You chuckle and hug him tightly. You got up and changed into fresh clothing and went home. You opened the door
S-Hey losers!
You hug Addison. You see Blake, Noah and Quinton confused as hell.
S-I have anxiety attacks and last night got me overboard. I'm sorry if I scared you.
Noah-You didn't scare us. Just let us know if you need anything, even you don't know us.
You nod
S-I would go to sleep right now but I was in a coma so I guess not.
You joked lightly.
S-You guys can joke around if you want. I don't mind.
You walked to the kitchen and grabbed a burger and sat down
P-That was mine.
S-Oh, you want this?
You say, licking the burger and handing to him
P-Fuck you bitch.
You giggle and continue eating. You see and it was dark out now. You decide to go to sleep to get ready for school tomorrow.

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